Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2858: Have a good show

Lu Jiuzhong was taken aback for a moment, and immediately showed a daze.

"Four elders are wise! You are too right!

Our goal is Xuanguang Cave, not this tower.

Even if the **** tower blocks the entrance of the cave, we can dive into the ground and enter the Xuanguang Cave from the ground!

As long as we enter the mine, the Qi family gang of chickens and dogs, without the protection of the tower, will soon be slaughtered by us! "

The fourth elder pointed to more than forty masters in black, and said: "Lu Jiuzhong, you and them stay here, the old man and eight elite disciples sneak into the ground."

Those more than forty black-clothed masters had their bodies destroyed and their godheads also suffered heavy losses.

Their combat effectiveness is very weak, and they can barely make up the number of people.

Lu Jiuzhong wanted to refuse.

But he changed his mind, he stayed on the ground anyway.

As long as you don't take the initiative to attack the tower, there is no danger, so he nodded and agreed.

"Lu mou obeys the orders of the four elders and hopes you will win."

The four elders stopped talking, and brought the eight elite masters into the ground.

He had already detected with his divine sense that the colorful divine light released by the divine tower enveloped a radius of three hundred li.

As long as they dive more than three hundred miles underground, it is possible to find a gap or passage and sneak into the Xuanguang Cave.

Once successful, they can quickly occupy Xuanguangdong.

But the people of the Qi family can only hide in the tower and never dare to show up.



A burst of colorful light flashed.

The four elders and eight elite masters landed in the ruins around the tower, and got into the ground one after another.

Using the Five Elements Rule, everyone sneaked into the depths of the earth, unimpeded all the way.

After just a few breaths, everyone dived three hundred and fifty miles underground.

This area is covered with indestructible rock layers and scattered veins of sacred stone.

The spiritual consciousness of the four elders and the eight masters extended in all directions, carefully investigating the underground situation.

Above their heads, about fifty miles away, there was a colorful barrier of divine light.

That is the power of the tower.

It was like a ball of light with a radius of three hundred miles, protecting the entire Xuanguang Hole.

However, many mineral veins in Xuanguang Cave are more than 300 miles in length.

Some mineral veins are even thousands of miles long, extending in all directions.

The Fourth Elder is to explore those mineral veins, looking for gaps and gaps, in order to sneak into the Xuanguang Cave.

This is a meticulous work that takes a long time.

But the four elders have enough patience.

Time passed silently.

The four elders and eight elite disciples have been moving deep underground.

They carefully explored every inch of land, not letting go of every piece of rock and ore.

Unconsciously, another day passed.

It's a pity that everyone still got nothing.


at the same time.

Lu Jiuzhong and more than forty black-clothed masters were meditating in the sky to adjust their breath.

Those more than forty masters are all working to heal their injuries, trying to heal their charcoal-like bodies.

Originally, they were so hurt, they just wanted to leave Xuanguang Island and go back to retreat for recuperation.

But the four elders did not order, and they did not dare to leave without authorization.

Even if you waste time, stay on the island and wait.

Lu Jiuzhong did nothing more.

In addition to closing his eyes and resting his mind, he is waiting for the good news of the four elders.

In the evening, the sun sets.

Lu Jiuzhong sent a message to the Lu family's eyeliner, asking about the situation of the Qi family.

After a while, he received the news reported by Lu's spies.

"Qi Tianlong is on his way back to Qingshan City. At most two hours, he will arrive at Qingshan City."

Upon hearing the news, Lu Jiuzhong sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"When Qi Tianlong arrives home, he will immediately ask about Xuanguangdong's news.

He will definitely bring a large number of masters of the Qi family, and come as fast as possible.

At that time, the four elders will definitely kill Qi Tianlong and the Qi family masters!

In this way, the Qi family is dead.

There is a good show tonight, hahahaha..."

Lu Jiuzhong murmured to himself, showing an expression full of expectation.


Just when he was complacent.

The silent tower suddenly burst out of colorful ripples!

It was a **** flame of five colors, spreading like ripples, sweeping the sky.

Lu Jiuzhong sensed the danger, teleported five hundred miles without hesitation, and retreated to the southern sea.

The forty-odd black-clothed masters reacted slightly slower and slower.

When they realized something was wrong, it was too late to retreat.

"Boom bang bang!"

A series of muffled noises burst out and echoed in the sky.

More than forty black-clothed masters were swept by the colorful flames, all of a sudden burst of sparks, bursting out endless black and gray.

In the blink of an eye, their bodies were wiped out.

Even their godhead was completely defeated.

It burst into sky fragments, floating down from the sky, refracting colorful glare.

More than forty people were killed in an instant, with no bones left.

Five hundred miles away on the sea.

Lu Jiuzhong stared at this scene with amazement, cold sweat on his forehead.

He secretly rejoiced, but fortunately he was alert enough to escape the island in time.

Otherwise, he was hit by the colorful **** flame, and he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

"Damn bastard!

There was no movement in the previous two days, but now it suddenly strikes.

The man who controls this tower is really despicable and sinister! "

Lu Jiuzhong lifted his sleeves to wipe off the cold sweat from his forehead, and cursed angrily.

As soon as his voice fell, a cold voice came into his ears.

"Dog thief, take your life!"

A dazzling sword light of thousands of feet suddenly fell from the sky and slashed towards Lu Jiuzhong.

The golden sword light is more dazzling than the scorching sun.

Before the sword light arrived, the terrifying sword intent had already sealed a radius of five hundred miles.

Lu Jiu's heart trembled, and he quickly grabbed a sword and swung it out of the sky.

"Boom bang bang!"

More than 30 colorful sword lights, carrying the power of the five-fold rule, slashed towards that giant sword.

The sword light collided, and there was a deafening noise.

The colorful sword light shattered one after another, but the thousand-zhang giant sword was undiminished in power, and it struck Lu Jiuzhong suddenly.

Although he has a divine light body, and at a critical moment, he held the sword with both hands to block his head.

But he was still knocked into the air.

The body guard divine light collapsed, smashing into the seabed from the sky, splashing huge waves.


When Lu Jiuzhong rushed out of the sea ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and returned to the sky, he was already disheveled, his face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were dripping blood.

He looked forward angrily, locking the white figure in the sky.

I saw that it was a valiant young man with a height of eight feet, white robe and black hair.

He held his hands behind his back, his expression proud, his body was filled with invisible domineering and majesty.

Seeing his face clearly, Lu Jiuzhong suddenly tightened his pupils, and exclaimed, "Qijia worship? It turned out to be you?!"

Lu Jiuzhong didn't expect it.

The person who attacked him and wounded him in one stroke turned out to be worshipped by the Qi family!

He clearly remembered that in the martial arts competition twenty days ago, the Qi family worship only had the strength of the Heavenly God Realm.

And now, the opponent's strength has obviously skyrocketed dozens of times!

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