Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2828: Keep fishing

Seeing the three thunder and fire, all three deacons stiffened.

They understood what Ji Tianxing meant and understood his approach.

If it were them, it would only be more cruel than Ji Tianxing.

But they still have some fears and worries.

But Deacon She was more decisive, and took the lead and nodded: "Mr. Tianxing, the old man understands your approach and obeys your decision.

Because the old man believes that your character will never be like Guiyuan Shenjun. "

"Haha... Do you want to play with me? Are you reminding me?" Ji Tianxing glanced at him and sneered.

"I don't dare!" Deacon She hurriedly lowered his head to admit his mistake, and said: "Even if Young Master Tianxing is the same as God Sovereign Guiyuan, then we also admit our fate.

Anyway, everyone is in dire straits, and it's fortunate to survive. "

"Count you acquainted!" Ji Tianxing snorted coldly, waved his palm and shot three thunder fires into the bodies of the three deacons.

The three of them were very clever, and did not resist or resist, allowing Thunder Fire to penetrate into their godhead.

At this time, Qi Huanzhi's task was also completed.

He flew over excitedly and landed in front of Ji Tianxing.

"Brother Tianxing, the battlefield has been cleaned up. A total of forty fragments of the godhead and 41 space rings have been collected."

After all, he held a ball of golden light in both hands and handed it to Ji Tianxing.

Inside the golden light sphere, there are many fragments of godhead and space rings.

Ji Tianxing took the golden ball of light and said: "Now, go to the sunset sea area, find an island, and make the second step plan.

In addition, you can give the guards a reward to inspire them. "

Qi Huanzhi nodded quickly and promised: "This is no problem. I will do it if you don't say it."

Then, he pointed to the divine ship parked in the sky, and asked: "What about that divine ship?"

Ji Tianxing said casually: "The divine ship is yours, and it happens to be on the way with the guards."

"Good!" Qi Huanzhi agreed with excitement.

He quickly handed out rewards to the guards, each with 20,000 sacred stones.

The guards didn't pay any price, they were very excited and excited just to earn 20,000 sacred stones in a play.

Then, Qi Huanzhi took the guards aboard the divine ship.

After studying for a while, they started the godship and flew north.


On the way to the sunset sea.

The black dragon carried Ji Tianxing, Bailong, Zhu Qingcheng, the vice chairman and the three deacons, flying across the sky with great speed.

Zhu Qingcheng and the vice chairman are still in a coma.

Ji Tianxing asked Deacon Liu to use his supernatural powers to treat both of them for their trauma. It didn't look so miserable.

Bai Long was a little confused, and asked Ji Tianxing: "Master, our first plan is completed. These two guys have no use value, why are they still kept?"

"Of course there is some value, let's stay for a while." Ji Tianxing left these words, and sat on the dragon's head to do his business.

He collected the forty fragments of the godhead into the space ring and kept them for later swallowing.

He is checking forty-one space rings.

Each space ring contains **** stones, god-level materials and various resources.

But it is a pity that these Guiyuanhui masters are more poor than the other.

There are less than 30,000 sacred stones in each spatial ring.

All materials and resources add up to no more than 200,000 sacred stones.

In contrast, Qi's guards are richer than them!

When Ji Tianxing put all the trophies in a ring, he couldn't help showing disappointment.

"Fortunately, a divine ship was captured, otherwise the battle would be lost."

After all, the value of these trophies add up to only about five million.

The rewards Qi Huanzhi gave to the guards were 2.4 million sacred stones.

He believed it now, and what Deacon She said was true.

These Guiyuanhui masters were all sucked up by the Guiyuan Shenjun.

Ji Tianxing threw the five million cultivation resources into the space ring and ignored it.


Sunset over the sea.

Twenty thousand miles away from the coastline, there is an island with a radius of more than three hundred miles.

The island is not big and it is surrounded by black rocks.

There is a hill three hundred feet high on the island, surrounded by valleys and jungles.

There are not many monsters entrenched on the island, and their strength is very low.

All in all, this is an ordinary island, not very noticeable.

Ji Tianxing chose this island as the burial place of the Guiyuanhui masters.

The black dragon landed on the island, releasing the mighty power of the dragon.

As a result, all the monsters living on the island were frightened and fled.

After a while, the island quieted down.

Under Ji Tianxing's order, the three deacons all took out the jade slips to send messages to the people of the Guiyuan Hui.

"My President, after we arrived at Shayue Mountain, we successfully received the Vice President and Deacon Zhu.

Although, the vice chairman and Deacon Zhu caught the Ascended.

But both of them were seriously injured, and all of their men died in the battle.

After we left Shayue Mountain, we were also besieged by a large number of Qi family guards, with heavy casualties..."

"My guild leader, in order to rescue the ascended one, the Qi family sent more than two hundred guards to intercept and kill us at any cost.

Several of our deacons were injured, and most of the forty brothers who were brought along were also killed and injured. We ask for support! "

"We temporarily got rid of the chase of the Qi family guards and hid on an unnamed island 20,000 miles away from the shore. Please send someone to respond as soon as possible..."

The content of the subpoenas was similar, and they all asked Guiyuan Association for help and asked to send someone to respond.

Obviously, Ji Tianxing's plan is the same as the first plan.

Still ask Guiyuanhui for help, attract more Guiyuanhui masters, and kill them here.

The difference is that the first call for help was in the name of the vice chairman and Zhu Qingcheng.

And this time for help, the three deacons personally sent a summons.

After the three deacons sent the message, they sat obediently on the back of the black dragon, not daring to say much.

Bai Long hesitated, and asked Ji Tianxing with some concern: "Master, we have used this method once. Will Guiyuan Club be fooled again?"

Ji Tianxing nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and explained: "Probably 80% sure! Guiyuan Shenjun is not an idiot, and his personality is a bit suspicious.

Two consecutive groups of people have suffered a loss, he will definitely be suspicious.

But after weighing it into consideration, he will definitely send someone to respond.

After all, he is bound to win the opportunity of Heaven, even if he sacrifices half of the Guiyuan Association, he is willing! "

Bai Long thought for a while, and then asked: "Since the Guiyuan Shenjun is bound to have the opportunity of Heaven, will he come personally?"

"It's possible, but the chances are not high." Ji Tianxing shook his head and said: "After all, the people from the Guiyuanhui have captured me and fled to the Hairi sea area.

They got rid of the chase of the Qi family and hid on this unknown island in a fairly safe situation.

If Guiyuan Shenjun personally came to respond, wouldn't it be a loss of status and damage the president's majesty? "

Bai Long nodded and smiled and said: "It's still the master who is clever and has thoroughly studied the thoughts of the **** of Guiyuan."

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