Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2873: Wanjian

The monarch of the Kingdom of Blood Flame is the most taboo of the close contacts between the people and the Sea Clan.

The castle lord of Qingshan and the black shark tribe colluded, once this kind of thing spreads, it will definitely anger the monarch.

Other aristocratic forces will also use this to make a fuss, attack and impeach Castle Lord Qingshan.

Therefore, Castle Lord Castle Peak will definitely not disclose the news.

He would never admit it even if he was questioned face to face.

The Black Mackerel King is different.

He was only cooperating with Castle Lord Qingshan, and had no friendship, and there was no need to help Castle Lord Qingshan conceal the news.

What's more, in his eyes, Ji Tianxing is already a mortal person.

In the face of a dead person, what can be hidden?

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said with a sneer: "As expected, Yuwen Chengkong is really impatient!"

The layered eyelids of the Black Shark King drooped down immediately, and cold light flickered in his eyes.

"Boy, don't waste time!

You now have only two choices, either you will be caught with your hands, or you will be beaten to death by this king, and then you will be handed over to Castle Lord Qingshan! "

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said playfully, "No, I have a better idea. You will definitely be interested."

The Black Mackerel was taken aback, and immediately sneered: "What? You are already terrified?

Since you want to surrender, don't even try to make terms with this king! "

Ji Tianxing said in a calm tone: "Compared to me and the Qi family, the City Lord's Mansion is obviously richer.

I suggest that you cooperate with me and act together in a play, and teach Castle Castle Castle a lesson you will never forget. "

The Black Mackerel suddenly raised his head to the sky and laughed: "Hahaha...you are too naive!

This king has reached an agreement with him, as long as you hand over to him, you can get a lot of resources.

What qualifications do you have to discuss cooperation with this king? "

Ji Tianxing pointed to the dark red water beneath his feet, and said: "I have killed all the 320 masters you ambush here."

As soon as he said this, the black shark tribe protector and priest frowned fiercely, their eyes became very solemn.

The two hundred black shark fighters around also changed drastically, showing a deep look of shock.

Even the Black Mackerel's pupils shrank, and cold light flashed in his eyes.

Of course he knew that the black shark soldier lying in ambush south of Xuanguang Island failed to stop Ji Tianxing and suffered heavy casualties.

But he did not personally see the process of the 320 black shark soldiers being killed.

He also thought that if the black shark fighters were defeated, there might be hundreds of survivors who fled.

Unexpectedly, the whole army was wiped out in the end!

After a moment of silence, the black shark king calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "Boy, this king has long known that you do have some strength.

Otherwise, you won't give Castle Master Qingshan such a headache, and ask this king to take action against you.

But even so, it's no big deal!

This king’s protector and priest have this ability, and they are not weaker than you.

Now, our three great gods are dealing with you, plus more than two hundred masters.

Your odds of winning are zero!

Don't delay any longer, this king will take you now! "

After all, the black shark king waved his broad claws and gave the order to attack.

Two hundred black shark warriors and fifty black shark clan masters roared and shouted together, brandishing swords and launched a siege.

The overwhelming magical light and shadow, and the stormy waves covering the sky and the sun immediately drowned Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing did not become surprised, and said with a certain tone: "King Black Shark, if you refuse this opportunity, you will regret it immediately!"

While talking, he was full of brilliant golden light, and instantly became a giant of the Jin family with a height of one hundred feet.

Like a golden armored war god, turned out to be.

"Dead!" Ji Tianxing roared.

He squeezed the magic art in both hands, and quickly swiped in front of him, instantly forming a mysterious and complex divine mark.

"Ten Thousand Swords!"

As the turbulent divine power exploded, ten thousand swords of light appeared in the sky.

Each sword light is thousands of feet long, and the whole body is colorful and contains the power of tearing the world.


Thousands of colorful giant swords poured down like meteors, covering thousands of miles of sea.

This world has completely turned into a world of sword light and sword energy.

Everyone's figures were submerged, and there was only colorful glare left in the world, chaos and blur.

Immediately afterwards, the loud sound of "rumbling" burst out, echoing fiercely between heaven and earth, spreading thousands of miles.

At first glance, this move is like another magical sword technique of Ji Tianxing, Jianyu.

But in fact, this is an advanced version of Jianyu.

Not only Wanjian came from outside the sky, violently blasted the target.

Tens of thousands of colorful giant swords will condense into a sword formation with a radius of thousands of miles, sealing and suppressing this area.

Ten thousand swords crisscrossed, interspersed and danced, strangling the target continuously.

Within a thousand miles, all targets will be shredded and killed into scum.

The most important thing is that among the tens of thousands of colorful giant swords, there are thirty-six kinds of laws.

Within the sword formation, the power of law crushed everything, turning it into an extremely chaotic field of power.

More than two hundred black shark warriors and masters were sealed by the sword formation and suppressed by the power of law, and their divine power became chaotic and violent.

They can't even defend and evade, and they can't control their supernatural powers and use supernatural powers to counterattack.


Flesh and blood flew across the sword formation, screaming one after another, as terrifying as purgatory.

Within ten breaths, nearly half of the black shark fighters were bombarded and killed by Wanjian.

After twenty breaths, the two hundred black shark fighters were almost dead.

Fifty elite masters were also bombarded and killed 60%.

There are only twenty severely injured and dying black shark masters, who are still struggling to support them.

Fortunately, the black shark king, the protector and the priest took action and used various magical powers to resist the sword formation.

Without the protection of these three powerhouses, the twenty black shark masters would also be bombarded and killed.

Because of this, the three strong men were also injured and could only barely support them.

As time passed, their divine power quickly declined, and it became somewhat unsustainable.

There is no time to take care of himself, and there is no extra power to protect the twenty surviving black shark masters.



There was a muffled noise after another.

One after another, the black shark masters ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were smashed by sword light, and their gods were broken.

The number of people continues to decrease.

Eighteen, seventeen, sixteen...

The surviving black shark masters fell into deep despair and panic.

The black shark king, priests and protectors were full of grief and anger, but they were helpless.

Even if the strength of the three of them is tyrannical, they can only withstand the blast of Wanjian, without being severely injured.

To break through the sword formation and turn defeat into victory is really difficult.

"Ahhhhh! Damn bastard, how strong is he?" The Black Shark roared angrily while resisting Wanjian's bombardment.

The priest roared in grief and indignation: "Is he a high-ranking god? The despicable Castle Lord of Qingshan has harmed our black shark tribe!"

The law protector suddenly realized, his eyes flushed and cursed: "No wonder that **** is willing to agree to the king's terms...we were deceived!"

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