Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2883: World cut

This battle was extremely fierce.

It took a whole quarter of an hour before it came to an end.

Although, there is a big gap between the numbers of the two sides.

Four people against a hundred and two people, it can be said that there is no chance of winning with the pebble.

At least, Yuwen Chengkong and others think so.

But the final result was beyond everyone's expectations.

The four of Ji Tianxing won a big victory!

Nearly a hundred guards in the City Lord's Mansion were killed!

They were all crushed to pieces, no corpses, and the godhead collapsed and shattered.

Of course, Bai Long, Ji Ke, and Yun Yao have contributed.

But the most important thing is the supernatural power of the Heaven-Slaying Sword Formation, which is unstoppable.

The strength of the sword formation suppressed, those guards were sluggish, and their combat effectiveness was greatly weakened.

Thousands of giant swords shuttled and strangled them, beheading them to pieces, and flying flesh and blood.

Bai Long, Yun Yao and others just assisted.

Seeing some guards who were lucky enough to not die, they went up to make two swords and poke two shots, killing their lives.

When the guards of the city lord's mansion died out, Yuwen Chengkong and Yan Zong became polished commanders.

Fortunately, Yan Zong said that his strength had already reached the fifth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and he was in a state of heyday.

He turned into a dozen gray shadows, attacking Ji Tianxing and others like a ghost.

All kinds of exquisite magical skills and assassination secrets, he has all skillfully used.

Ji Tianxing even felt that Yan Zong's true strength was probably stronger than Yuwen Chengkong.

Therefore, he faced Yan Zong alone, entangled and killed him.

Yan Zong did his best to attack Ji Tianxing without reservation.

But Ji Tianxing's divine power is more powerful, and he has more law powers and supernatural skills.

The figures of the two constantly flickered between the world and the earth, teleporting, evading and attacking from left to right, making it difficult to distinguish victory or defeat in a short time.

Until Bai Xi, Yan Zong's trump card stunts were all performed.

Some feelings of poor skills, the offensive momentum is also weaker.

At this time, Ji Tianxing was still full of wonders, and his offensive became more and more powerful and domineering.

So he gradually gained the upper hand, suppressing Yan Zong, making it difficult to parry or avoid.

As time passed, Yan Zong's divine power quickly passed.

He began to get hurt and bloody, and his situation became more and more dangerous.

At this time, Yuwen Chengkong was already in a panic.

Not only was he disheveled and covered in blood, he also left dense wounds.

The blood hole between the chest and abdomen can no longer suppress the injury, and blood is constantly splashing out.

Under this circumstance, he should immediately get out of the fight and find a place to heal his injuries, and still keep his divine body.

However, Bai Long, Yun Yao and Ji Ke besieged him with all their strength, making him unable to escape.

Although the three of them only had the strength of the fourth to sixth level of the Heavenly God Realm.

But their talents are extraordinary, and their real combat power is comparable to the eighth or ninth level of the Heavenly God Realm.

And Yuwen Chengkong.

Although he had the strength of the five levels of the Divine Sovereign Realm, his power was suppressed by the Heaven Slaying Sword Formation and his actions were restricted.

He was severely injured again, his divine body nearly collapsed, and his combat effectiveness was very weak.

Four of you can't get along with each other, and no one can do anything about it.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke are not in a hurry, and are willing to delay time.

Yuwen Chengkong didn't dare to waste time, he was worried, and attacked desperately.

However, this is of no use.

The fighting experience of Yun Yao and Ji Ke is not weaker than that of him. Naturally, they are entangled with him. How can they let him succeed?

After going back and forth, time passed by.

Yuwen Chengkong felt that the vitality of the divine body was rapidly disappearing and was about to face disintegration.

He is going crazy!

"Damn beast, you are the one who forced this seat!"

Yuwen Chengkong's eyes were blood red, and his whole body was ablaze with red anger, roaring hoarsely.

In the fight just now, he used many defensive artifacts and spells.

The life-saving cards are all used up.

He can only sacrifice the last artifact in order to save his life and escape.


A crimson whip that was more than ten feet long appeared in front of him.

His luck urged the blood in his body and poured it into the whip crazily.


Suddenly, the scarlet whip expanded to a hundred feet long, igniting a soaring flame.

The terrifying fire waves and high temperature spread in all directions, dispelling the divine light.

This flaming whip is like a sage fire dragon.

no doubt.

This is a middle-grade king-level artifact, a valuable treasure.

Its quality is superb and its power is terrifying.

Yuwen Chengkong was confident that with this flame whip, he could penetrate Ji Tianxing's sword formation and escape from Blackfish Island.

It's a pity that every time you activate this magic whip, it consumes a lot of blood and essence.

Yuwen Chengkong's badly injured body immediately turned into a shriveled corpse, with a very hideous appearance.

Even if he could escape from Black Mackerel Island, he would suffer heavy losses, at least several decades of recuperation before he could recover.

But in order to escape for his life, he no longer cares so much.


Guanghua flashed, Yuwen Chengkong got into the flame whip and flew towards the colorful mask not far away.

The overwhelming multicolored giant swords rained down.

"Boom bang bang!"

In the blink of an eye, the flame whip was hit by dozens of swords, and there was a loud and deafening noise.

However, the flames splashed and flew, and the whip was still safe and sound.

Under the control of Yuwen Chengkong, the whip twisted his body like a fire dragon, avoided countless giant swords, and flew straight to the edge of the sword formation.

Fifty, forty, thirty...

Suddenly, Yun Yao, Ji Ke and Bai Long chased after him.

The three of them sneered coldly, brandished their sharp spears and swords, and intercepted the flame whip.

"Looking for death!" Yuwen Chengkong screamed from the flame whip.

At the same time, the flame whip used the dragon to wave its tail, burst into the sky, and swept towards the three of them.

"Boom bang bang!"

A series of muffled noises burst out.

The trio's magical secrets were defeated, and they were also drawn by the flame whip, vomiting blood and flew out.

There was no obstacle ahead, and the flame whip accelerated.

When the colorful mask was ten miles away, the flame whip was stretched straight, like a flame sword, stabbed fiercely.


A loud and deafening noise burst out, shaking the world.

The colorful mask was blasted out of several cracks, shook violently, and the light flashed randomly.

The powerful and unmatched counter-shock force also shook the flame whip back.

Flying upside down thirty miles away, Yuwen Chengkong regained his strength and rushed to the colorful mask again.

He was sure that he would be able to break through the mask ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and escape from Blackfish Island.

But at this time.

A white robe figure suddenly appeared in the oblique thorn, holding the jet black divine sword in both hands, cutting out a brilliant golden sword.

"The cut of the world!"

The thousand-foot-long sacred golden sword, carrying a mysterious and terrifying power, hit the flame whip suddenly.

Yuwen Chengkong had no time to escape.

I haven't even seen the person who shot it, and the mystery of that golden giant sword.

In the next instant, the flame whip, which was hundreds of feet long, flew out obliquely and smashed into the ruins hundreds of miles away.

The violently ascending divine flame went out.

The whip returned to its original state, falling into the ruins dimly.

Yuwen Chengkong, who was like a mummy, also fell to the ground with a'puff', twitching in pain.

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