Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2856: Devour God Crystal

In fact, the Four Elders guessed right.

The person who manipulates the tower is definitely not the upper god.

Even the Divine Sovereign Realm has not been reached.

Because this sacred tower is exactly the nine-day tower.

At the critical moment when the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family attacked Xuanguang Cave, Ji Tianxing finally arrived.

He knew very well that even if he and Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others made their best efforts, they could not stop the attack by the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family.

Together, the Qi family must suffer heavy casualties.

He and Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others are not the opponents of the four elders, and they will definitely be injured.

Therefore, he temporarily changed his mind.

Let Ji Ke control the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, covering the entire Xuanguang Cave, blocking the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family from outside.

With the defense of the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, it is impossible to break through even if the ten masters of the gods attack.

Xuanguangdong is foolproof!


at this time.

Nine days and ten unique towers.

Ji Ke was sitting on the demon **** altar in the fifth layer of space, in the great Luo **** formation.

She closed her eyes tightly, pinched Shen Jue in her hands, and was casting spells to manipulate the tower.

The five-color divine flames circled her body, exuding mysterious and powerful power fluctuations, making her seem unpredictable.

The first floor of the tower.

In the vast and dark hall, Yun Yao, Bai Long and others are casting spells to heal everyone in the Qi family.

When the defensive formation of Xuanguangdong was destroyed and the Lu family and the disciples of the Blood Sword Sect attacked, everyone in the Qi family was desperate.

Qi Tianxing and Qi Tianchen, who were seriously injured, were also prepared to die with the disciples of the Blood Sword Sect with the tragic and vigorous view of death.

But at that moment, the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers fell from the sky.

The desperate members of the Qi family were instantly taken into the tower, free from danger.

Until this time, all the Qi family members recovered.

They were in an unfamiliar environment, and at first they were a little flustered and worried.

The crowd gathered in a group, vigilantly guarding the surroundings.

The leading Qi Tianxing and Qi Tianchen, as the backbone of everyone, can still remain calm.

Under their orders, the Qi family guards, artisans and miners gradually calmed down.

Afterwards, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others appeared.

When everyone saw Ji Tianxing show up, they suddenly realized that their hanging hearts finally fell.

Everyone showed the joy of the rest of their lives, and bowed to Ji Tianxing to express their gratitude.

Ji Tianxing reassures everyone a few words, so that everyone does not have to worry and can heal their injuries with peace of mind.

There is a tower to protect Xuanguang Cave, which is safe.

No matter how strong the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family were, they couldn't invade Xuanguang Cave.

However, everyone has to stay in the tower for a while.

Ji Tianxing wants to enter the Xuanguang Cave, clean up the collapsed ruins, and rescue the trapped wounded.

After solving this matter, he could take action against the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family.

Everyone in the Qi family trusted and respected him, so naturally they had no objection.


The injured stayed on the first floor of the sacred pagoda to heal their injuries.

The uninjured guards, artisans and miners followed him into the Xuanguang Cave.

He used the laws of the earth to perform magical secrets and quickly cleared the collapsed ruins.

The entrance to the Xuanguang Cave was restored and everyone hurriedly entered the underground mine.

Next, Ji Tianxing led the Qi family to clean up four collapsed mines in turn.

A large amount of soil and rock was cleared out, and the collapsed mine was restored to flow.

The wounded and corpses buried in the ruins were also rescued by everyone.

In just half an hour, the cleanup and rescue work was completed.

Originally, according to the estimates of the Qi family, this work would take at least two days to complete.

But Ji Tianxing made a move in half an hour.

This is an incredible miracle!

Everyone's awe and admiration for Ji Tianxing has reached its culmination!

After everything is ready.

Ji Tianxing issued an order to let the Qi family clean the mine and carry out finishing work.

He went to Mine No. 9 alone to investigate the vein of Shenjing.


Mine No. 9 is very ordinary and unremarkable.

In the thirteenth year that the City Lord's Mansion took control of Xuanguang Cave, this mine was excavated.

So far, this mine has been mined for 57 years.

The craftsmen and miners of the City Lord’s Mansion found only three ordinary veins in this mine.

Shenjing mineral vein is a treasure that no one dares to imagine.

Not long after Qi Jia took over Xuanguang Cave, Ji Tianxing came to inspect the mines and clear the hidden dangers left by the City Lord’s Mansion.

He checked the No. 9 mine and found no abnormalities.

but now.

As soon as he entered the No. 9 mine, he felt a strong aura of supernatural power, which rushed out of the mine.

In a mine with a radius of ten miles, an incomparably rich divine power has been accumulated.

Even in the air, there are strands of colorful magic.


When Ji Tianxing's figure flashed, he flew to the depths of the mine and came into a mine with a radius of a thousand feet.

He remembered very clearly that the mine was only three hundred feet long and the depth was less than one hundred feet.

But now, the mine has more than tripled, and its depth has reached more than 300 feet.

There were no signs of excavation at the edge of the pit, all violent torn breaches.


The people in the city lord's mansion planted the divine light bomb here.

After the detonation, not only the No. 9 mine cave was destroyed, but also a large amount of Shenjing ore was exploded.

Ji Tianxing looked down at the mine, watching with scorching eyes.

There is a huge vein of sacred stone in the pit, full of rough and ordinary sacred stone ore.

However, among the countless rough ores, there are densely packed colorful spars!

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing suddenly realized.

"That's it!

No wonder the people in the City Lord's Mansion have been mining for more than 50 years, but they haven't discovered the existence of Shen Jing.

Unexpectedly, this vein is deeper underground, and a large number of **** crystals are wrapped in ordinary ore! "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and shot out a few divine lights, smashing into a few ordinary ore.

"Crack! Click!"

With the sound of several breaking sounds, six washbasin-sized ore fell apart.

Suddenly, dozens of walnut-sized multicolored crystals splashed out of the ore and fell on the ground.

Ji Tianxing picked up those **** crystals and used the power of devouring **** crystals to quickly devour the **** crystals.

After a while, a dozen crystals disappeared.

Replenishing the dzi beads left half of the divine power, and transferred the other half to him.

He was surprised to find that the purity of these **** crystals was very high, and their divine power was extremely pure.

There are almost no impurities~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the process of swallowing and refining, there will be no waste.

"The Qi family is so lucky!"

Ji Tianxing murmured and smiled.

No longer wasting time, he quickly landed to the bottom of the mine and sat cross-legged on the vein.

He began to use his powers to devour magical powers.

The palms of both hands bloomed with black light, and two dark vortexes appeared, pressing on the veins.


The powerful devouring force immediately enveloped the veins, absorbing the power of the veins frantically.

Both the ordinary sacred stone and the power of the colorful sacred crystal were swallowed by his palms, and all poured into the dzi patch.

After the purification of the Sky Pearl, half of the power entered his body to help him quickly improve his strength.

After just an hour, his strength has doubled!

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