Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2854: Sky Tower

"Lu Jiuzhong! You beast, you must die!"

"Even if we are crushed, we will never bow to you!"

Qi Tianxing and Qi Tianchen were both furious and mad, bursting into the sky with murderous intent.

Lu Jiuzhong suddenly sneered with contempt.

The white-haired prince did not want to waste time, and said in a cold voice: "Since you insist on seeking death, the old man will fulfill you!"

When the voice fell, he raised his left palm and shot a colorful palm shadow, patted the two deacons.

Pinching Shen Jue with his right hand, he punched out a **** fist with a big mountain, and blasted towards the entrance of the mine.



The fist and palm shadow of the white-haired gods did not hit the two deacons, nor the guards and craftsmen under the cliff.

Because Xuanguangdong is protected by a king-level **** array.

A multicolored mask covering a hundred li radius covered the open space under the cliff and the mine entrance.

The shadow of the palm and the light of the fists blasted into the large array, bursting out with a loud noise, bursting out fragments of divine light.

The entire Xuanguang Island trembled violently, and the surrounding sea also stirred up huge waves.

Two cracks appeared on the huge multicolored mask, and countless cracks extended around.

Although the Qi family in the photomask were not injured.

But everyone was stunned and let out anxious exclamations.

Qi Tianxing and Qi Tianchen quickly issued orders.

"Quick! Everyone joins forces to hold up the defensive array!"

"Go all out to block the dog thieves of the Lu Family and Blood Sword Sect!"

While the two shouted loudly, they led a large number of guards, craftsmen, and miners to infuse the defensive array with divine power and gritted their teeth to support.

The defensive array was replenished with strength, and the two cracks in the mask quickly healed.

Seeing this scene, the white-haired gods sneered disdainfully: "Many arm is a car, I can't help it!"

He raised his palms again, pinched the mysterious magic technique, and performed magical skills.

"Blood sword cuts the sky!"

When the white-haired **** monarch's accumulation of divine power reached its peak, he shouted like Hong Zhong.

He slapped his palms down fiercely, and a blood-colored giant sword that was thousands of feet long appeared in the sky.

Carrying the power of opening the sky, the scarlet giant sword slammed towards the colorful mask.


A loud and deafening noise burst out, resounding through the sky, spreading across the world for tens of thousands of miles.

The sturdy and heavy multicolored mask was cut into a gap that was one hundred meters long and about three meters wide.

Around the gap, dense cracks also extend.

Lu Jiuzhong was immediately energetic and exclaimed excitedly: "Everyone listens to the order and attacks the defensive array with all their strength!"

Hundreds of black-clothed masters around the cliff waved their magic weapons and used various magical powers to attack the colorful mask.

"Boom bang bang!"


The divine light and shadow that covered the sky and the sun poured down like raindrops, hitting the colorful mask.

Lu Jiuzhong was not idle either, pinching God's tactics with both hands, and resorting to the secret technique.

Four multicolored giant swords descended from the sky, like a meteor falling, blasting towards the defensive array fiercely.


"Boom boom boom!"

Under the leadership of Lu Jiuzhong and the white-haired god, all the men in black attacked frantically.

How could the Sovereign Divine Array protecting Xuanguangdong withstand such a fierce attack?

In the blink of an eye, the colorful mask with a radius of a hundred miles was bombarded with holes and cracks.


The white-haired god-sovereign performed his stunt again, smashing two open blood blades with his palm.

With a loud bang, the colorful mask was overwhelmed and collapsed on the spot.

The violent and unparalleled impact exploded under the cliff and swept across the world.

Suddenly, hundreds of children of the Qi family were all shaken into the air, and fell to the ground violently spraying blood, uttering painful screams.

Even Qi Tianxing and Qi Tianchen were also bled from the shock of the seven holes, falling from the sky into the ruins.

"Hahaha...The defense formation has been broken, and everyone is in!

Kill everyone in the Qi family, no chickens and dogs, no grass! "

Lu Jiuzhong smiled triumphantly, raised his arms and shouted, giving the order to attack.

Nearly a hundred black-clothed masters around the cliff shouted in excitement, brandishing their swords and killing the Xuanguang Cave below.

The white-haired **** prince stood proudly in the sky, looking down at everyone with an indifferent expression, with a majestic posture that despised all beings.

The defense formation has been broken, and everyone in the Qi family has no resistance.

Next, there is no need for him as a **** to take action.

Lu Jiuzhong and hundreds of masters in black can kill all the children of the Qi family and quickly occupy Xuanguangdong.

Now, of course, is the best time for the white-haired **** to pretend to be forced.


As the black-clothed masters cheered and shouted and attacked aggressively,

Everyone in the Qi family was desperate, roaring and cursing in grief.

A black shadow that obscured the sky suddenly fell from the sky, and slammed under the cliff with a "bang".

There was a loud noise, everyone who shook their eyes with gold stars, and the blood was in chaos.

The entire island was bounced by the earthquake, cracking numerous gullies.

The surrounding sea is even more turbulent.

For an instant, the Baili Plain under the cliff and the entrance to the mine were covered by black shadows.

Hundreds of people in black, the white-haired god, Lu Jiuzhong and eight elite masters were all blocked.

Everyone subconsciously stopped attacking, frowning and looking at the dark shadow.

I saw that it was a huge monster with a height of thousands of feet and pitch black!

It has nine floors up and down, with octagonal octagonal corners, revealing a simple and vigorous atmosphere of vicissitudes.

It also exudes the supreme power of suppressing the world and overlooking the world!

This is a dark and mysterious ancient tower!

Although Xuanguangdong's defense formation was broken.

But this sacred tower replaced the big formation, covering the mine entrance and protecting all the children of the Qi family.

The **** of white hair frowned immediately, his eyes showed solemnity.

"Black ancient tower? Is this a king-level... or a king-level artifact?"

Lu Jiuzhong's complexion also changed drastically, staring at the black tower in amazement, his eyes full of shock.

"Whose **** tower is this? How could it suddenly appear to save Xuanguangdong?

Qi Tianlong?

wrong! Qi Tianlong doesn't have this kind of artifact!

Besides, Qi Tianlong is still in Tianfeng County, too late to return! "

The hundreds of masters in black were also stunned.

They stopped in the sky, looking at the mysterious black tower, they all showed doubts and looked at each other.

After a while.

The trembling island finally calmed down.

The dust that obscured the sky also dissipated.

The black tower is still standing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not moving, and there is not a single figure.

Everyone in the Qi family disappeared, and there was no movement in Xuanguang Cave.

Both the white-haired gods and Lu Jiuzhong couldn't restrain the doubts in their hearts and began to send people to test them.

"It's just a broken tower. Don't worry about it, just ruin it!"

Lu Jiu waved his sleeve and gave the order.

As a result, seventy masters in black who belonged to the Lu family brandished their swords and displayed their supernatural powers to attack the tower.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

The divine light and shadow that covered the sky and sun blasted the tower, bursting with deafening noise.

However, the tower did not move, not even a trace of it.

What's more terrifying is that the tower of gods burst out colorful **** flames that covered the sky, spreading around and swept the audience.

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