Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2855: Turn the tide


The turbulent colorful flames of the gods formed a shock wave that ruined the sky and swept across thousands of miles.

Hundreds of black-clothed masters, too late to avoid or resist, were all hit by the colorful flames.

I only heard the muffled sound of "Boom Boom Boom", and everyone was bombarded and flew out.

There were more than fifty masters who were instantly burned to ashes by the colorful flames, and died silently.

The remaining more than forty masters were also burned into coke, their bodies curled up into a ball and fell into the surrounding rubble.

Their gods were burned down, their gods were severely damaged, but they were lucky enough to get their lives back.

Scattered in the surrounding rubble, they all wailed miserably and rolled around in pain.

There is no doubt that these people are all abandoned and no longer capable of fighting.

Only the White-haired God Sovereign, Lu Jiuzhong and eight elite masters retreated to a distance ahead of time and escaped.

Seeing this scene, everyone had scalp numb, and their eyes were extremely horrified.

"What kind of artifact is this, so powerful?

The best king-level artifact? Or a low-grade king-level artifact? "

The white-haired god-jun's eyes widened, revealing a deep look of shock.

"Ahhhh! My elite son of the Lu family was killed in an instant!"

Lu Jiuzhong screamed frantically, dripping blood from heartache.

In order to take refuge in the Blood Sword Sect and divide the benefits of Xuanguangdong, he has done his best without reservation.

He mobilized all the outstanding children of the Lu family, and gathered these seventy people, disguised as disciples of the Blood Sword Sect.

He originally thought that it would be easy to act with the Blood Sword Sect to rob Xuanguang Cave.

But he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, the Lu family disciples would die!

Even if things go well, he can seize Xuanguang Cave and get 20% of the benefits, but he can't make up for the loss.

The outstanding children of the Lu family are dead, and they will soon be eliminated and reduced to an influential family.

When he thought of this, Lu Jiuzhong was furious and almost violent.


He saw the horror of the tower with his own eyes, and did not dare to act rashly.

Can only look at the white-haired god, cast his eyes for help.

"Four elders, this **** tower is weird, look..."

The white-haired **** prince stared at the tower with scorching eyes, and shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone retreat!"

Lu Jiuzhong was relieved and quickly took the eight elite masters back into the sky two hundred miles away.

The white-haired **** king slowly raised his palms, spurring his lifelong skills, and hitting two blood-colored giant claws that covered the sky and sun, and grabbed them toward the black tower.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the muffled sound, two blood-colored giant claws grabbed the black tower from the left and right sides.

"Get up!"

The white-haired **** screamed angrily and lifted his palms upward.

He will use supreme power to pull up and remove the mysterious black tower.


The mysterious black tower stood in place, motionless.

It's like taking root and connecting with the whole island.

"The old man doesn't believe it, but he can't move this tower?"

The **** of white hair gave a low cry, and opened his mouth to spray a blood mist, using the secret method to increase his strength, instantly enhancing the five success strength!


He screamed again, exploding with power that shook the earth.

However, the tower remained motionless.

The white-haired gods blushed, and it was useless to push his power to the limit.

At this time, the tower suddenly flashed black light and launched a counterattack.


There was only a loud and clear sound.

The two blood-colored giant claws collapsed suddenly, exploded into **** fragments, splashing around.

"Boom! Boom!"

Hundreds of millions of blood-light fragments hit the surrounding cliffs and mountain peaks.

Suddenly, the mountain peaks in a radius of two hundred miles were flattened.

The mysterious black light spread, and the white-haired gods also flew out.

He tumbled and flew hundreds of miles away, slammed into a collapsed mountain, and was buried in endless mud.

When he struggled to crawl out, his head was disheveled, his face covered with blood, and he was extremely embarrassed.


The **** of white hair spouted a **** arrow, clutching his chest and coughing for a long time, then gradually slowed down and flew back into the sky.

Lu Jiuzhong and eight masters hurriedly gathered around, looked at him with concern and asked about the situation.

"Four elders, how are your injuries?"

"Four elders, are you okay?"

The White-haired God Sovereign waved his hand, indicating that everyone needn't worry.

"Why? This injury is harmless to the old man!"

He gave a low voice with a majestic expression, full of breath.

But as soon as the voice fell, he couldn't help but open his mouth and eject a blood arrow.

Obviously, he has been injured by the mysterious black light, and his injuries are a bit serious.

The eight elite masters are all true disciples of the Blood Sword Sect.

They were still calm, silently guarding the white-haired god.

Lu Jiuzhong was confused, angry and anxious, and asked in a trembling voice: "Four elders, where does this sacred tower come from? Why do you want to shelter Xuanguang Cave?

Did some high-ranking **** make a move?

What shall we do? "

A mysterious black tower caused heavy casualties, and even the four elders were seriously injured.

If the owner of this **** tower is really a certain upper god, the consequences would be disastrous.

Not only will they not be able to capture the Xuanguang Cave, they will also be trapped here, and the entire army will be wiped out!

When thinking of this, Lu Jiuzhong's heart had a little retreat.

The fourth elder saw his thoughts, glanced at him coldly, and said in a deep voice: "If something happens, there will be an old man who will resist it, why are you panicking?

If you are afraid, get out! "

The Blood Sword Sect is aloof, and the four elders are respected.

He didn't look down on a small role like the Lu family, and he was seriously injured, holding his stomach in flames, and of course he didn't give Lu Jiuzhong a good face.

Lu Jiuzhong was scolded with a sullen expression, he quickly squeezed out a smile, and apologized: "Four elders, please calm down your anger. How can Lu abandon you because he is so loyal to the Blood Sword Sect?

Lu is just worried..."

The fourth elder said blankly: "There is nothing to worry about! Although this sacred tower is powerful, it shelters the Xuanguang Cave and will not actively attack.

As for the upper gods...

If there were such strong players, they would have appeared long ago! "

Hearing what he said~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lu Jiuzhong felt much more relieved.

He stared at the **** tower for a few moments, nodded and said: "That's right! The strange thing about this **** tower is that it just guards the Xuanguang Cave, but no one appears.

As long as we don't attack it, it doesn't seem to take the initiative to attack. "

The fourth elder nodded slightly and said: "Don't blindly attack the sacred tower anymore, first heal the wounded, meditate and adjust your breath.

The old man should study carefully to see what is going on with this tower. "

"Obviously!" Lu Jiu nodded in focus, and hurriedly flew to the ruins not far away to treat the seriously injured and dying Lu family.

The eight elite masters also dispersed one after another, rescuing the injured disciples of the Blood Sword Sect.

The four elders sat cross-legged in the sky, taking the Shen Dan Yun Gong to heal his injuries.

He has made up his mind, after he has taken care of his injury, he will try to deal with the mysterious black tower.

If possible, he will also take the mysterious black tower as his own!

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