Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2861: Upset the situation

A quarter of an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing and the Fourth Elders fought together for thousands of tricks.

The two sides moved away from Xuanguang Island, and the battlefield moved 20,000 miles to the east.

The divine light and shadow that covered the sky and the sun, and the deafening explosions, echoed endlessly in the sky.

The violent shock wave stirred up huge waves on the sea for thousands of miles.

The divine power of heaven and earth near the battlefield has become extremely violent and chaotic, full of dozens of laws and powers.

Ji Tianxing was surrounded by one enemy to nine.

From the beginning of the war to the present, his situation has been very dangerous.

He can only do his best to use the Heavenly Dragon Overlord Body to burst his power to the extreme.

He used all kinds of magical powers, mysteries, and kendo skills in turns, without concealment.

In this way, his situation has finally changed.

There are already three elite masters who have been beheaded by him one after another, with no bones left.

Two other masters were also severely injured by him.

They turned a blind eye to the injury and still attacked him fiercely.

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

When the four elders and five masters came to kill again, Ji Tianxing brazenly resorted to the skill of the sword.


With a wave of the Heaven Burial Sword, it shed thousands of sword lights, covering three thousand miles of heaven and earth.

Each colorful sword light contains nine kinds of law power.

Wandao Jianguang blocked the world, crisscrossing assassinations, like a storm of swords.



A series of muffled noises came out, and there was even more blood splashing in the big canopy.

The two severely injured elite masters were strangled by sword light on the spot and turned into a rain of blood.

The remaining three masters were also shrouded in sword light, strangling all over with cuts and bruises, and flying flesh and blood.

In the blink of an eye, they were also severely injured, crying out in pain and howling.

Only the four elders reacted the fastest, retreated to the edge in time, and fully resisted Jianguang's strangulation.

After three breaths.

The tens of thousands of sword lights suddenly gathered, condensed into nine sky-opening giant swords, blooming with colorful divine light, carrying the supreme power, and slashed down.

Only a colorful giant sword killed the Fourth Elder.

The other six giant swords slashed to three elite masters.

Ji Tianxing's goal is clear.

Solve the remaining three masters first, and then fully deal with the four elders.

More than three masters can see it, and the four elders can also see it clearly.

However, he was unable to stop it.

In the face of the colorful giant sword that was beheaded, he could only use his supernatural powers to resist.


The two **** giant palms that captured Tiannaoyue slammed the colorful giant sword and burst into a loud noise.

The two sides stood in a stalemate for an instant, then collapsed at the same time, bursting into billions of divine light fragments.

the other side.

Six colorful giant swords, carrying twenty-seven laws and powers, swallowed the figures of three masters.

"Boom bang bang!"

A loud noise burst out, shaking the sky.

The shock wave that ruined the world, wrapped in endless fragments of divine light, spread to the surroundings.

It is like a torrent of colorful, earth-shattering, sweeping across a radius of eight thousand miles.

After the light dissipated, the three masters disappeared without a trace.

Their divine bodies were bombarded and killed by giant swords and wiped out.

The godhead was also detonated, and the fragments were scattered in the sea.

At this point, the eight elite disciples brought by the four elders have all died under the sword of Ji Tianxing.

After the storm.

The four elders waited for Ji Tianxing with blood red eyes, almost exploding in anger.

"Little beast! You actually killed the eight most proud disciples of this seat, and this seat swears against you!

Are you determined to be your enemy? ! "

The two played thousands of moves, and the Four Elders had enough knowledge of Ji Tianxing's strength and methods.

He knew well that Ji Tianxing's realm of strength was not as good as him.

However, Ji Tianxing mastered more laws of God's way and cultivated more and more powerful magical powers.

The real strength of the two is unpredictable between the two!

If there is still room for change, the four elders don't want to fight each other to the end.

Such a result will definitely hurt both sides!

Of course, Ji Tianxing could see that the Fourth Elder was a little guilty.

He said with an indifferent expression: "It's not that this seat is going to be an enemy of the Blood Sword Sect, but the Blood Sword Sect is aggressive and seeking death!

This seat also gives you a chance to survive.

You now send a message to the Blood Sword Sect to let them abandon the Xuanguang Cave and stop the persecution of the Qi family..."

Before Ji Tianxing finished speaking, the four elders' complexion changed, and intense anger spurted from his eyes.

"Shut up! What do you think you are, how dare you threaten this door?

In the eyes of this door, you are nothing more than an ant! "

Ji Tianxing looked at him blankly, and said in a cold tone: "If this is the case, then there is nothing to talk about.

I gave you the opportunity to give your last words, but unfortunately, you have already used it up. "

When the voice fell.

Ji Tianxing's body is as high as one hundred meters, bursting out with the dazzling golden light of the sun, bursting out of supreme power.

Holding the eighty-foot-long Sky Burial Sword in both hands, he brazenly stabbed the sword of Zhu Shen.


The golden sword light tore through the sky, and instantly assassinated in front of the Fourth Elder.

The four elders immediately raised their palms, urging the eight powers of the law, and waved their palms to produce two brilliant colorful lights.

The majestic and magnificent power of the law of God is concentrated in two spheres of light with a radius of one thousand feet.

Its power is condensed to the extreme, ten times harder than any **** iron.

In the sphere of light, the colorful divine light is stacked on top of each other, like a wave surging, and it is spectacular.


Two **** of light crashed into the golden sword, bursting with a loud noise, shaking the world.

Suddenly, the ball of light exploded, and the golden sword was also shattered.

The four elders made an all-out effort to block Ji Tianxing's assassination.

However, Ji Tianxing was not affected at all.

After the Heaven Burial Sword was shaken back ten miles, he changed his moves and cut it down again.

"Sword of Burial!"

The giant sword became pitch black like ink, bursting out mysterious black light, and carrying the icy death chill, it slashed towards the head of the fourth elder.

The four elders were full of horror, and quickly grabbed a **** giant sword, blocking it overhead.

"Kang Dang!"

Amidst the earth-shaking loud noise, the Heaven Burial Sword struck the Scarlet Great Sword with a bang.

The divine light splashed and the energy was overflowing, and the huge waves were rolled up on the sea.

The Fourth Elder was not injured, but was repelled by Baili.


At this time, Ji Tianxing teleported again and appeared beside the Fourth Elder.

He held the sword in both hands and cut it down again with all his strength.

Tianlong proudly cut!

The half-moon sword light that was hundreds of feet long, carrying the colorful divine light and thunder flame, slammed in front of the four elders.

The four elders were overwhelmed and too late to escape, so they could only hold the blood-colored giant sword ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to fight with all their strength.


Another blast of crisp metal sounded, tearing the sky.

The Four Elders were shocked again.

The hands couldn't stop shaking, the tiger's mouth cracked open, and blood was flowing.

The blood-colored giantsword trembled violently and screamed.

The violent five-colored thunder and flames enveloped his body, instantly burning his white hair and robe.

He was full of black smoke and screamed in pain.

Ji Tianxing was unrelenting, and went all out to chase his sword.

The left hand punches the dragon elephant fist, and the right hand pierces the sky-reaching sword.

The situation of the four elders is even more dangerous.

Any carelessness will result in death on the spot.

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