Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2874: Give up

At this moment, the three strong men regretted it.

Knowing that Ji Tianxing's strength was so terrifying, they would never cooperate with Castle Lord Qingshan.

Even if Castle Lord Qingshan agreed to the conditions of the Black Shark King, he would give abundant resources and wealth.

However, compared to the loss of the Black Shark Tribe, that little resource is not worth mentioning!

So far, 500 black shark fighters have been killed, and more than 50 elite masters have died.

Such a tragic loss will bring a heavy blow to the Black Shark Tribe.

For at least thirty years, the black shark tribe will have difficulty recovering.

After all, the power of this tribe is at the bottom of the sunset sea area.

The population of the entire tribe is just over 20,000.

There are only a thousand soldiers in the Celestial Realm, and there are fewer than a hundred elite masters above the seventh level of the Celestial God.

The powerhouses in the Divine Sovereign Realm are only the Black Shark King, Priest and Law Protector.

In the immediate situation, these three gods were trapped in the sword formation, and if there is no turning point, they are likely to be killed.

At that time, the three leaders of the Black Shark tribe had fallen, and the elite masters and warriors had also suffered more than half of the casualties.

The end of the Black Mackerel Tribe can be imagined!

Thinking of this, not only a dozen elite masters were desperate.

Even the black shark king, priests, and protectors felt that the sky was collapsing, and the end was approaching.

at last.

When there were twelve elite masters left, and the three gods and powerful men were also seriously injured.

The Black Mackerel King finally couldn't bear the tremendous psychological pressure, and roared hoarsely.


you are vicious!

The king surrendered! ! "

The hoarse and dull roar echoed in the world, even overshadowing the sound of Ten Thousand Swords Cyclonus.

The priest and the protector looked at each other, both showing bitter expressions, and their eyes were very dim.

Both of them can realize how humiliating and tragic they are when the Black Shark King shouts to admit defeat.

After all, he was full of confidence just now and didn't put Ji Tianxing in his eyes.

In a blink of an eye, he was slapped in the face by the cruel reality.

But the two also understood that the Black Shark King had to make this painful decision.

If they don't admit defeat, not only will they die here, but also the Black Shark Tribe!

The Black Shark King is to take care of the overall situation and can only endure the humiliation!

The twelve surviving elite masters had no time to think so much.

There is only one thought in their minds.

"Our king has surrendered, so should the sword formation also withdraw?"

at this time.

The sword formation covering the sky and sun suddenly stopped.


The colorful giant sword flying around the sky suddenly retracted.

Thousands of giant swords are suspended in the sky, forming a sword net with a radius of thousands of miles.

Although, it still looks magnificent and shocking.

But the fierce sword intent was reduced, and the invisible force of suppression also disappeared.

The Black Mackerel King stood in despair, staring at the blue sea and sky beyond the big formation.

His four eyes are out of focus, and his mind is blank.

It seemed that his spirit, confidence and majesty had been crushed by humiliation and ceased to exist.

The twelve elite masters covered in blood and stumped arms all fell limply onto the sea.

They closed their eyes, floating in the waves, panting violently.

At this moment, they didn't want to pay attention to anything, they just wanted to go back to the bottom of the sea, take a good rest and heal their injuries.


The golden giant, who was a hundred feet tall, also shrank to eight feet tall, and changed back to its original appearance.

Ji Tianxing stepped through the colorful sword net and came to the front of the Black Shark King and the others, looking at him calmly.

"It seems that you haven't lost your mind yet, and you still know the strength to preserve the Black Shark Tribe."

The Black Mackerel looked up at him, his hollow eyes calmed down.

All the anger and murderous aura have disappeared.

He said in a low voice: "Tian Xing worship, you and this king have no grievances and no enmity, and the black shark tribe and Qi family are also well watered.

Only when the king was bewitched by the castle lord of Qingshan, his eyes and mind were blinded by benefits, he would do such stupid things.

Here, this king solemnly apologizes to you. "

After speaking, the black shark king bowed to Ji Tianxing in a very sincere posture.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said indifferently: "Why should I have known today?"

The Black Mackerel sighed, and said with a wry smile: "Yes! It's only my short-sightedness and my failure to foresight, so I was used by Castle Lord Qingshan.

Before I was arrogant and rejected your proposal.

I know that this is my fault, and I dare not ask for your forgiveness.

I only hope that you can open the net and let go of the people of the Black Shark Tribe.

And I, leave it to you! "

After speaking, the king of black shark closed his eyes and stretched out his four arms in a gesture of willingness to confess his sin.

Before Ji Tianxing could answer, the priests and law protectors eagerly persuaded them: "Great King, this is absolutely not allowed!

You are the leader of the tribe. How can you leave the tribe people behind and be punished willingly? "

"Majesty! Even if we make a mistake, we offend the worship of Heaven.

But we have been punished and suffered heavy casualties.

Or, let's give all the conditions set by Castle Lord Qingshan to Tianxing to worship, and ask him to forgive him? "

The Black Mackerel said with a wry smile: "The Castle Lord of Qingshan is very cunning, and only prepaid 20% of the price.

He will give us the remaining 80% of the things after we have completed the task.

With just that little resource, how can Heavenly Xing worship..."

Just yesterday, the Black Shark King received the resources and wealth from the City Lord's Mansion.

Six thousand pearls, six thousand sets of high-grade god-level equipment, and 60 million **** stones.

He didn't think that Ji Tianxing would be tempted by this benefit and let him go.

But something unexpected happened to the Black Mackerel King.


The multicolored giant sword covering a thousand li, suddenly disappeared.

Ji Tianxing removed the sword formation, and the invisible pressure that permeated the sky and earth disappeared.

He looked at the Black Shark King with a majestic expression, and said in a deep voice: "I think the law protector's advice is good.

The conditions that Castle Lord Castle Green gives you are all given to this seat, just as your sincerity in apologizing, this matter is over. "

Suddenly, the Black Shark King was stunned and looked at Ji Tianxing incredulously.

The priests and protectors were also startled, showing expressions of surprise.

After a moment of silence, the priests and protectors were relieved and shouted excitedly.

"is this real?"

"Tian Xing worship ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are so generous?"

"Great! This is so great!"

"Yes! We have no grievances against the Qi family and the heavens.

As long as you enshrine all those things to Tianxing, you won't mix it up anymore! "

The Black Mackerel couldn't be happy.

He looked at Ji Tianxing with complicated eyes, unexpected and moved, and a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Tian Xing consecrates, thank you for being so magnanimous, I am grateful!

I can give you 20% of the resources that the City Lord’s Mansion sent yesterday.

But the remaining 80%... the mission failed, we will definitely not get it. "

Ji Tianxing said with a smile: "I said just now, as long as you cooperate with me in a scene, you are guaranteed to get it."

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