Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2825: Hooked

Deacon She's words made the other four deacons nod their heads frequently and agreed.

"Yes! Zhu Qingcheng is the nephew of the vice president and has always been favored and trusted!"

"Zhu Qingcheng's ability is not as good as ours, but the status is higher than ours. Isn't it because of the vice president?"

"So, this time they were greedy for merit, and killed more than 20 masters. They also suffered heavy injuries. They all took the blame!"

"By the way, Deacon She, if we just rush to Shayue Mountain and take them back to Longyin Island smoothly, wouldn't it be considered a meritorious service?"

A thin, black-faced deacon raised a question.

The other three deacons were quiet, looking at Deacon She together, waiting for an answer.

Deacon She nodded and said with a sneer: "If things go so well, we can only ask the vice chairman to let us receive the same reward as Zhu Qingcheng.

However, both Zhu Qingcheng and the vice chairman sent us a subpoena, indicating that the situation is very urgent.

The masters and guards of the Qi family are still searching for them both...

If they are in danger, won't we have a chance to make merit? "

Hearing what he said, the four deacons brightened their eyes and nodded in agreement.


"It's so good!"

"I hope the guards of the Qi family will find them as soon as possible!"

"When the two of them were under siege and their lives were hanging by a thread, it is definitely a huge contribution to our rescue!"

Thinking about it this way, the deacons were in balance, and they couldn't wait.

At this moment, a master came to the door of the secret room and reported: "Thanks to Deacon She, we will be at Shayue Mountain soon."

"Let's go, let's see the situation first." Deacon She stood up and walked out of the secret room with the four deacons.

The five came to the bow of the ship and stood still, looking ahead.

Thousands of miles ahead are endless primitive jungles.

Only a towering black shadow stood in the jungle.

The five deacons could see clearly that it was a mountain that was thousands of feet high.

Moreover, the scorching sun from the high sky shone down, and the golden light on the upper half of the mountain shone, very brilliant.

There is no doubt that it is Shayue Mountain!

When approaching Shayue Mountain for five thousand miles, the divine ship began to slow down.

The five deacons also released their spiritual knowledge, and explored the surroundings of Shayue Mountain and the conditions on the summit in advance.

Although they were here to meet the vice chairman, they did not relax their vigilance.

After two breaths, the four deacons finished the investigation and shook their heads at the same time.

"The surrounding area of ​​Shayue Mountain is safe, and no guards from the Qi family were found."

Deacon She was silent, with a faint green light in his pupils, carefully observing the jungle and the land around Shayue Mountain.

After a while, he showed a sneer and said: "South of Shayue Mountain, hundreds of miles away, there are more than 30 home guards hiding in the ground.

Although they were hiding underground and approaching Shayue Mountain in secret, how could they escape the detection of this seat? "

The four deacons all know that Deacon She has practiced special magic tricks.

They were not surprised at this answer.

"Deacon She, what shall we do?"

"Destroy the Qi family guards first, and then go to meet the vice president?"

Deacon She shook his head and sneered: "If this is the case, can the vice president still feel the life and death crisis?

Even if we destroy the Qi family guards, how much credit can we have?

hold on! "

As a result, the divine ship stopped in the clouds thousands of miles away, watching the movement of Shayue Mountain quietly.

The consciousness of the five deacons all stared at the situation on the top of the mountain.

They clearly saw a black boulder on the top of the mountain.

The vice president, wearing a black robe and cloak, is sitting on the boulder, meditating and adjusting his breath.

His divine aura was very weak, and he seemed to have suffered a serious injury.

Zhu Qingcheng was sitting behind him, also looking weak and frustrated, both legs were cut off, and his injuries were extremely tragic.

And the goal of Guiyuanhui, the ascending person named Tianxing, was lying on the boulder covered in blood, his life and death unknown.

Seeing this scene, the five deacons were relieved.

They even couldn't help laughing, gloating.

In a short while, the more than 30 Qi family guards south of Shayue Mountain, led by Qi Huanzhi, quickly rushed out of the ground.

They flew across the sky quickly and went straight to Shayue Mountain.

Looking at the posture, it was obvious that the vice chairman and Zhu Qingcheng had been found.


After ten breaths, Qi Huanzhi and more than 30 Qi family guards surrounded the mountain.

The vice chairman and Zhu Qingcheng were all trapped in the encirclement.

They were still sitting on the boulder, showing no response, looking extremely calm and calm.

Qi Huanzhi was anxious and angry, and shouted murderously: "Assholes of Guiyuan Hui, you have been surrounded, immediately hand over Son Tianxing, otherwise you will be broken into pieces!"

His voice was loud, spreading thousands of miles.

More than 30 Qi family guards also clenched their swords and pointed at the vice president and Zhu Qingcheng.

The atmosphere at the top of the mountain is tense, and a **** fight is inevitable.

At this time, the vice president sitting still in place, slowly turned his head and looked at the divine ship thousands of miles away.

He just glanced at it and turned around.

Although, Deacon She and others were far away, unable to see the expression and eyes of the vice president.

But they knew in their hearts that the vice president knew they were coming.

"The vice chairman has found out that there is no need to act, let's save people!"

Deacon She gave the order without expression.

As a result, the divine ship pierced the sky like a flash and flew straight to Shayue Mountain.


The divine ship stopped over Shayue Mountain.

Standing at the bow of the ship, the five deacons bowed their hands towards the vice-chairman on the top of the mountain, and said in unison: "Meet the vice-chairman."

Deacon She took a step forward and smiled and said: "My Vice President, we received your order and hurriedly convened the elite experts in the meeting to come as fast as possible.

Fortunately, we arrived in time! "

However, the vice president still sat on the boulder and did not respond.

The five deacons glanced at each other, secretly communicated with each other, and said, "Why doesn't the vice president speak?"

"Could it be that his injury is so serious that he dared not speak so as not to be seen through?"

"It's very possible! He is a strong man ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ sitting still, and can also deter the guards of the Qi family.

If he reveals a flaw, I am afraid the Qi family guard will attack. "

Deacon She frowned and thought for a moment, then ordered: "You two go to protect the vice chairman and Zhu Qingcheng, and the other two will follow me and kill the Qi family guard first..."

After finishing speaking, Deacon She offered a jade walking stick to kill Qi's guard first.

The two deacons hurriedly followed, and forty elite masters also rushed out of the divine ship, brandishing their swords and launching a charge.

The guards of the Qi family obviously did not expect this result.

Under the leadership of Qi Huanzhi, everyone turned around in panic and fled.

"Hahaha...a group of cocks, never want to run away!"

Deacon She laughed murderously, speeding up the hunt.

At the same time, the other two deacons landed on the boulder on the top of the mountain to protect the vice chairman and Zhu Qingcheng.

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