Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2871: 1 enemy 300

Originally, Ji Tianxing was prepared to refuse to return it.

After an attack on the Shen Beast Garden, it suffered heavy losses, and it has not recovered its vitality until now.

According to his estimation, in the short term, the Blood Sword Sect would no longer attack the Shen Beast Garden.

It's really a waste of time to go to the Shen Beast Garden to set up a large array.

But Qi Huanzhi asked, how could he refuse?

Besides, this was a trivial matter to him.

"Okay, then you stay here, I'll go to the Valley of Beasts."

Ji Tianxing handed over the affairs of Xuanguang Island to Qi Huizhi, then turned and left.


He turned into a white streamer, dashing across the sky and heading south.

Standing above the island, Qi Huanzhi waved to his back.

"Brother Tianxing, I am pleased with you about the Valley of Beasts!"

Ji Tianxing didn't say anything, speeding up and flying across the sky, and soon disappeared.

After his figure disappeared into the sky, Qi Huanzhi turned and flew back to the mine.


at the same time.

To the east of Xuanguang Island, about 30,000 miles away.

Beneath the vast expanse of blue water, a group of black shadows moved quickly in the sea.

At least hundreds of black shadows chased south like a streamer.

Not only the east of Xuanguang Island, but also 30,000 miles away to the west, there are also a series of black shadows flying.

At a distance of 30,000 miles to the south, more than 300 groups of shadows lurked in the depths of the seabed.

Numerous black shadows spread out, forming a line of defense a hundred miles long.

As time passed, Ji Tianxing kept getting closer.

Those more than 300 groups of black shadows left the bottom of the sea and gradually flew toward the surface.

A quarter of an hour later.

When Ji Tianxing was only five hundred miles away from these shadows, all the shadows rushed out of the sea.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

A wave of water splashed, and more than 300 black shadows appeared above the sea, blocking Ji Tianxing's path.

Ji Tianxing, who was galloping, suddenly noticed the abnormality, and stopped in the sky.

He frowned and looked at the three hundred figures indifferently.

I saw that it was a weird man with more than three hundred and twenty human fishtails.

They are all two feet tall, slender and strong, covered with black scales.

Although, the upper body of these murlocs is somewhat similar to humans.

It also has a head, two arms and a torso.

But their heads are huge, with wide blood basins and mouths, showing two rows of sharp fangs.

Even their hands have sharp claws, connected by black webs, like duck feet.

These black murlocs are ugly and hideous in appearance, and exudes a cold air.

Among them were three hundred people, all possessing the strength of the third to sixth level of the Heavenly God Realm.

They wore simple armor and held strange or incomplete swords, guns and swords in their hands.

The other twenty murlocs are more sturdy, wearing full armor, and clinging to sophisticated magic weapons.

These murlocs should be the leaders, and their strength is in the eighth or ninth layer of the Heavenly God Realm.

Ji Tianxing's eyes swept across the sky, and after seeing the appearance of the murlocs, a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Sea Clan? It should be a fighter of the Black Shark Tribe.

Ha ha ha... Castle Lord of Qingshan, it really didn't disappoint me! "

Of course, Ji Tianxing knew the Sea Clan, and immediately guessed the origin of the black murlocs.

At this time.

The leading twenty heads of the Black Shark tribe suddenly raised the sword and spear in their hands, grinning coldly: "Grab him!"

As their voices fell, the three hundred Black Shark Warriors roared together.

Everyone brandished their swords, displayed various magical powers, and launched a siege to Ji Tianxing.


"Boom bang bang!"

Thousands of magical lights and shadows bloomed with colorful glare, covering thousands of miles of sea.

The endless sea water was also swallowed by the Black Shark Warriors and turned into thousands of pitch-black water arrows, shooting towards Ji Tianxing.

The chiefs of the Black Shark Clan were afraid that Ji Tianxing would break through and escape.

They even joined forces to cast spells, drawing thousands of miles of seawater, condensing a curtain of black water that covers a radius of thousands of miles, sealing this sea area.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing's eyes became colder, and the murderous in his heart became even worse.

"If you don't even say the reason or excuse, just kill it?"

When this thought flashed in his mind, he raised his hands without hesitation and displayed his unique magical powers.

"Sword Rain!"

With a cold drink from him, there were thousands of cold lights above the sky.

The huge sword of thousands of stars fell like a meteor, covering the sea area of ​​3,000 miles.

At the same time, Ji Tianxing also used himself as a sword to launch a counterattack.

He became a dazzling golden sword with a length of thousands of feet, and slew many black shark warriors.

"Boom bang bang!"

The divine light that covered the sky and sun was smashed by the dazzling gold giant sword, and it collapsed and shattered, splashing out hundreds of millions of colorful fragments.

Hyun Jin's giant sword smashed into the crowd and instantly killed more than 20 Black Shark Warriors in seconds, leaving them to pieces and splashing blood.

Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of giant swords of stars poured down and enveloped the sea.

"Boom bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, a loud and deafening noise burst out, resounding through the sky.

The attack of more than three hundred black shark soldiers was directly defeated by the Star Giant Sword.

Every black shark warrior was bombarded by at least three star giant swords and exploded into pieces of blood and flesh on the spot.

For a time, the sky and the sea, which were thousands of miles away, turned into a dark red world.

The rain of blood was falling, and the flesh was splashing.

The sea was also completely chaotic, stirring up huge waves.

Soon, Jian Yu's first round of bombardment was over.

Three hundred black shark fighters were bombarded and killed 70%, leaving only 90 people.

The twenty powerful black shark chiefs were all bruised and bruised by the bombardment, and they were embarrassed.

This result exceeded everyone's expectations.

The surviving Black Shark Warriors were immediately frightened, all with horrified expressions.


There are more than three thousand star giant swords that have not dissipated.

Under the control of Ji Tianxing, these celestial giant swords flew wantonly, forming a blade storm, sweeping across the sea.


A storm of swords with a height of ten thousand feet and a radius of one hundred li rushed like a tornado.

Wherever he went, no black shark warrior could resist.

A little bit slower to escape, it was swallowed by a storm of blades, and there was no dregs left.

When the blade storm flew thousands of miles away, the power gradually ran out and finally dissipated.

The sea area of ​​3,000 miles is completely chaotic.

The endless sea water was also dyed red~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for the black shark warriors, only more than 20 people survived.

Most of them are the leaders of the eighth and ninth layers of the Heavenly God Realm.

Although they were still alive, they were covered with blood, stumped limbs, and severely weakened.

More importantly, they were all shocked by the terrifying **** of Ji Tianxing.

When Ji Tianxing turned into a giant sword to attack, they all scattered and fled in fright!

While running away desperately, they cursed like crazy.

"Asshole! We were all fooled by the king!"

"That ugly Protoss is not a **** at all, it is definitely a god!"

"Didn't the king say that you can send dozens of soldiers to capture him alive? How can he be so strong?"

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