Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2853: Disparity


Nearly a hundred masters dressed in black flew out of the dark clouds.

Just like dumping dumplings, they descended from the sky and fell around Xuanguang Cave.

Those masters in black are obviously well-trained.

In just ten breaths, they occupied a key position around the Xuanguang Cave.

A huge circle was formed, enclosing the Xuanguang Hole.

There were only ten people in black in the sky above Xuanguang Cave.

The two leading people have the strength of the God Sovereign Realm, and their auras are majestic and domineering.

One is more than ten feet tall, strong like an iron tower, and palms as big as a fan.

This person is wearing a large black robe, a bronze grimace mask, and white hair with shawls.

This white-haired **** is obviously the first of all.

Not only the aura is the strongest, but the aura of divine power is also full of killing and blood.

Standing next to him was a middle-aged man with a short stature.

This person was also wearing a black robe and wearing a black iron mask, and he couldn't see his anger.

Under the mask, only a pair of squinted eyes were exposed, flashing a sharp cold light.

In addition to these two gods and powerhouses.

There are eight black-clothed masters behind them, all of whom have reached the eighth level of the Heavenly God Realm.

The behavior of these people is uniform, and the whole body is filled with a strong murderous spirit.

Obviously they are elites who have undergone special training.

The black cloud is overwhelming, and the encirclement has been formed.

The coercion of the invisible divine formation has enveloped Xuanguangdong.


Xuan Guangdong, where the voices were noisy, immediately calmed down.

Everyone stopped the rescue, armed with swords and weapons, quickly lined up in formation, and assumed a defensive posture.

Both deacons looked gloomy and showed anxious and worried eyes.

The two of them stepped into the sky, facing each other in the sky thousands of feet away from the ten men in black.

Although the opponent is aggressive, there are still two gods and powerhouses leading.

The two deacons were distraught, but on the surface they could remain calm.

After all, they are both Qi Tianlong's cousins ​​and direct descendants of the Qi family.

In the past two hundred years, they have personally experienced the development and growth of the Qi family, and they have also experienced countless storms.

Even if they are not as smart and capable as Qi Tianlong, they will not shame the face of Qi family.

The chief deacon looked at the two black-clothed gods, and said, "Under Qi Tianxing, the chief deacon of the Qi family."

The second deacon also bowed his hands and said in a deep voice, "Under Qi Tianchen, the second deacon of the Qi family."

After greeting, Qi Tianxing said in a low tone: "Everyone, this is Xuanguang Island.

According to the agreement of the six big families, our family won the competition.

For the next ten years, Xuanguang Island will be the property of our family, and we will not allow others to invade. "

Qi Tianchen went on to say: "No matter where you come from, and what purpose you come here, please abide by the agreement and think twice.

There was an accident in Xuanguang Cave just now, and a collapse occurred.

We are trying our best to treat the wounded and clear the mine.

At this juncture, we have no time and energy to entertain you all.

So, no matter what you have, please leave Xuanguang Island. "

Dealing with wealthy families is so cumbersome and hypocritical.

Even if they knew that someone had deliberately blown up Xuanguang Cave, causing chaos.

The group of people in black in front of them also had a bad intention, and wanted to take the opportunity to **** Xuanguangdong.

But they can't say it clearly, they can only show their attitude without being humble, hoping that the other party will retreat in the face of difficulties.

Even if the possibility of the opponent withdrawing from Xuanguang Island is zero.

The white-haired **** headed, narrowed his muddy eyes.

He stared at the two deacons, with dry and old hands behind him, grinning and sneered: "Ha ha ha... two yellow-haired boys, this is the end, do you want to pretend to be confused?

Isn’t it clear to you that the old man brought people here? "

Hear this.

The two deacons frowned, and secretly held the hilt of the sword, with divine power accumulated in their bodies.

On the flat ground below, hundreds of guards, craftsmen, and miners also clenched their weapons, ready to fight.

The white-haired gods directly ignored the alert posture of the crowd.

He looked at the two deacons sharply, and said in a majestic tone: "You are all smart people, and the old man doesn't want to bother.

If you don't want to be buried here, just give up Xuanguang Cave and leave here.

You need to know that Xuanguang Cave is a treasured land that is not something your Qi family can get involved! "

When the voice fell, he released the overwhelming power and suppressed the two deacons.



The expressions of the two deacons changed, their bodies suddenly rickets, and blood spurted from their mouths and noses.

They only have the strength of the Ninth Level of the Heavenly God Realm, how can they resist the pressure of the powerful God?

The opponent didn't move a finger, so they suffered internal injuries.

What kind of strength is this?

But even so, the two deacons raised their heads stubbornly and did not back down.

"Seventy years ago, it was our family members who discovered this treasure.

Today, our family has won the tournament, and we reasonably and legally own this treasure. Why should we sell it? "

"Although you are the gods and powerful, we are not opponents.

But we are the children of the Qi family, even if the war died here, we will never give in! "

Qi Tianxing and Qi Tianchen's sonorous and firm tone spread throughout the mine.

Hundreds of guards, artisans, and miners of the same family, all with their heads high and their chests upright, they share the same hatred!

At this time.

The short and fat black-robed **** monarch grinned and said: "Qi Tianxing, Qi Tianchen, your brothers are very spine.

It's a pity that no matter how strong you are, it's useless.

Whoever has a big fist can sit on the treasure.

My last word of advice to you, if you don't leave this place, you will all be wiped out! "

This person's voice is awkward, like a male duck crowing, a bit harsh.

Qi Tianxing and Qi Tianchen were taken aback, their expressions changed drastically, and angrily shouted: "Lu Jiuzhong! It turned out to be you bastard!"

"Lu Jiuzhong! How can you be so mean?"

Obviously, the short and fat black-robed **** monarch is exactly Lu Jiuzhong, the head of the Lu family.

He climbed to the backing of the Blood Sword Sect, just when the spring breeze was proud, his heart was very swollen.

Even if he wears a black robe and a mask~www.wuxiaspot.com~ disguised as a blood sword sect.

But he didn't bother to change his voice, and he was recognized by the two brothers of the Qi family.

Anyway, he is confident and has the chance to win.

Today, the four elders of the Blood Sword Sect are sitting in town and have brought 30 disciples of the Blood Sword Sect.

In addition, the 70 masters selected by the Lu family were enough to crush the Qi family and easily seize the Xuanguang Cave.

Lu Jiuzhong was exposed in public, but he was not embarrassed, let alone denied.

He looked at the two deacons with a smile, and said with a sneer: "What about this seat? This world is the weak and the strong, the winner and the loser.

Your Qi family is weak, but you want to take control of the Xuanguang Cave, so that you can soar into the sky. What a wishful thinking!

After today, the Qi family will be wiped out and cease to exist.

You two kneel down and surrender now, and serve as running dogs for this seat, maybe you can save the dog's life! "

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