Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2829: Zhutian Sword Formation

Although, Ji Tianxing's second-step plan seems to be flawless.

But he was only 80% sure.

After all, he could only speculate and analyze Guiyuan Shenjun's psychology, but he was not completely sure.

If Gui Yuanshen Jun’s brain gets flooded and he ran to take it personally, it would be troublesome.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing must be fully prepared.

Even if Guiyuan Shenjun came and had a head-on decisive battle, he could not suffer.

"Bailong, we have about half a day left, we have to set up the formation quickly."

Ji Tianxing took out a large number of artifacts, runes and stones from the space ring, preparing to arrange a large array.

Bai Long asked curiously: "Master, what formation are you planning to deploy this time?"

Ji Tianxing thought for a moment, then lowered his voice: "The two divine formations arranged in Shayue Mountain before can only be used by the seal divine formation.

That monarch-level killing formation was used to deal with Guiyuan Shenjun, probably not powerful enough.

Therefore, I plan to set up a Heavenly Swordsman Formation. "

"Zhutian Sword Formation?" Bai Long showed a puzzled expression, "When did you master this kind of sword formation? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Ji Tianxing knocked on his head and said with a chuckle: "Nonsense, this is a sword formation I have newly realized."

Zhutian Sword Formation, born out of the Zhutian Formation in the Tomb of the Sword God.

It is the vast expanse, hidden in the misty and mysterious array.

When he was in the mortal world, Ji Tianxing thought about that divine formation with his heart.

However, his strength at the time was shallow, and he could only understand a little bit of fur.

Now that he has reached the eighth level of the Heavenly God Realm, he has a deeper understanding of that Zhutian Array.

Combined with his kendo supernatural powers, he realized the Zhutian sword formation.

According to his estimation, the rank and power of this Heavenly Slaying Sword Formation can only be regarded as a low-rank monarch-level **** formation.

However, the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation is infinite, with 50 million formations, and 200 million changes can be derived.

Its complexity and sophistication is comparable to a middle-grade monarch-level **** array.

It should be enough to deal with Guiyuan Shenjun!

Subsequently, Ji Tianxing and Bailong began to arrange the **** array.

The two masters and apprentices spent 300,000 sacred stones and more than a dozen spells, and first arranged a sealed sacred formation to cover the entire island.

Two hours later, this monarch-level sealed **** array was completed.

They used more than forty artifacts, two million sacred stones and many sacred materials to set up the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation.

This Heavenly Jade Sword Formation is too complicated.

Even if the master and apprentice are strong, it will take three to five days to arrange them.

Obviously not enough time!

Fortunately, Qi Huanzhi drove the divine ship and rushed to the island with 120 guards.

Everyone obeyed Ji Tianxing's instructions and worked together to arrange the sword formation.

In this way, the efficiency of the array is increased twenty times.

After just four hours, the Zhutian Sword Formation was successfully arranged.

Exactly six hours passed, and it was late at night.

As a result, Bailong, Qi Huanzhi and one hundred and twenty guards dived into the seabed around the island, hiding their breath and hiding.

Ji Tianxing, Vice Chairman, Zhu Qingcheng and the three deacons stayed on the island.

They hid in a cave and arranged a simple celestial formation.

Ji Tianxing continued to pretend to be dead, lying still in the cave covered with blood.

Zhu Qingcheng and the vice-chairman are still the same, sitting still in the cave in a meditation and breath adjustment posture.

Deacon She three guarded at the entrance of the cave, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

No matter how you look at it, this scene is performed without flaws.

Everything is ready, the next step is to wait patiently.

As long as the fish catches the bait, the net can be collected.


The setting sun in the sea.

Five thousand miles from the coastline, a divine ship was galloping south.

This divine ship is two thousand feet long and looks like a golden dragon, lifelike, sacred and majestic.

The emblems and marks of a certain force were not engraved on the godship.

After all, this is the rules of Guiyuanhui, in order not to reveal the identity and details.

Within the godship.

A burly man in a golden robe with golden wings is sitting in a secret room with his eyes closed and rested.

He is handsome, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he exudes majesty and domineering.

He is the founder of Guiyuanhui, Guiyuan Shenjun!

This time, he actually came in person!

In addition to Guiyuan Shenjun, there are fifty protoss masters in the ship.

Their realm of strength is between the second to fifth level of the Heavenly God Realm.

The two groups of masters sent by the Guiyuan Society, more than 60 people in total, were all beheaded by the Qi family guards.

The more than one hundred people who remain on Longyin Island are basically the weak of the true gods.

Therefore, these fifty-odd masters are already the final backbone of the Guiyuan Association.

Originally Guiyuan Shenjun didn't plan to come, and didn't want to send so many people.

However, the attraction of Heaven's Opportunity to him is fatal.

He worked hard to form the Guiyuan Guild, and it took thousands of years to quickly increase his strength and avenge the blood and flames.

Unfortunately, the results were minimal.

The more than two hundred people in the Guiyuan Association can provide him with limited assistance.

The chance of heaven is the greatest opportunity.

For tens of thousands of years, there have also been a few lucky people on the Haotian Continent.

For example, the God King Jiuluo of Mingdong Continent became the Peak God King only after getting the opportunity of heaven.

He not only restored the glory of the Jiuluo clan, but also severely damaged the Great Yan Empire, almost torn it to pieces.

The legend of God King Jiuluo has always been remembered by God Lord Guiyuan.

He is very eager to get a chance one day, and revenge like the God King Jiuluo!

Until twenty days ago.

Zhu Qingcheng guards the ascension pool of Blue Mountain City, and unexpectedly finds an ascender who is extremely powerful.

Not only killed five Lei Chi guards, but also killed Lei Chi guard leader Lin Wuji!

Zhu Qingcheng reported the news to Guiyuan Shenjun, and he immediately thought of a possibility.

Chance of Heaven!

Only by chance, can that ascendant be powerful and powerful as soon as he enters the realm of God, and kill the Quartet!

At that moment, Guiyuan Shenjun was extremely excited, and his blood was boiling with excitement.

He is very sure that his opportunity has come!

God favors him!

He had to get the heavenly chance of that ascending person anyway.

Only this opportunity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can help him quickly become stronger and take revenge on the Kingdom of Blood Flame!

Therefore, Guiyuan will do everything possible to intercept Ji Tianxing.

Even if the first two groups failed, the losses were heavy.

But the vice president caught the ascended one, which is great news.

Not long ago, the three of Deacon She’s sent another subpoena, requesting that Guiyuan would send someone to respond.

After Guiyuan Shenjun learned the news, he had doubts and scruples.

But after weighing it over and over, he decided to send someone to respond.

In order to prevent variables and make sure nothing goes wrong, he even came to respond in person!

As long as he can win the chance of heaven, he will do whatever it takes!

At this time, a one-horned old man in a purple robe walked quickly to the door of the secret room.

"Chairman, we are about to arrive at that unknown island."

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