Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2859: The Fall of God

Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Lu Jiuzhong couldn't believe it.

He couldn't see through the realm of Ji Tianxing's strength.

But he was very sure that Ji Tianxing was definitely a strong man.

Moreover, it is likely to be the middle god!

"Boy, you... how did you do it?"

Lu Jiuzhong stared at Ji Tianxing in shock, and asked in a deep voice.

Ji Tianxing looked at him expressionlessly, and sneered: "Since you are terrified, don't make senseless struggles and kneel down to lead death!"

While talking, he released his invisible power and swept towards Lu Jiuzhong.

Suddenly, Lu Jiuzhong's face was pale when he was suppressed, and there was a sense of horror in his heart.

Although, Ji Tianxing has not broken through the realm of the gods.

But he swallowed the power of the crystal veins for three days and three nights.

Today, his strength has reached 36 times the peak of the gods.

This is a realm unimaginable by any god.

Even Lu Jiuzhong was shocked and determined that he was a middle-ranked god.

"Boy, Hugh is crazy!"

Lu Jiuzhong squeezed the divine sword tightly and shouted coldly: "Even if this seat can't beat you, that senior can easily kill you!

Do you think that you helped the Qi family win the Xuanguang Cave?

That's stupid!

You brought a disaster to the Qi family! "

Ji Tianxing sneered and said: "It seems that you are a running dog for the Blood Sword Sect, and you have already fallen into your heart.

That white-haired old man is the fourth elder of the Blood Sword Sect, right? "

Lu Jiuzhong was taken aback, and thought to himself: "This bastard, he not only recognizes this seat, but also knows the identity of the fourth elder?

Is he the owner of the tower?

He hid in the tower before and secretly listened to our conversation? "

Thinking of this, Lu Jiuzhong's eyes shone brightly, his eyes became hot and greedy.

"Boy, this tower is yours?"

He stared at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

Ji Tianxing frowned slightly and said, "How are you doing?"

"Hahaha..." Lu Jiuzhong suddenly raised his head and laughed, and said with relief: "Before this seat was worried, most of the people who possessed such sacred artifacts were high-ranking gods.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be you little beast!

That being the case, as long as this seat kills you, the tower will belong to this seat! "

The temptation of the tower caused Lu Jiuzhong to dispel his doubts and fears, and his heart was hot.

Ji Tianxing coldly shouted with contempt: "Things that do not live or die!"

When the voice fell, he pinched the magic trick with both hands, urging the ten success force, and using a trick to learn swordsmanship.

"Daylight sword!"

With a cold drink from him, a white halo flickered and disappeared in the sky.

Lu Jiuzhong realized the danger and immediately teleported to avoid it.


As soon as his figure flashed, he moved horizontally for five hundred miles and appeared in the east of Xuanguang Island.


As soon as he stood firm, a dazzling white light burst out in front of him, bursting out a sword aura that ruined the world.


A blazing halo burst out on his chest, and a cloud of blazing mushrooms rose up.

The white light obscured the sky and the sun, shrouded thousands of miles, stabbing people to open their eyes.

Lu Jiuzhong's body protection divine light collapsed directly, his black robe was also twisted into countless strips of cloth, a large amount of blood mist splashed on his chest.

He was unprepared and was severely injured by the daylight sword.

Not only was the chest exploded with a blood hole as large as the washbasin, but the internal organs were also shattered by the explosion, and blood surged.


The heart-piercing pain caused Lu Jiuzhong to let out a scream.

The violent impact force shook him upside down and flew out, falling to the surface of the sea hundreds of miles away.

With just one move, Lu Jiuzhong was severely injured and his body was on the verge of collapse.

Ji Tianxing is in a strong position and does not forgive others, taking advantage of the victory to pursue.


With a flash of light and shadow, he teleported to Lu Jiuzhong's side, holding the Heaven Burying Sword and severely cut it down.

"One sword opens the sky!"

The thousand-foot-long colorful sword light, carrying the power of 18 laws, drowned Lu Jiuzhong's figure.

The world in a radius of three thousand miles was shrouded in divine light and sword aura, a splendid one.

Lu Jiuzhong watched the sword light fall, but he couldn't avoid being suppressed, and his heart was panic and despair.


Another loud noise burst out, shaking the world.

Lu Jiuzhong was slashed by a giant sword, and exploded on the spot into dregs, splashing a cloud of blood.

Although, his divine body has been toughened to the extreme.

Even if he is a strong god, he has mastered more than a dozen laws of the gods.

All of this is useless under the overbearing Heaven-opening Giant Sword.

He was fragile and vulnerable and was directly killed by a spike.

Thousands of pieces of flesh and blood are scattered from the sky into the sea.

Even his godhead was wounded by the giant sword, cracking open several cracks.

As a result, his consciousness was dim.

Let alone counterattack and escape, he couldn't even control the godhead.

The godhead descended from the sky, shimmering with colorful lights, and fell into the sea.

At this time, Ji Tianxing caught up again, swinging his sword and slashing.


The colorful sword light lit up, and once again cut to Lu Jiuzhong's godhead.

Lu Jiuzhong finally woke up.

Seeing Jianguang slashing at his head, he was so scared that he burst out of the ultimate desire to survive.

He unscrupulously and unreservedly exploded his divine power, forming a huge multicolored mask to protect the godhead.


Jian Guang slashed down, smashing the mask into pieces.

Lu Jiuzhong's godhead was thrown away, and a few more cracks were added, and his injuries were even more miserable.

He was completely terrified, terrified to the extreme, and desperately fled to the south.

"call out!"

The godhead lights up the brilliant light, dragging a long colorful tail flame, like a meteor piercing the sky.

When flying over Xuanguang Island, he was still praying silently.

I hope that the four elders will find the clues and save him in time.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to escape Ji Tianxing's chase, and he would definitely die.

at this time.

The four elders, who had been exploring the underground, finally discovered the strangeness on the island.

He immediately stopped searching, leaving the ground at the fastest speed, and flew over the island.


The white light flashed, and the four elders appeared in the sky.

He saw the situation at a glance.

Lu Jiuzhong's godhead was galloping past the island.

A hundred miles behind him, Ji Tianxing was chasing with a sword.

Seeing this, the pupils of the four elders shrank, and there was a flash of murder in their eyes.

"Niezha, die!"

The four elders screamed like Hong Zhong, and brazenly raised both palms and blasted towards Ji Tianxing.

Seeing the four elders intercepted, Lu Jiuzhong was relieved~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was full of surprises.

He did not dare to expect that the four elders could hurt Ji Tianxing.

As long as the four elders can hold back Ji Tianxing, he will have a chance to escape.


Lu Jiuzhong was destined to be happy.

Ji Tianxing ignored the two giant palms played by the four elders, and instantly moved two hundred miles, appearing in front of Lu Jiuzhong.

Hyun Jin Jianguang regained his power and cut it all down.

Lu Jiuzhong was caught off guard and ran into him head on.


With a loud and clear noise burst out.

Lu Jiuzhong's godhead was smashed to pieces by Jianguang on the spot, and twelve pieces were splashed out, floating on the surface of the sea.

At this point, Lu Jiuzhong completely fell.

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