Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2816: Compromised?

The White Winged Pegasus stopped over the forest.

Ji Tianxing sat on horseback, looking down at Wuxia Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there is a huge black stone with three people standing on it.

The headed person wore a black robe and a cloak, covering his true colors.

The other is a young man in a green robe.

Ji Tianxing recognized it at a glance, it was Zhu Qingcheng!

As for the third person, it was naturally unlucky to return it all.

There was still a curse on his body, his power was sealed, and Zhu Qingcheng was held in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing was startled for a moment, and immediately showed a sneer.

"Haha... it's really unforgettable!

I wish Qingcheng! I have known for a long time that you approached me deliberately, and you were definitely not at ease.

But I didn't expect you to be so frantic! "

Ji Tianxing's tone was indifferent, with a fierce murderous intent hidden in his eyes.

He is always wary of Zhu Qingcheng and Guiyuan Hui.

Because of this, he refused Zhu Qingcheng's invitation and did not join the Guiyuan Association.

But into the strange Castle of Green Mountain.

He always believed that in the dangerous and cruel God Realm, it is better to trust others than to rely on himself.

The only intersection between him and Zhu Qingcheng was that the other party gave him a household registration card.

But after he entered the Qi family and became an offering, he discarded the household registration card.

Because he didn't want to have anything to do with Guiyuan.

But he did not expect that Zhu Qingcheng would hijack Qi and return it, forcing him to come to Wuxia Mountain.

This is really despicable!

Zhu Qingcheng still smiled and said to Ji Tianxing: "Brother Tianxing, you misunderstood me.

In fact, at the beginning, I really wanted to help you.

But you are too arrogant. Not only did you refuse my invitation, you also entered Qingshan City and climbed the Qi family.

You have a top secret treasure, but you refuse to join us. This makes us very sad!

In desperation, we can only use this method, please come and talk in person. "

Ji Tianxing frowned, his eyes getting colder.

He could hear that the top secret treasure mentioned by Zhu Qingcheng should refer to the chance of heaven!

After all, Zhu Qingcheng watched him walk out of the soaring pond and witnessed him behead Lin Wuji.

How could an ascendant who had just stepped into the realm of the gods been so powerful if he hadn't gotten the chance of heaven?

What's more, Ji Tianxing also served as an offering to the Qi family and helped the Qi family win the Xuanguang Cave.

This makes Zhu Qingcheng and Guiyuanhui more certain about this!

Ji Tianxing nodded and said with a sneer: "Chu Qingcheng! Obviously you are coveting my abilities and supernatural powers. If you can't win them, you will grab them, but they are so hypocritical.

You Guiyuanhui is really despicable! "

Suddenly hearing the three words'guiyuanhui', Qi Huanzhi's pupils suddenly shrank, and a cold light flashed under his eyes.

"Guiyuan Hui? Is it the force formed by many protoss and ascendants against the kingdom of God?

Humph! Damn Guiyuan, I remember you!

You are waiting!

As long as Lao Tzu returns to Qingshan City, he will use all means to destroy the Guiyuan Club! "

Qi Huanzhi is very clever and didn't say these words, just cursing in his heart.

At the same time, he also made up his mind that he would die with Guiyuan.

At the same time, the black-robed man with the cloak shouted in a low tone: "Chu Qingcheng, don't talk nonsense with him, it's time to do something!"

Zhu Qingcheng said and obeyed, looking at Ji Tianxing with cold eyes, and said: "Brother Tianxing, I won't say anything else.

Since you are here and don't hand over the top secret treasure, don't want to leave alive.

You are a smart person and you should know how to do it! "

As his voice fell, more than twenty figures appeared around the top of the mountain, all flying into the sky.

That was the twenty-four masters of Guiyuanhui, all wearing divine armor and holding swords and magic weapons.

They dispersed, enclosing the sky in a radius of fifty miles.

Everyone is ready to go, locking in the breath of Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing didn't mean to do anything, frowning and asked: "Zhu Qingcheng, are you afraid that your brain is flooded?

My top secret treasure has been merged with my godhead, how can I hand it over? "

Zhu Qingcheng was taken aback, a little bit troubled.

Indeed, the so-called top-secret treasure is a chance for heaven, a special divine power or magical law.

That's not a real thing, how can it be handed over?

The black-robed man said in a harsh tone: "Either you join us and be driven by us.

Either this seat will kill you and refine your godhead! "

Ji Tianxing glanced at him and asked, "If I'm not mistaken, this powerhouse with the duality of gods and monarchs should be your vice president, right?"

The vice president asked in a deep voice: "Since you have guessed the identity of this seat, you should understand that this seat will kill you easily!"

"Well, that's true." Ji Tianxing nodded, and said in a calm tone: "Since I am bound to die, then I will choose the first one and join the Guiyuan Association."

Zhu Qingcheng breathed a sigh of relief, a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

The vice chairman said in a deep voice: "You are acquainted with you kid! However, I don't believe you.

Want to join us?

You are now self-proclaimed divine power, and only after this seat implants the soul-shifting crystal into your godhead will you be considered as a member. "

After all, the vice president flipped his palm, and a dark red spar appeared in his palm.

It was a diamond-shaped **** crystal, exuding cold and mysterious power fluctuations, and had the effect of manipulating the mind.

Once Ji Tianxing's godhead was implanted with this soul-shifting crystal, he became a puppet of Guiyuanhui.

At that time, his spirit and consciousness will be manipulated by Gui Yuan Hui.

Even if Guiyuan would let him kill his wife and children, he could only execute orders.

In short, something like Soul Transferring is very scary and very vicious!

Ji Tianxing glanced at the soul shifting crystal, squinted his eyes, and sneered: "Okay, I can promise you, but I have a condition!

This is the grievance between me and Guiyuanhui, and it has nothing to do with the young master of the Qi family.

You let him go now and allow him to escape alone..."

Zhu Qingcheng interrupted him immediately and sneered: "No! Do you want him to escape from here and inform the Qi family?"

The vice president also said in a deep voice, "Boy, don't you want to play tricks!"

Ji Tianxing looked indifferent and said: "Since you don't agree~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then talk about it?

Okay, then let's fight a battle!

Even if I die in this battle, I have to pull a few backs.

Moreover, I will explode my godhead and will never let you get that treasure.

At that time, you will lose so many elite masters in vain, and you will become mortal enemies with the Qi family.

Qi Huanzhi is the only son of the Qi family leader. If he dies, the Qi family will destroy the Guiyuan Association at all costs.

Ha ha ha... Think about the consequences for yourself. "

Hearing these words, Zhu Qingcheng's face immediately became gloomy, and cold light flickered in her eyes.

He hesitated for a moment, and transmitted the voice to the vice president: "Vice president, our goal is the opportunity of heaven, there is no need to forge feuds with the Qi family."

The vice president was silent, weighing and considering for a long time before he said: "Okay, I promise you your terms!"

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