Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2817: Was fooled!

Seeing that the vice chairman finally agreed.

Ji Tianxing smiled and applauded: "The vice president is really smart and knows which one is more important."

The vice president was very angry and kept silent.

Zhu Qingcheng glared at Ji Tianxing before unlocking the two seals on Qi Huanzhi's body, allowing him to regain his mobility.

Of course, Qi Huanzhi's divine power and consciousness were still sealed.

He can't perform magical powers and secrets, he can only walk and run like a mortal.

"get out!"

Zhu Qingcheng kicked Qi Huanzhi's back and cursed.

Qi Huanzhi staggered and fell to the ground, rolling a dozen times on the grass before stopping.

He glared at Zhu Qingcheng with a bitter look, then turned to look at Ji Tianxing, and shouted: "Brother Tianxing, I'm sorry, I'm the one who killed you!

I thought you could do miracles and there was a way to save me, so I sent you a message.

If I had known it, it was the result... I would never send you a message! "

Qi Huanzhi's voice was crying, full of self-blame and guilt.

Before leaving Qi Mansion, Ji Tianxing told him several things.

One of the things was a secret code agreed upon by the two.

Another thing is that if he is hijacked by a certain force, his life must be given priority.

Be sure to follow the other party's requirements and not make blind sacrifices.

Therefore, after Qi Huanzhi was kidnapped, he remained calm and composed.

He thought to himself, how wise is the son of Tianxing?

How can there be things that Lord Tianxing can't do?

So, in accordance with Zhu Qingcheng's request, he sent a subpoena to Ji Tianxing and added a code.

He thought that Ji Tianxing would understand what he meant and find a way to save him.

No matter how bad, he will bring a large number of masters from the Qi family to Wuxia Mountain to rescue him.

But... Ji Tianxing went to the appointment alone and came to Wuxia Mountain.

Not only did he not bring a master from the Qi family, but he was also surrounded by people from Guiyuanhui.

In order to save his life, Ji Tianxing had to be planted with the Soul Crystal to become a puppet of the Gui Yuan Hui!

When he thought of this, Qi returned it to despair, moved and regretted!

Zhu Qingcheng sneered contemptuously: "Master Qi, you are really fantastic!

We have laid an ambush here long ago. Tianxing is here to die. What miracle can he create?

Get out of here!

Otherwise, what happens later, I will kill you together! "

Qi Huanzhi glared at him and cursed: "Your name is Zhu Qingcheng, isn't it? You are a dead pervert without birds, I remember you!

You wait for me!

If you dare to kill Brother Tianxing, I will run out of your wealth and you will be thwarted! "

Zhu Qingcheng was immediately furious, her angry face was livid, and she raised her hand to cast a spell, beating them all.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing in the sky shouted coldly with a majestic expression: "Return it, Qi! What are you doing in a daze?

I sacrificed myself to save your life. Are you still leaving here?

Get out! Disappear in front of this seat immediately! "

Zhu Qingcheng frowned, finally suppressed her anger and retracted her palm.

Qi also froze for a moment, and suddenly understood something.

He quickly turned around and ran down the mountain, howling and crying as he ran, shouting: "Brother Tianxing, I am sorry for you!

Thank you for saving my life. I will remember your kindness and always remember! "

Although he can't use his divine power, he is a nine-fold **** with a very powerful body.

He flees desperately, as fast as an arrow from the string.

After a few breaths, he rushed down Wuxia Mountain and got into the vast jungle.

In a short while, he disappeared.

The mountain is silent.

After a full quarter of an hour.

Qi Huanzhi probably ran for two hundred miles.

At this time, the vice chairman said in a deep voice: "Boy, we have kept our promise and left.

Now it is your time to fulfill your promise!

Self-proclaimed supernatural power, take down the soul-shifting crystal of this seat! "

After speaking, the vice president held the soul-shifting crystal, stepped into the sky, and walked towards Jitian.

Ji Tianxing looked at him, suddenly showing a joking sneer, and gently shook his head: "Hey, I didn't expect someone to be so stupid, I believe the enemy will keep his promise!"

The footsteps of the vice president stopped abruptly.

Zhu Qingcheng's complexion also changed abruptly, staring at Ji Tianxing angrily, and coldly shouted: "What do you mean?!"

Ji Tianxing looked at him sympathetically, and said with a chuckle: "Isn't that clear? I lied to you, and the ghosts are willing to join your break-up meeting!

You are being tricked!

Did you understand this time? "

Zhu Qingcheng smiled with anger, and pointed at him, "Boy, this is your own death!"

The vice president was also furious, and sneered: "I really don't understand. You are already in a heavy siege. How can you have the courage to resist?"

As soon as Ji Tianxing stretched his right hand, he sacrificed the Heaven Burial Sword, and sneered: "With these chickens and dogs, you also want to besiege me?

Only you, a god, can pose a threat to me, it's just a little troublesome. "

Seeing him so confident and arrogant, the vice chairman put away the soul-shifting crystal and shouted coldly: "Boy! Since you insist on seeking death, then this seat will fulfill you!"

When the voice fell, the vice-chairman's figure flashed, and he teleported to Ji Tianxing, raising his palms and taking pictures.

Two brilliant colorful lights, carrying the power of the five laws, suddenly shot to Ji Tianxing.

However, Ji Tianxing teleported long ago and avoided ahead of time.


In the deafening muffled sound, the two groups of divine light shot by the vice president slammed the white-winged Tianma fiercely.

The poor, handsome white-winged Pegasus ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was directly photographed to smash, exploding into pieces of flesh and blood.

at the same time.

Ji Tianxing appeared behind Zhu Qingcheng, swinging his sword with all his strength to pierce the sky with sword light.

"Despicable man, go to death!"


More than 30 dazzling golden sword lights, carrying twelve laws of power, enveloped Zhu Qingcheng's figure.

Zhu Qingcheng thought that if Ji Tianxing couldn't survive a single move, he would be killed by the vice chairman.

He never expected that Ji Tianxing would attack him.

As a result, his reaction was a step slower.

When he wanted to escape, Jian Guang was already present, and he had no way to escape.

In a critical moment, he can only fully urge the divine shield to protect himself.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

In the next moment, all thirty-six brilliant sword lights hit Zhu Qingcheng.

The deafening loud noise immediately exploded in the sky.

Zhu Qingcheng's divine shield was so vulnerable that it was directly smashed into pieces.

He was also struck by more than thirty sword lights, splashed with blood, and one of his left arms was cut off and flew into the sky.


With a screaming scream, Zhu Qingcheng flew out in a ragged and embarrassed manner and hit several Guiyuanhui masters.

Just at this time.

Six dazzling divine lights suddenly lit up in the sky around Wuxia Mountain.

Those were two beautiful women, a little girl with pink jade carvings, and a strange young man with silver hair.

And a black dragon a hundred miles long, and a sky fox as big as a mountain.

That was Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Bai Long and others!

They appeared out of thin air, attacking many Guiyuanhui masters like lightning.


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