Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2870: Must catch alive

The person called Yan Zong is a gray-robed old man with a rickety body.

He has a dark face and thin torso, standing quietly in the shadow in the corner of the study.

There is no sound or breath fluctuation.

It was like a vague gray shadow, unobtrusive.

But his identity is not simple.

He is not only Yuwen Chengkong's number one confidant but also the second strongest in the City Lord's Mansion.

The four-fold powerhouse of the gods.

Hearing Yuwen Chengkong's murmur, Yan Zong still lowered his head, with his hands in the sleeves of his robe, without raising his eyelids.

"Of course, the Qi family will never forget that your hands were once stained with blood, let alone the enemy of the city lord's mansion.

But that Qi family worship is an outsider, bold and reckless, seeking his own death.

With your current status, no matter how angry you are, you can only tolerate it and cannot retaliate against you. "

Yuwen Chengkong nodded slightly, and said in a cold tone: "The Qi family worship must die! I will personally cut off his head to make a wine glass to comfort my son's spirit in the sky!"

Yan Zong declined to comment and went on to say: "The old man just received the news that Qi Tianlong entered the royal capital with the help of Ning Chengfeng and has already shown his merits to the monarch.

The monarch announced at the court meeting that Qi Tianlong was given the title of Viscount.

In terms of title and reputation, he is equal to you, and you can't even start with your family.

Otherwise, it will cause dissatisfaction with the monarch, and other nobles will fall into trouble.

For example, the Ning family. "

"Ha ha ha..." Yuwen Chengkong grinned and sneered, showing a row of white teeth.

"Can't deal with the Qi family? This seat can't wait to razed the Qi family to the ground.

But this has to be considered in the long term, and the top priority is to get rid of the Qi family worship first! "

Yan Zong nodded slightly and said: "It is the emergence of the Qi family worship that made things evolve to this point.

Before that, the Qi family didn't even have the qualifications to compete with the City Lord's Mansion. "

Yuwen Chengkong stopped discussing the matter, and asked in a low voice, "Has the Black Scorpion Tribe reply? Did that ugly black fish monster speak again?"

Yan Zong nodded and said solemnly: "As you might expect, the Black Shark King wants 30,000 pearls, 30,000 sets of high-grade deity equipment, and 300 million sacred stones!"

A cold light flashed in Yuwen Chengkong's eyes, and he sneered: "Damn black fish monster, really greedy and cunning!

It has calculated that this seat cannot be shot in person, and dare to ask for such a wild price!

However, it can destroy the Xuanguang Cave and punish the Qi family worship, and this seat is also willing to accept this condition. "

"Hey..." Yan Zong sighed slightly, and said calmly: "Actually, you don't have to cooperate with the Sea Clan at all.

Once this matter is exposed, it will become an excuse for other forces to attack the city lord's mansion if it is used by someone who is interested.

After all, the location of Qingshan City is more sensitive, and the monarch has always been wary of you colluding with the Sea Clan.

As long as you endure a little longer, the Blood Sword Sect will naturally deal with the Qi family and kill the Qi family's worship! "

Yuwen Chengkong said in a low voice: "Of course I know that the Blood Sword Sect will not let go of Qi Family and Xuan Guangdong.

But the revenge of my son was killed, I must personally avenge.

Also, I can't wait that long!

The fourth elder of the Blood Sword Sect was killed, the fifth elder was also severely wounded, and all the elite disciples he brought were killed.

Suffering such a heavy injury, the Blood Sword Sect is bound to re-examine the strength of the Qi family and dare not act rashly.

In a short period of time, the Blood Sword Sect will no longer easily make a move! "

Yan Zong was silent.

Because he knew that Yuwen Chengkong's analysis was inseparable.

After a moment of silence, he said calmly: "Since you have made up your mind, then I will reply to the Black Shark King."

"Go." Yuwen Chengkong waved his hand and exhorted: "Tell the black shark king, I can promise his condition, but I also have a condition.

Qi family worship, must catch alive!

If I can't kill the beast myself, why should I pay such a price? "

"Understood." Yan Zong replied, and his body immediately disappeared into the darkness.

Only Yuwen Chengkong was left in the study, and he quieted down immediately.

He looked at the window sharply, thinking in his heart, what kind of torture should he use to relieve his hatred after he caught the worship of the Qi family?


For three consecutive days, Xuanguang Island has been calm.

Nobody from the Blood Sword Sect came to retaliate, nor did the City Lord's Mansion do any small actions.

Even Qi Mansion and Shen Beast Garden have been safe.

Everyone in the Qi family has an illusion, did the Blood Sword Sect and the City Lord's Mansion recognize it?

The other party's plan failed, and he suffered a big loss and suffered heavy losses. Shouldn't he dare to attack again?

With this in mind, many artisans and miners of the same family have devoted themselves to the mining industry.

Batch after batch of **** stones and crystals were transported out of the workshop.

Qi Tianxing, Qi Tianchen, and Qi Huanzhi took turns to **** the **** stone and the **** crystal back to the Qi mansion in Qingshan City.

During these three days, Ji Tianxing has also been busy.

He spent three hundred thousand sacred stones and more than three hundred sacred crystals to deploy two high-grade monarch-level sacred formations on Xuanguang Island.

A large defensive formation guards the entire Xuanguang Cave.

A powerful killing array enveloped the entire island.

In this way, any foreign enemy who steps on Xuanguang Island will be ruthlessly strangled.

Even a strong man like the Fourth Elder of the Blood Sword Sect cannot destroy the defense formation of Xuanguangdong.

Compared to before, Xuanguangdong's defense power has increased by about eight times!

When Ji Tianxing's formation was completed, the two large formations began to operate, and Qi returned it to complete peace of mind.

"Brother Tianxing, I didn't expect that your formation is so wonderful, it is simply breathtaking!

With the two divine formations you set up, Xuanguang Island is as solid as gold.

Even if the Blood Sword Sect and the City Lord's Mansion make a comeback, never want to set foot on the island! "

When Ji Tianxing set up the formation, Qi Huanzhi watched for a long time.

He witnessed with his own eyes that someone could combine the trapped formation, killing formation, lost track formation and sealed formation together.

Moreover, those two large formations were both high-ranking monarch-level **** formations, containing more than 200 million changes.

It is extremely complicated!

Seeing Qi Huanzhi's joy and peace of mind, Ji Tianxing couldn't help but remind him.

"Although there are two divine formations protecting Xuanguang Island, you can't take it lightly.

Powerful people gathered in the Blood Sword Sect ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ may be able to find a way to crack it.

On weekdays, it is still necessary for the guards to step up patrols, maintain vigilance and guard, and not let go. "

Qi Huanzhi nodded quickly and said: "I understand, don't worry!"

After hesitating for a while, he asked again: "Brother Tianxing, the defensive power at the Shen Beast Garden is weak, and I am also very worried.

Or, if you work hard, go to the animal garden and arrange two sacred formations? "

A few days ago, those monsters and sacred beasts that escaped from the sacred animal garden were successively found by the Qi family.

Although, the Qi family only recovered half of the beasts.

The other half, long far away from the scope of Qingshan City, is difficult to get back.

But even so, the Qi family recovered nearly half of the loss.

Today, the Beast Garden has returned to normal.

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