Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2872: Black Mackerel

In fact.

The sea race is a cold-blooded race, cruel and bloodthirsty by nature.

The boundless sea is their home court.

Fighting in the sea, their combat effectiveness is very tough.

The same three hundred masters of the Protoss must not be able to defeat the three hundred black shark fighters.

However, the Black Shark Warriors were all deceived by the Black Shark King.

They all thought that the target to be captured was just a pinnacle god.

Therefore, they didn't pay much attention to Ji Tianxing, and they thought it was a matter of hand.

The result is obvious.

Ji Tianxing's terrifying strength and brutal methods surpassed everyone's imagination.

In the blink of an eye, everyone's psychological defense was destroyed, and the army was defeated.

"call out!"

The dazzling golden sword light made by Ji Tianxing is like thunder piercing the sky.

In the next moment, he caught up with the two black shark clan leaders.

"Boom! Boom!"

The dazzling golden sword light that was hundreds of feet long penetrated them instantly, breaking them to pieces.

Not only the physical body turned into scum in the sky, but even the godhead was blasted into fragments.

After killing the two black mackerel chiefs in a second, Hyun Jin's sword light did not stop, and then killed the black mackerel chief not far away.

"call out!"



Every dull sound burst out, representing the demise of a black shark warrior.

The dazzling golden sword light flickered in the sky, erratic, and terrifying like a reminder.

After a hundred breaths.

All of the more than twenty black shark clan leaders who survived were killed by Ji Tianxing in seconds.

No one was left alive.

Whether they fly into the sky, hide under the seabed, or dive into the rocky layer of the seabed, they are useless.


Hyun Jin Jianguang stopped in the sky.

The light flashed, the sword light dissipated, and Ji Tianxing's figure appeared.

He stood in the sky, looking down at the sea under his feet, using his grasping methods to collect the godhead fragments scattered in the sea.

Three hundred and twenty black shark soldiers were killed.

At least three thousand pieces of Godhead are scattered in the sea area of ​​several thousand miles.

Although, the strength of those Black Shark Warriors is low.

Even if Ji Tianxing swallowed their godhead fragments, it would be better to devour the **** crystal veins and increase his strength faster.

But there are some differences between the two.

He swallows the crystal veins, can only swallow the divine power of various attributes, and quickly increase his strength.

Swallowing the fragments of the gods of the gods of various races, not only can quickly gain power, but also collect many laws of God!

In Ji Tianxing's space ring, there are also stored godhead fragments of the Fourth Elder of the Blood Sword Sect and many masters.

He wanted to wait for the right opportunity to devour the fragments of the godhead and condense more of the laws of the gods.

In this way, he can break through the Divine Sovereign Realm faster!

"In my last life, I reached the pinnacle of the **** king, and only mastered more than a thousand laws.

This time is different. With the magical power of Devouring, I will definitely be able to condense the Three Thousand Way!

Perhaps, only those who gather in the Three Thousand Ways can break through the limits of the Way of Heaven, right? "

Ji Tianxing thought about it while collecting the fragments of the godhead.

He had this idea a long time ago.

Because of this, he is keen on collecting fragments of the godhead and constantly depriving others of the laws of the gods.

Soon, a quarter of an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing found more than two thousand pieces of Godhead in the sea area of ​​thousands of miles.

at this time.

On the seas of the East and West, a large black figure sprang up, rushing over murderously.

Ji Tianxing looked up and saw that there were another two hundred Black Shark Warriors.

These are ordinary fighters, whose strength is between the third and fifth levels of the Heavenly God Realm.

Ji Tianxing looked at them with cold eyes, and with a flash of light in his right hand, he took out the Heaven Burying Sword.

Seeing, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

Just when the two sides were fifty miles apart, Ji Tianxing raised the Heaven Burying Sword and prepared to shoot.

However, the two groups of Black Shark Warriors stopped on the sea.

They were not in a hurry to attack, and they spread out, forming a circle of hundreds of miles around, encircling Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing glanced at these people, not paying attention.

He raised his head and looked to the north, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the expression in his eyes became sharp.

"The Lord is finally here."

Over the northern sea.

There was a large group of dark shadows, rushing forward.

About fifty black shark fighters are all wearing sophisticated armors and magic weapons.

The three powerful black shark clan headed by them are exceptionally large and extremely cold.

Especially, the leading black shark is more than ten feet tall, and his entire body is shining with cold light.

He has four arms, two heads, and his mouth is full of shark-like fangs.

Wherever he flew over the sea, the sea a hundred miles deep was frozen into ice.

Ji Tianxing's gaze locked on him, and he whispered: "This person's realm of strength is deeper than the fourth elder of the Blood Sword Sect, and it is likely to reach the fifth level of the gods!

He should be the king of the black shark tribe? "

In addition to the black shark king, the other two black shark clan powerhouses should not be underestimated.

These two powerful black shark clan are a bit smaller than the black shark king, and their aura is slightly weaker.

Rao is so, their strength has also reached the triple level of the gods.

They are all wearing ice-blue king-level divine armor, holding broad-backed swords and heavy swords in their hands, and they are filled with bloodthirsty killing intent.


In a moment, the Black Shark King and others flew into the encirclement.

Thirty miles away from Ji Tianxing, the Black Shark King and others stopped.

Suddenly, all the eyes of the black shark tribe focused on Ji Tianxing.

The Black Mackerel stared at his four small dark green eyes, looked up and down Ji Tianxing a few times, then opened his blood basin and said with a weird voice: "Boy, are you worshipping from the Qi family?"

Ji Tianxing didn't answer, but instead asked, "You are the Black Shark King?

If I guessed correctly, the two beside you should be the protectors and priests of the Black Shark Tribe, right? "

He is no stranger to the situation of the Sea Clan.

Sea people generally live in tribes, and only a few powerful races can build cities and kingdoms.

In the sea tribe, the three most powerful leaders are the king of the tribe, the protector and the priest.

Ji Tianxing could see that the one wearing heavy armor and holding a broad-backed sword should be the guardian of the Black Shark Clan.

And the guy wearing ice blue light armor ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ holding a dark epee, is the priest of the black shark tribe.

The black shark king barked his mouth full of fangs, and shouted fiercely: "Boy, since you know our identity, you should be clear, you are bound to die!

Don't make unnecessary sacrifices, just behave and catch it! "

"Catch it with your hands?" Ji Tianxing frowned for a moment, then suddenly sneered.

"King Black Shark, you are also the king of the tribe of the sea clan anyway, how can you get along with Castle Lord Qingshan?

It must be what he promised to give you. As a trading condition, you have to grab me and give it to him for disposal, right? "

The Black Mackerel was startled for a moment, and immediately grinned.

"Hahaha...You guys are not stupid. It's surprising that you can guess the probabilities.

That's right! That old **** insisted on letting this king catch him, he would personally torture you and avenge his hapless son. "

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