Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2862: 1 more


Although the four long aging had solved the Dragon Elephant God Fist, they did not block the sword to the sky.

In the muffled sound, he was stabbed by the sword of the sky, vomiting blood and flew out.

Fighting with Ji Tianxing for thousands of moves, now he can no longer hold it, and is finally injured.

Not only did he damage his internal organs, but the bronze mask on his face also flew out and fell into the sea.

The old face was pale as paper, blood was constantly spilling from his mouth and nose, and his eyes were a little dim.

Even his aura has weakened a lot.

On the contrary, Ji Tianxing’s aura is more arrogant and domineering.

He hangs like a scorching sun in the high sky, swallowing thousands of miles of heaven and sea, holding a sword in both hands, and opening a large and closed attack.

"Broken Moon!"

"Broken Sun!"

"A sword is floating!"

All kinds of kendo skills are unfolded, dancing the sword light that shields the sky and the sun.

The fierce sword aura sealed a 3,000-mile radius and severely suppressed the Fourth Elder.

He was forced to retreat steadily, tired of parrying Ji Tianxing's onslaught, appearing in a frenzy.

With the passage of time, the wounds on the four elders became more and more severe, and the injuries became more severe.

at last.

When he was forced to retreat three hundred miles, Ji Tian exercised eight hundred swordsmanship.

The hundreds of thousands of sword auras criss-crossed between the heaven and the earth, suddenly condensed into formations, bursting into brilliant light.


A mysterious sword formation with a radius of thousands of miles suddenly appeared between the sea and the sky.

Ji Tianxing and the four elders are all located in this sword formation.

However, under the envelope of the sword formation power, the situation of the two was completely opposite.

Ji Tianxing is like a fish in the water, like a tiger with wings, not only does his divine power flow endlessly, his aura has also increased tenfold.

In contrast, the four elders were not only suppressed by the power of the sword formation, but also greatly weakened.

Even his actions became difficult and sluggish, and his divine power was not running smoothly.

The balance has been broken under one change.

Ji Tianxing's fighting spirit and strength far surpassed the Four Elders, presenting an overwhelming situation.


Thousands of colorful sword lights, shooting like a rain of arrows, fell overwhelmingly.

The figure of the Fourth Elder was instantly submerged.

He roared frantically, wielding the blood-colored giant sword frantically, resisting the strangulation of the sword light.

A series of muffled sounds exploded, countless sword lights were defeated, exploding dense multicolored fragments.

Although, he successfully defeated thousands of Jianguang.

But after the sword light dissipated, more than a dozen wounds were added to his body, with bones visible and blood flowing.

Before he could catch his breath, thousands of sword lights came from all directions, strangling frantically.

The figure of the four elders was once again submerged.

He tried his best to resist, exhausted all his magical powers, and finally blocked Jianguang's attack.

But he also paid a heavy price for this.

More than 30 wounds were added to the body, about one foot long, deep into the bone marrow.

There was no complete flesh on the front, back, and limbs.

His clothes and white hair were all smashed into shards, completely transformed into a blood man.

The most frightening thing is that he has no chance to breathe at all, and there is endless sword light.

In the sword formation, he would be attacked and killed by ten thousand swords all the time, forever.

"Bull! You despicable bastard!

Do you only use this kind of conspiracy?

Why didn't you dare to fight the old man head-on? "

In furious anger, the four elders roared hoarsely.

He was surrounded by endless sword light, and he couldn't even see Ji Tianxing's shadow, and his strangulated flesh and blood flew across, leaving only the white skeleton.

He once thought that his divine body had been tempered forever.

No swords, guns, swords, halberds, God Thunder and Heavenly Fire could hurt him a single hair.

But now, a mere sword formation cut off his flesh and blood.

He estimated that after at most half an hour, the white skeleton would be strangled into dregs.

At that time, he will only have one godhead left.

Even if he worked hard for thousands of years and accumulated thirty-three rules, he would fall on the spot.

If he died under the hands of a certain high-ranking **** or a well-known strong man, that would be comforting.

It happened that he lost to the worship of a third-rate family.

This matter spread, it is absolutely a great shame.

Thinking of this, the four elders couldn't contain their anger and frustration, and immediately roared.


Light and shadow flashed.

The sword light that surrounded the four elders spread out all around.

His eyesight returned to clarity, and he saw not far ahead, Ji Tianxing looked at him calmly.

"Little beast! There is a way for you to remove the formation and fight the old man to the death!"

The fourth elder cursed while secretly moving to heal his injuries.

Ji Tianxing saw his small movements, but disdain to stop him, and said indifferently: "I practice swordsmanship, not only proficient in swordsmanship, but also sword formation.

This is a simple and simple Zhutian Sword Formation created by this seat, just to try the power of the sword formation with you. "

The fourth elder became more and more embarrassed, trembling with anger, and roared hoarsely: "You beast! The Blood Sword Sect will never let you go!

Soon, you will soon be wanted by the Blood Sword Sect, and you are destined to be wiped out! "

Ji Tianxing didn't bother to pay attention to him, and continued to manipulate the sword formation, releasing thousands of sword lights, and strangling the four elders.


"Boom bang bang bang!"

The sword light remained horizontally and horizontally, and the muffled sound was endless.

Among them, there are also intermittent screams.

Unconsciously, half an hour passed.

After the sky of sword light dissipated, the Fourth Elder also disappeared.

no doubt.

After half an hour of suppression and strangulation, he was already bombarded and killed.

Not only the flesh and blood dissipated, but the skeleton also became a powder.

Fortunately, he had the scarlet giant sword and dozens of monarch-level artifacts that could last so long.

If there weren't those artifacts to resist Jianguang's strangulation, he would have been bombarded and killed.

"call out!"

A diamond-shaped godhead shimmering with colorful glare quietly flew across the sky and flew towards the corner of the sword formation.

Although, the gods of the four elders were destroyed.

But his godhead still exists, and he has not lost his life.

As long as the godhead can escape Ji Tianxing's interception, he still has a chance to recover.


In the muffled sound, the Godhead dragged a long colorful tail flame, slamming against the edge of the Heavenly Sword Formation.

The colorful mask, trembling violently, flashed divinely.

However, the light shield was not broken, it was still intact.

However, the godhead of the four elders was violently shaken, and his consciousness was a little dizzy.

He quickly woke up and rushed to the Shenguang shield again ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and this time, Ji Tianxing was prepared.

Dragon Elephant Fist!

With a wave of his left hand, Ji Tianxing shot a dragon-like phantom with a large mountain, and hit the fourth elder's godhead severely.


The Godhead was blown away, and several cracks broke out on the surface.

"The sword breaks nine days!"

Ji Tianxing caught up with a teleport, slashing with his sword.


Only a clear cracking sound was heard, and the godhead of the Fourth Elder was smashed to pieces by the Heaven Burying Sword on the spot, splashing with colorful light in the sky.

Fourteen fragments of the godhead were also wrapped in vigor and splashed around.

The dignified middle god, the fourth elder of the Blood Sword Sect, was actually beheaded by Ji Tianxing!

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