Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2990: Doomed result

The scene in front of him made Lin Xue stunned.

   eyes widened, staring straight at the ground, silently opening his mouth.

   The expression and eyes are full of incredible.

   "He...he actually...melted my blood knife...?!"

   Lin Xue was a little lost, only feeling that his brain was blank.

  Similarly, there was also the Blood Sword Sect Master who was shocked to the point of loss.

   He had been hit hard a long time ago, to the end of the crossbow.

   is supported entirely by the blood sword, his defense with all his strength can withstand Ji Tianxing's onslaught.

   But he knew very well in his heart that in half an hour at most, he would be killed by a sword.

   Moreover, the only thing that can restrain the blood sword is the blood sword.

   These two supreme king-level artifacts are originally a set, divided into yin and yang and male and female.

   The two complement each other, but they reinforce each other.

   In the hands of the Unable God and his wife, this pair of swords can exert the strongest power, almost invincible.

   However, falling into the hands of Lin Shan and Lin Xue, the two swords became deadly enemies.

   Lin Shan was also a little worried, afraid that after Lin Xue arrived, he would restrain him with a blood knife.

   In that case, he can't support it for half an hour and will die.

   As a result, what he was worried about really happened.

   Even more frightening is that Lin Xue actually handed the blood knife to Ji Tianxing.

   And Ji Tianxing, unexpectedly merged the blood knife with his divine sword.

   What is this operation?

   Lin Shan looked dazed, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

   "Not good! That kid wants to use the power of the blood knife to defeat my blood sword!"

   This thought flashed in his mind, Lin Shan no longer dared to hold on, and ran away without hesitation.


  The dark red blood sword of more than ten feet long, turned into a **** light, shuttled quickly underground, fleeing to the edge of the colorful mask.

   Obviously, Lin Shan wants to get rid of Ji Tianxing and escape into the battle formation of the Blood Sword Sect.

   He wanted the powerhouses of the Blood Sword Sect to hold back Ji Tianxing and Lin Xue and create a chance for him to escape.

   Win or lose is not important anymore.

   As long as you can escape the Dragon Blood Forbidden Land and save your life, you will be lucky!

   This is Lin Shan's only thought.


   When the Heaven Burial Sword and the Blood Sabre successfully merged, the moment Ji Tianxing took the shot, he was destined to fall here.

   "The Eight Desolations!"

   Ji Tianxing waved his left hand, pressing his palm to the ground.

   Suddenly, the earth in a radius of thousands of miles was controlled and instantly solidified.

   The strong and unmatched resistance suppressed the blood sword, making it stuck in the rock formations underground, making it difficult to move.

   Then, Ji Tianxing held the Sky Burial Sword in his right hand and cut out a sword with all his might.

   The Heaven Burial Sword fused with blood knives, with a subtle change in appearance.

   The blade is no longer straight, it has a crescent-like arc, and it shimmers even more.

   In the dark blade, several scarlet veins are revealed, as if blood is flowing.

   This sword has become more mysterious and its power has tripled!


   The black and red sword light cut through the ground smoothly, hitting the blood sword severely.

   With a loud thunderous noise, the blood sword was split and flew out on the spot.

   Blood spattered everywhere, loud noises shook the sky.

   The shock wave that ruined the heavens and the earth exploded a huge crater in the underground.

   This made the surrounding land tremble violently for thousands of miles.

   The blood sword fell into the rock formation, the blood flickered, and the breath became disordered.

  On a closer look, I found that there was a gap on the blade of the blood sword, and several cracks extended around it.

   has a powerful dragon blood supernatural power, which is quickly dissipating.

   was hit hard by this, not only was the blood sword wounded, but Lin Shan's injuries were even more miserable.

   Even his soul was dizzy and blurred by the shock.

   Soon, he recovered.

   Without hesitation, he controlled the blood sword, rushed out of the deep underground, and fled to the south.

   He learned to be smart this time.

   Knowing that Ji Tianxing mastered the laws of the earth, he did not run away from the ground, but instead flew into the sky.

   However, this does not change the ending.

   Ji Tianxing stepped a hundred miles in one step, caught up with the blood sword in an instant, and swung his sword down again.

   "Blade End of the World!"

   The Sky Burial Sword descended from the sky, severely slashing down a black and red giant sword.

   This huge sword light not only contains the unique death aura of the Heaven Burial Sword, but also has the special demon power of the blood knife.

   The giant sword struck, and the blood sword dodged desperately, but it was too late.

   There was another "bang", a loud bang exploded, shaking Jiu Xiao.

   The slashing position of the Sky Burial Sword was the same as the one just now, still at the gap of the blade!

   The Blood Sword could no longer withstand the violent power, and was cut into two pieces on the spot.


   The blood sword broke from the middle, and dozens of dark red fragments flew into the air.

   The two broken blades collapsed and flew out, rolling and thrusting into the ground, shaking uncontrollably.

   was hit hard by this, and the blood sword was almost destroyed.

   Lin Shan is also equivalent to being chopped once, his injuries are extremely serious, and his soul is even weaker.

   But he still doesn't give up.

   is only tens of miles away from the colorful mask on the south.

   He braced the serious injury, controlled two broken swords with his mind, and flew to the colorful mask with all his strength.

   As long as you pass through that mask, you can enter the battlefield.

   When the time comes, he will be able to escape with the cover of the strong of the Blood Sword Sect.


   Two broken swords just flew into the sky, Ji Tianxing killed again.

   "One sword reaches the sky!"

   With a low cry, he held the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, exploded with twelve success power, and slashed at the broken sword severely.


   With the crisp cracking sound, the broken sword with the hilt was cut off again.

  The broken sword fell to the ground and was drowned in the dust in the ruins.

  The half-broken sword with the tip of the sword, Ji Tianxing ignored it.

  Because he knew that Lin Shan was hidden in the hilt.

   As expected.

   Broken Sword was cut again, Lin Shan's injuries were even more miserable.

   He knew that it was impossible to escape by breaking the sword.

   So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he escaped from Broken Sword.

   strongly supported the dilapidated divine body, turned into a **** light, and continued to flee south.

   Ji Tianxing had expected him to do this a long time ago, and was ready to wait for him.

  As soon as Linshan flew far away, the Heaven Burial Sword burst into dazzling blood and beheaded to death.


   The deafening muffled sound suddenly exploded between the heaven and the earth, echoing endlessly.

   Under the dark red blood light, it is clear that Lin Shan's divine body was split in half by the Heaven Burying Sword.

   The two halves of the body couldn't bear the violent power, and unexpectedly exploded, splashing a rain of blood and debris.

  Linshan's body was destroyed, to the point of being seriously injured and dying.

   But his will is extremely tenacious, and he still refuses to give up the struggle.


   The dark red godhead about the size of a walnut flew out of the rain of blood, fleeing as fast as lightning.

   Ji Tianxing stopped in front of him long ago, waiting for him to throw himself into the net.

   reached out with his left hand, and shot a golden dragon's claw, which directly caught Lin Shan's godhead.

   So far, the battle is over.

  Linshan fell into the hands of Ji Tianxing, life and death cannot be controlled.

   Lin Xue watched the entire process dumbfounded, and the shock in her heart was beyond words.

   Silently calculated the time, just ten breaths!

  :. :

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