Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2826: Surrender

The two deacons of Zhu Qingcheng, who protects the vice chairman, are a brawny bald man and a squat middle-aged man with lumpy faces.

The two fell on the boulder, ignoring Ji Tianxing, who was lying "unconscious" on the ground.

Their eyes fell on the vice chairman and Zhu Qingcheng.

After just one glance, the two realized something was wrong.

The vice-chairman had lost half of his body, had a weak breath, and had already passed out in a coma.

And Zhu Qingcheng, also in a coma, had all her limbs amputated.

Because of this, they both sat stiffly on the boulder, unresponsive to everything outside.

Before the divine ship was thousands of miles away, they couldn't see the specific situation.

Now close at hand, the two deacons could see clearly.


"How could this be?"

The two deacons glanced at each other and both showed incredibly shocked expressions.

The two of them immediately realized that there was a problem in it, which was probably a trap!

However, they realized it was too late.

Ji Tianxing, who had been in a'coma,' appeared next to them like a ghost, swinging his sword silently.


The dazzling colorful sword light, carrying the power of the law to destroy the world, instantly drowned the two deacons.


In the muffled sound, the two men were cut off their necks by Jianguang on the spot, and a **** arrow splashed into the sky.

The two heads were also smashed by Jianguang, exploding a large cloud of blood.

The godhead inside burst on the spot and flew into the sky.

Before landing, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and grabbed the two godheads, and squeezed them to pieces.

The two deacons of the Eightfold Heavenly God Realm were killed instantly by him.

Until the moment of death, the two deacons didn't understand what was going on?

at the same time.

Qi Huanzhi and the Qi family guards who were ‘fleeing in panic’ suddenly stopped running after escaping three hundred miles.

Facing the Deacon She and the Guiyuanhui masters who were chasing and killing them, not only were they not afraid, they also showed a playful sneer.

Deacon She, who rushed to the forefront, immediately realized what was wrong.

He quickly stopped chasing, turned his head subconsciously, and looked at the boulder on the top of the mountain.

Then, he saw the scene of the two deacons being killed by Ji Tianxing in seconds.

Deacon She's body became stiff, and he was dumbfounded with a hum in his head.

He couldn't believe it was true!

But he was an experienced master, and immediately realized that he was hit, and hurriedly shouted: "Stop! Stop!

We got it! Go back to the godship and leave here! "

Although there are not many people in the Qi family, they have a great chance of winning.

But Deacon She is cautious and will not take risks.

He knew very well that the vice chairman and Zhu Qingcheng were mostly abandoned.

The white-robed boy could kill two deacons instantly, and of course he and the other two deacons could also be killed.

Once entangled and killed, they are likely to be wiped out.

The other two deacons and forty elite masters, upon hearing Deacon She's order, all stopped fighting.

Everyone was shocked and unbelievable.

But they believed in Deacon She, turned and fled without hesitation, and flew to the godship at the fastest speed.

However, at this time.

The two Sovereign Divine Formations suddenly started.


A dark golden light covering the sky and the sun, like a sky curtain, enveloped a radius of five hundred miles.

This area was instantly sealed.

At the same time, another colorful mask appeared out of thin air, covering the entire Shayue Mountain.

Qi Huanzhi and the Qi family guards were not affected at all outside the colorful mask.

On Shayue Mountain, only Ji Tianxing, Zhu Qingcheng, the vice president, and the members of the Guiyuanhui were left.


In the colorful light curtain, thousands of thunder and flame sword lights were released, pouring down towards Deacon She and others.

Suddenly, the dazzling colorful divine light filled the world.


"Boom bang bang!"


Thousands of brilliant lightsabers repeatedly bombarded this area, bursting with deafening noises, shaking the sky.

Forty Guiyuanhui masters were strangled clean after only ten breaths of time in the sword light.

The three deacons survived without being bombarded.

But they were badly wounded and completely bloody.

Suffering such a heavy blow, their combat effectiveness dropped sharply.

Neither can resist, nor can it escape from the Sovereign Divine Array, there is only a dead end.

All three are desperate.

They raised their weapons one after another, shouting hoarsely: "Stop! We surrender!"

"Stop! Let's spare our lives!"

As a result, Ji Tianxing snapped his fingers, and the magical formation immediately stopped.

Thousands of colorful sword lights were also suspended in the sky, still standing still.

The entire Shayue Mountain disappeared, and was strangled by the sword formation into endless dust and piled into ruins.


Ji Tianxing landed from the sky and stood on the ruins covered with golden sand.

The eyes of the three deacons all fell on him, looking carefully.

Until then, the three can see clearly.

Although Ji Tianxing was ragged and covered with blood, there were no wounds on his whole body.

The three deacons glanced at each other and all showed bitter expressions.

There is no doubt that this was a trap from the beginning.

But they didn't notice it, and stepped into the abyss of death.

Deacon She is the most cunning, and hastily bowed down to salute, and said in a sad tone: "Sir Tianxing, your strategy is really smart and cruel!

We have surrendered, please let us live.

As long as we can save our lives, we are willing to be loyal to you! "

After finishing speaking, he quickly winked at the other two deacons.

The two deacons froze for a moment, and quickly bowed down and bowed, expressing surrender and submission.

Ji Tianxing looked down at Deacon She and couldn't help frowning.

At this time, Qi Huanzhi and the Qi family guards flew over from a distance.

A total of 120 guards blocked the water surrounding the ruins.

Everyone was very excited, immersed in the shock, their eyes glittered.

After all, they hadn't even killed a single move, and more than forty masters of Guiyuanhui were killed.

This is a worthy effort!

The significance of their coming to Shayue Mountain is just to act in a scene with Ji Tianxing!

Ji Tianxing waved his hand towards Qi return ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "Return it, let them clean up the battlefield, and collect all the godhead fragments and space rings."

Qi Huanzhi nodded quickly and went to perform the task.

More than one hundred people landed around the ruins, using their divine consciousness to find fragments and rings of divine personality, taking extra care.

Ji Tianxing looked at the three deacons expressionlessly, and asked in a deep voice: "Originally, I didn't intend to take prisoners.

Since you surrender and want to submit to me, you have to tell me, what is your value? "

The two deacons thought for a while, and rushed to say: "Young Master Tianxing, we all have the strength of the Eightfold Heaven God Realm, and we have rich combat experience. We can serve as your entourage."

Deacon She finally spoke, but said in a low tone: "Young Master Skywalker, I have the strength of the Ninth Heavenly God Realm.

Moreover, I am very familiar with the terrain and defense of Longyin Island.

If you want to attack Longyin Island, I am willing to be your guide! "

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