Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2885: Panic 1 ratio

Yan Zong panicked completely.

He knew that Yuwen Chengkong was over.

To defeat Ji Tianxing and rescue Yuwen Chengkong?

This thought once flashed in his mind.

But he vetoed it instantly.

Are you kidding me?

He was seriously injured and was dying, leaving only a cracked godhead.

What do you use to fight Ji Tianxing?

The most urgent thing is to take the opportunity to escape from this sword formation.

After all, Ji Tianxing was full of divine light, and his momentum rose sharply.

It seems to be dealing with Yuwen Chengkong's godhead, and it seems to be practicing some secret method to quickly improve his strength.

In short, Ji Tianxing can't take care of him now.

This is a great opportunity!

"call out!"

The Godhead of Yan Zong flew across the sky, rushing to the northwest corner of Heishi Island at the fastest speed.

He had observed it before.

The southern area of ​​this sword formation is more powerful and defensive.

The power in the northern region is slightly weaker.

Especially the northwest corner is the weak point of the formation.

"Success or failure in one fell swoop!"

In the blink of an eye, Yan Zong's godhead flew to the northwest corner, only ten miles away from the colorful mask.

At this time, he manipulated Yuwen Chengkong's two golden swords with his spiritual mind, and blasted towards the colorful mask with all his strength.


Two golden swords pierced the sky like meteors, piercing the colorful mask fiercely, bursting with a deafening noise.

Although, the two golden swords were shocked to fly back, and fell into the ruins.

But the colorful mask was also pierced with two cracks, trembling violently.

Those two cracks only have the thickness of the hair.

Normal people can never pass through.

Yan Zong saw hope.

His godhead ignited a crimson flame and turned into a crimson mist.


The mist was scattered into strands and flew towards the two cracks.

"The old man estimates that these two cracks will heal within three breaths.

Three breaths time is enough for me to escape the sword formation! "

In Yan Zong's consciousness, this thought flashed through, and he was a little excited.


A trace of dark red mist passed through two cracks and escaped from the Heavenly Sword Formation.

In a short breath, there were hundreds of mists, fleeing beyond the sword formation.

Yan Zong was overjoyed and manipulated the remaining 600 mists to accelerate through the cracks.

But at this time.

A playful sneer suddenly came from behind.

"The lord of the city is dead. As a housekeeper, you don't want to bury him, is it fair to say?"

This is the voice of Ji Tianxing.

Yan Zong suddenly suffered thunder. After hesitating for a moment, he speeded up desperately and got into the two cracks.

However, Ji Tianxing sneered and stretched out his hand.

The two cracks on the colorful light wall healed instantly.

More than a hundred strands of red mist are outside the array, and more than 500 strands of red mist are inside the array.

There are also hundreds of red mists, which are stuck in the colorful mask!

Yan Zong was stunned on the spot: "Even... Kaka... stuck?"

The dilemma is very embarrassing.

Ji Tianxing looked at the red mist with a smile, and slowly stretched out his left palm.

In the palm of his hand, a dark vortex appeared, emitting a terrifying swallowing power.


The invisible devouring storm enveloped more than six hundred red mists and swallowed in the blink of an eye.

Yan Zong was extremely desperate, so he had to remove the magical power and secret method and regain his original form.

With a flash of red light, he changed back to a dark red godhead.

However, the power of the Godhead is weaker, and there are a few more cracks.

Enveloped in a dark whirlpool, Godhead struggled with all his strength, trying to escape.

However, the power of the godhead leaked crazily and was ruthlessly swallowed by the whirlpool.

Yan Zong not only couldn't escape, but got deeper and deeper.

The harder he struggled, the faster his power leaked.

But he doesn't struggle, that is, accepting his fate and waiting to die, a little bit by the whirlpool.

In short, he is dead on both sides.

At this moment, Yan Zong suddenly understood.

It turned out that Ji Tianxing used this trick to forcibly interrupt Yuwen Chengkong's self-destruction.

Very unbelievable magical power!

Thinking of this, Yan Zong's consciousness became weaker and weaker, and soon fell into eternal darkness.


Two thousand miles away from the sea on the Black Mackerel Island.

The black mackerel king, the protector and the priest are racing hard in the sky.

Seeing that Yuwen Chengkong was about to explode his godhead, they ignored the escape together and tried their best to stay away from Blackfish Island.

This was just a few breaths, and they all ran two thousand miles away.

And the hundreds of black shark fighters were thrown away by them, and they were rushing for a thousand miles behind.

At this time, the Black Mackerel realized something was wrong.

He stopped suddenly and sneered coldly: "Stop! Don't run away!"

The protector and the priest rushed for dozens of miles before stopping, turning their heads to look at the black shark king.

The Black Shark King didn't look at them, he had already turned around, staring at the Black Shark Island intently.

"No need to run, Yuwen's self-destruction...failed!"

The Black Mackerel observed for a while and came to a conclusion.

The law protector and the priest looked at each other, and exclaimed in disbelief, "Could it be that the old thief Yuwen was afraid of death, so he cancelled the self-destruction in the middle?"

"Isn't it? He was like that at the time, it's impossible to cancel it!"

The Black Mackerel used his spiritual knowledge to investigate the situation on the island, and then said: "No, it's not the old thief Yuwen who cancelled the self-destruction, it was suppressed by the kid!"


"This... how is this possible?"

The protector and priest were even more shocked, and the boss with an open mouth had a more exciting expression.

"Old thief Yuwen is the fifth level of the gods, who can forcibly interrupt him to blew himself up must be the upper gods!"

"Is that kid a high-ranking god? This is absolutely impossible!"

Neither of them could accept this result.

The Black Mackerel had the same thought, his eyes and expressions were full of horror.

"Not only the old thief Yuwen, but also the housekeeper, he... was also suppressed by that kid!"

When he said this, the black shark king's voice was trembling.

He was not only horrified inexplicably, but even a little panicked.

The heart of the protector and priest once again set off stormy waves, as if petrified.

After a long time, the two of them took a breath and let out unbelievable exclamations.

"My lord, you must be wrong, right?"

"Interrupting Yuwen Chengkong's self-destruction with one hand and suppressing the butler of the city lord's mansion with the other hand?

That kid has such a terrifying method?

Where is he sacred?

Even the middle **** of the seventh realm can't do it! "

"Yes! He must be the **** of the eighth realm!"

The Black Shark King was silent ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his eyes were very complicated.

After a long silence, seeing that the protector and priest hadn't recovered, he said, "It doesn't matter what realm he is.

Anyway, it is easy for him to kill us and destroy the black shark tribe!

Before we fled, we had already offended him.

He must be very disappointed in us...We must quickly find a way to remedy it! "

Yan Zong persuaded him not to interfere.

He thought to himself that if he did not participate in the war, Yuwen Chengkong would not die, and he would not offend the Kingdom of Blood and Flame.

Moreover, he can also swallow the crocodile dragon ball and tens of billions of resources, which can kill two birds with one stone.

But the situation is quite the opposite.

The Black Mackerel really panicked, panicked.

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