Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2830: Mutual performance

The purple-robed old man is the Golden Rhino Protoss.

The body is very thick and strong, with a big face plate and a golden unicorn on his forehead.

His surname is Jin, and he is the last deacon of the Guiyuan Association.

After a while, the door of the secret room opened.

The Guiyuan Shenjun, dressed in a golden robe, stepped out.

Deacon Jin hurriedly greeted him and whispered: "President, the Qi family is just a merchant family in Qingshan City.

How can they have such a powerful force, not only killed more than 60 of our masters, but also wounded the vice president?

The old man always feels that there is something strange in this, let us be careful of fraud! "

Shenjun Guiyuan nodded, and said blankly: "Of course I know that there is a problem here, Deacon She and others are likely to be captured.

They have resentment in their hearts and are not loyal to them.

Surrendering allegiance to the Qi family is also very possible. "

Deacon Kim was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "My President, since you guessed that there is a problem, there is probably an ambush on that island, then you have to go..."

Shenjun Guiyuan glanced at him, and said in a low tone: "Why not go? In order to find the opportunity of heaven, the Lord has been waiting and planning for nearly a thousand years.

If the Dao opportunity appeared today, how could this Lord let it go?

Even if the Qi family lays an ambush on that island, what is there to fear?

With the power of the Qi family, even if Qi Tianlong came in person, he would not be the opponent of this lord! "

These words are very confident and domineering.

Deacon Kim frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Then what are your plans? Let's go directly to the island, kill all the people in the family, and take the ascendant away?"

Shenjun Guiyuan sneered: "Although I am confident, but not stupid, how can he step into the trap on a rampage?"

After a pause, he commanded: "You will arrive at that sea area in a while. You will first take someone to the island to check for fraud.

This monarch will lurch in the dark to observe. If you encounter an attack, this monarch will help yourself.

If we worry too much and everything goes well, the Lord doesn't have to show up. "

Deacon Jin thought for a while and nodded quickly, "That's great! If it's a false alarm, you don't have to show up, so as not to affect your majesty."

Between the two talks, the divine ship flew tens of thousands of miles away.

It didn't take long for the godship to fly to that sea area.

Ten thousand li away from the nameless island, Guiyuan Shenjun quietly left the divine ship and hid in the clouds above the sky.

He approached the island silently, observing the situation secretly.

Deacon Jin and fifty masters, riding on the divine ship, flew straight to the unknown island.


The dazzling golden light cuts through the night and illuminates the nameless island.

The dragon-shaped divine ship stopped right above the island, one hundred feet high from the top of the mountain.

"Crack, click..."

The hatch of the divine ship opened.

Deacon Kim flew out alone, standing in the night sky looking down.

The fifty Guiyuanhui masters all held swords and weapons, ready to rush out to fight.

"Deacon She, where are you?"

Deacon Jin shouted at the island below, like Hong Zhong.

After a while, three figures flew out of a cave on the island.

It is the three deacons.

They looked around carefully and saw that there was no ambush around, and then looked up at the night sky.

Seeing Deacon Jin and the divine ship, the three all showed a relieved expression.

"Great! Deacon Kim, you are finally here!"

"We have been hiding here for most of the night, and we finally wait for you!"

"By the way, Deacon Jin, were you spotted by the Qi family guard when you came?"

Although the divine ship entered the island and the fish had already taken the bait, the three deacons did not forget to act.

Moreover, it is very realistic.

When Deacon Kim saw the reaction of the three, he sneered secretly.

But he didn't show the slightest strangeness, and eagerly replied: "Three deacons, you have to work so hard to complete the task and take on such a dangerous danger!

Don't worry, we have checked for four weeks before we came, and there is no trace of the Qi family guard.

It is safe here, you guys bring people up quickly, let's return as soon as possible! "

The three deacons glanced at each other and felt a little weird.

Deacon She spoke secretly and said to the other two people: "No! Deacon Kim obviously brought his helper, but they didn't show up.

He must be suspicious and he is also acting with us! "

The other two winked, indicating that they understood.

Deacon She looked up at the night sky and said to Deacon Jin: "Deacon Jin, we are all injured and cannot move.

Especially the Vice President and Deacon Zhu, they are the most injured and have been in a coma for a long time.

Don't waste time, send someone to help.

And that Ascendant, who was knocked out by us, has been watching him..."

Hearing the words ‘Ascended One’, Deacon Kim’s eyes flashed with light.

Although he guessed there was an ambush here, his task was to take away Ji Tianxing.

Therefore, he hesitated.

After weighing the balance in silence, he said, "Deacon She, although you are injured, it's okay to carry a few people.

Don't waste time, bring everyone out! "

Deacon She hesitated for a moment, and thought to himself: "That's not good! The task given to us by Young Master Tianxing is to lead them to the island.

Now they are suspicious, staying in the divine ship without showing up, they may escape at any time.

Moreover, I have to ask clearly, has Guiyuan Shenjun come? "

Thinking of this, Deacon She asked loudly: "Deacon Jin, why are you alone to meet us?

Where's the president? Did he come? "

Deacon Jin sneered again and again, with no flaws on the surface, shook his head and said, "The president is busy practicing in retreat, how can he come to meet him personally?

What are you still rubbing with? Bring people here! "

Deacon She hesitated even more.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing's divine consciousness transmission sounded suddenly in his mind.

"Deacon She, do what he said, and send us all to the godship."

After receiving Ji Tianxing's order, Deacon She stopped hesitating and shouted to Deacon Jin: "Okay! Deacon Jin, wait a moment, I will take them out now."

Then, the three deacons returned to the cave.

Deacon She hugged Ji Tianxing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The other two hugged Zhu Qingcheng and the vice chairman, and flew towards the divine ship in the night sky.

At first glance, it seemed that Ji Tianxing, the vice chairman and Zhu Qingcheng were all injured and were in a coma.

Seeing this scene, Deacon Jin squinted his eyes and stared at Ji Tianxing, watching carefully.

Of course he couldn't see through the details of Ji Tianxing, nor could he detect the realm of Ji Tianxing's strength.

But out of instinct, he vaguely felt something was wrong, so he stopped Deacon She.

"Deacon She, I want to check this ascendant."

While talking, he grabbed a sword and slashed towards Ji Tianxing.

Deacon She was shocked, and subconsciously leaned away.

But this action caused Deacon Jin's expression to change, revealing a sneer.

Obviously, Deacon She revealed his stuff.

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