Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2884: Your fate is up to me

The cut of the world.

The strongest blow formed by the mysterious and powerful world power.

This is the first time since Ji Tianxing came to God Realm.

The effect is extraordinary.

Yuwen Chengkong's divine body was cut off on the spot, and the dead could not die again.

As soon as the wind blew, the shriveled corpse quickly weathered and turned into black ashes.


A dark red diamond spar flew out of the black ash.

This is his godhead.

Upon closer inspection, there are several cracks on the surface, which are obviously injured.

The godhead was damaged, his strength weakened, and Yuwen Chengkong's consciousness was a little fuzzy.

His godhead flew into the sky, only to see the situation inside the sword formation.

The fight against each other is coming to an end.

The strongest Yan Zong was also destroyed by Ji Tianxing and his body was broken to pieces.

His godhead was also severely damaged, and he was running away blindly in the sky.

Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry to chase him down, his eyes fixed on Yuwen Chengkong's godhead.

Anyway, there is Zhutian Sword Array to block the Black Mackerel Island, and Yan Zong's godhead cannot escape.

Such a scene made Yuwen Chengkong completely desperate.

He seemed to see death coming, feeling inexplicably sad and angry, and the sound transmission roared: "Tian Xing! Are you serious about killing this seat?"

Don't forget, this seat is a viscount granted by the monarch, the hereditary castle lord of Qingshan!

If you dare to kill this seat, you are against the monarch!

Moreover, this seat is the nephew of Tianfeng Princess, can you bear the anger of Tianfeng Princess? "

Tianfeng County Lord is the master of Tianfeng County City.

He is also one of the only twenty princesses in the kingdom of God, with great power.

He not only holds the position of earl, but also the upper god!

This is the biggest backer of Yuwen Chengkong.

Nearing death, Yuwen Chengkong's last hope is his identity and backing.

He only hoped that Yu Ji Tianxing was not mad, and that he could remain sensible and consider the consequences.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and sneered: "No wonder you can serve as Castle Lord of Qingshan, because you have this backer."

Yuwen Chengkong immediately saw hope, and said quickly: "Tianxing worship, things can't be done absolutely, you have to leave some room for yourself.

As long as you let go of this seat and Yan Zong, the previous thing will be wiped out.

How about we promise that we won't take action against you again? "

If you change to someone else, you may hesitate to consider Yuwen Chengkong's conditions.

After all, Ji Tianxing had offended the Blood Sword Sect long ago.

If he offends Tianfeng Princess, and is accused of assassinating the nobles of the Kingdom of God, it will be difficult to survive.

Unless you escape from the kingdom of blood and flames, you are desperate.

But unfortunately, Yuwen Chengkong faced Ji Tianxing.

A guy who hates to be threatened, doesn't fear being besieged, and doesn't feel compassionate.

"Before you ask the Black Shark King to assassinate me, if you are so repentant, maybe I will consider it.

But now, it's too late! "Ji Tianxing said indifferently.

Yuwen Chengkong's godhead froze for a while, and snarled furiously: "You humble beast, bitch!

Are you so cruel and domineering, are you not afraid of retribution?

Pushing this seat into a hurry, this seat is now blew up and will die with you! "


Blasting is the last bottom line for safeguarding dignity and the last card for killing the enemy.

Yuwen Chengkong was forced to explode, and he was desperate.

Hearing the word'self-destruction', not only Yan Zong's godhead trembled a few times.

The black shark king, priests, and protectors all changed drastically, showing deep jealous eyes.

But Ji Tianxing didn't change his face and sneered indifferently: "In my sword formation, your life and life are dominated by me, so it's useless to explode.

Don’t believe me, you can try. "

The understatement contained indisputable self-confidence and domineering.

Yuwen Chengkong was choked to death, and roared furiously: "Hahaha... I have never seen someone like you who is not afraid of death.

it is good! Since you don't give me a way to survive, let's die together! "

The tone of laughter was rampant, but behind it was the despair and desolation of the heart.

Yuwen Chengkong didn't hesitate anymore and immediately blew himself up.

The dark red godhead burst out into the sky and rose fiercely.

The aura that destroys the world is rapidly brewing in the Godhead, repeatedly compressing and expanding.

After two breaths at most, Yuwen Chengkong's godhead will explode.

By then, not only this sword formation, but the entire Black Shark Island will be wiped out.

Even the sea area with a radius of thousands of miles will be destroyed.

Suddenly, the hearts of countless people were tightened.

Yan Zong was extremely anxious, and shouted hoarsely: "No! City Lord, stop!"

Outside the big formation, the black shark king, the guardian and the priests also changed drastically.

The three of them panicked, flew to the distance at the fastest speed, and ordered the black shark soldiers to escape.

"It's over! The king's Blackfish Island is ruined!"

"Get out of the way!"

"What are you doing in a daze? Run away!"

There is only one thought in everyone's mind.

That's escape!

The farther you escape, the better!

However, there are only a few exceptions.

Ji Tianxing, Bai Long, Yun Yao, and Ji Ke were still standing above the ruins, with no intention to escape.

Looking at Yuwen Chengkong’s godhead, Ji Tianxing said with a calm expression: "Your fate is up to me. Want to explode? No way!"

While talking, he manipulated the supernatural power of Zhutian Sword Formation to suppress Yuwen Chengkong with all his strength.

Suddenly, the fierce flames of the burning godhead were suppressed by 50%.

Yu Wencheng wanted to blew himself up, it became more difficult and the time was doubled.

He desperately resisted the pressure of the sword formation, and blew himself desperately.

However, Ji Tianxing stepped out of a hundred miles and teleported to him.


Ji Tianxing gave a cold cry, and suddenly stretched out his right hand, grabbing Yuwen Chengkong's godhead.

A dark vortex appeared in his palm, which instantly swallowed the Godhead.

Although, Yuwen Chengkong's godhead is in an expanded state, extremely dangerous, and will explode at any time.

However, the power contained in the Godhead must be compressed and expanded to reach the limit before it can explode the strongest power.

It's a pity that Yuwen Chengkong's godhead fell into a dark whirlpool and was ruthlessly swallowed.

The amount of violent violence he finally urged was swallowed up by the black vortex like a flood of sluice gates.

The power is fading quickly, and it can't reach the peak at all, how can it burst?

Naturally, Yuwen Chengkong’s self-detonation came to an abrupt end~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The gods rolled fiercely in the whirlpool, shooting hundreds of colorful rays of light, burning the raging flames.

The Heavenly Patching Bead devoured his power frantically, after purification and purification, half of the power was transferred to Ji Tianxing.


Ji Tianxing's body lit up with colorful lights, his aura rose sharply, and the surrounding sky swelled, and his force field became very unstable.

Everyone knew at a glance, this is the appearance of the skyrocketing power!

Yun Yao, Ji Ke and Bai Long all showed expectant eyes.

Not far away, Yan Zong was both angry and frightened, and the **** Geese was shaking.

He didn't know what was going on.

But he knew that Yuwen Chengkong's self-destruction was pinched out.

Moreover, falling into the hands of Ji Tianxing will undoubtedly die!

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