Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2863: I'm late?

The war is over.

Fourteen pieces of the godhead of the four elders were also included in the bag by Ji Tianxing.

He waved away the Zhutian Sword Formation, turned and flew back towards Xuanguang Island.

On the way, his divine consciousness enveloped thousands of miles of water, searching for the divine character fragments of the elite disciples of the Blood Sword Sect.

When he returned to the vicinity of Xuanguang Island, he searched for Lu Jiuzhong's godhead fragments in the sea.

After half an hour.

When he returned to Xuanguang Island, in the ruins of the island, he searched for many pieces of the godhead of the master in black.

Although, those black-clothed masters are all Lu Family disciples, and a small number of Blood Sword Sect disciples.

The strength of these people is between the third and sixth levels of the Heavenly God Realm.

The fragments of their godheads are not only weak in their divine power, but the laws of the gods are also very rare.

But even so, Ji Tianxing did not dislike it.

No matter how small the legs of a mosquito are, it is meat.


With a flash of light and shadow, Ji Tianxing returned to the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers and appeared on the altar of the demon god.

At this time, more than 600 pieces of Godhead had been stored in his space ring.

Ji Ke was still sitting cross-legged in the Great Luo Divine Formation, divine consciousness connected to the entire divine tower, still guarding the Xuanguang Cave.

Ji Tian walked to her side and awakened her with the sound of divine consciousness.

"Koke, the Blood Sword Sect and the people of the Lu Family, have been resolved, you can rest."

Ji Ke was relieved, slowly regaining her strength, and opened her eyes.

Her expression was a little tired, and her eyes were a little dim.

Although she showed a smile, she still couldn't hide her tiredness.

After all, this is the first time she manipulated the tower to fight the enemy.

With her realm of strength, she was still a little reluctant to urge this king-level sacred tower, which was a great loss to her mind.

"Brother Tianxing, has the crisis been resolved?

That blood sword sect's god-sovereign powerhouse was also beheaded by you? "

Ji Ke stared at Ji Tianxing and asked expectantly.

Ji Tianxing nodded, smiled and said, "Yes, I killed them all!"

"Great!" Ji Ke was surprised and excited.

"I think that blood sword sect elder, at least has the strength of the fourth level of the gods.

It is a miracle that you can behead him before breaking through the Divine Sovereign Realm! "

Ji Tianxing held her hands and said in a sincere tone: "Thanks to your help, guarding the Xuanguang Cave, stopping them outside, and helping me buy three days.

If not, I am not the opponent of the blood sword elder.

Well, you have been tired for so long, you must be tired, go and rest. "

"Okay!" Ji Ke nodded, and said: "Then I will air the air when I twist, and the tower will be handed over to you."

After speaking, she passed the Da Luo Divine Formation and entered the twisted time and space to meditate and adjust her breath.

Ji Tianxing took over the control of the tower and sent everyone from the Qi family to the entrance of the mine.

Then, he put away the tower.


Light and shadow flashed.

The thousand-meter-high tower shrank sharply and got into Ji Tianxing's body, leaving a mark of a small black tower on his left arm.

Without the shelter of the **** tower, Xuanguangdong was exposed to the dark night.

Hundreds of Qi family guards, craftsmen and miners all stood in the ruins, looking around blankly.

There was a burst of exclamation and discussion in the crowd.

"It's been three days, is it finally over?"

"Where are the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family?"

"The tower is gone, are we all safe?"

"The Blood Sword Sect and the beasts of the Lu Family must have been driven away by the Enshrined Lord!"

"It's incredible! Enshrining adults turned the tide and resolved the crisis alone!"

The Blood Sword Sect and the Lu family disappeared, and the tower was also put away.

This made everyone in the Qi family realize that the crisis had been resolved and Xuanguangdong was safe!

All of them were refreshed and emotional.

At this time, Ji Tianxing descended from the sky and came to the top of everyone's heads.

When Qi Tianxing, Qi Tianchen and the Qi family members saw him coming, they bowed and saluted.

"Thank you Lord Fu for your help!"

"Enshrine the mighty Lord!"

Everyone shouted in unison, and the sound shook the earth trembling.

Ji Tianxing raised his hands and pressed down to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone, the invading enemies of the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family, were all killed by this seat, leaving no one alive!

Xuanguang Cave is safe. Everyone will clean up the ruins as soon as possible and rebuild the workshop and residence.

The restoration and reconstruction work is presided over by two deacons. "

Qi Tianxing and Qi Tianchen hurriedly bowed and saluted, and said to obey orders.

Then, the two gathered a large number of guard captains, craftsmen and miner leaders to assign tasks to everyone.

It didn't take long for hundreds of people to perform their duties and devote themselves to the reconstruction work.

Some people entered the mines and cleared the mines and passages.

More people stayed on the ground, cleared the ruins near the entrance, rebuilt workshops, and repaired collapsed houses.

All work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Ji Tianxing entered the 9th mine again and swallowed the Shenjing mineral vein.

The crystals contained in that mineral vein exceeded his expectations.

Even if he had swallowed it for three days and three nights, the power of the veins had not been significantly reduced.

Although, his strength has been strengthened thirty-six times.

But he will continue to strengthen until he reaches the limit of the gods, and then breaks through the realm of gods.

In that case, the strength foundation will be more powerful and the future achievements will be even more terrifying.


Time passed silently.

Before you know it, it's early morning.

Ji Tianxing's strength has been increased to forty times the peak of the gods.

at this time.

A dazzling colorful streamer galloped from the southern night sky and went straight to Xuanguang Island.

Only when the streamer gets closer can you see clearly.

There are hundreds of figures in the thousand-foot-long streamer.

The leader is Qi Tianlong wearing a golden armor and a divine sword hanging on his waist.

The hundreds of guards who followed him were all elites of the Qi family.

These guards have three to five levels of strength in the Heavenly God Realm, armed with swords, and murderous aura.

Everyone cut through the night sky at the fastest speed and boarded Xuanguang Island.

As soon as he set foot on Xuanguang Island, Qi Tianlong slowed down.

Although his face was tired, he dared not let his guard down.

Holding the divine sword in his hand, he cautiously rushed to Xuanguang Cave.

Hundreds of Qi family guards are also vigilant and vigilant.

Obviously, Qi Tianlong rushed back to Qingshan City from Tianfeng County ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just when he returned to Qi Mansion, he learned that something went wrong in Xuanguang Cave.

Before he could rest, he hurriedly took hundreds of elite guards to Xuanguang Cave at the fastest speed.

On the way, he kept praying, hoping that Xuanguang Cave had not fallen, and he would arrive in time.

Now that he finally landed on Xuanguang Island, his heart also touched his throat.

It felt like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced.

Whether it is alive or dead, it will be announced soon.


Seeing that the island was very quiet, Qi Tianlong speeded up and flew into the night sky and came to the entrance of Xuanguang Cave.

When he heard the noisy noise and saw the busy and enthusiastic crowd, he was stunned on the spot.

"This... Am I still late?"

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