Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2991: How dare to fool me?

From the fusion of the Heaven Burying Sword with the Blood Sword, to Ji Tianxing beheading Lin Shan and capturing his godhead.

The process during    was very intense and thrilling.

   It's a long story, but it only takes ten breaths.

   Ji Tianxing really said nothing and did what he said.

   From beginning to end, Lin Xue was in shock and witnessed the whole process with her own eyes.

   She failed to help and watched the whole battle.

   neither had the opportunity to shoot, and was shocked to forget to help.

   This makes her a little embarrassed.

   The old lady is also a high-ranking god!

   Even if I can't beat you and Lin Shan, I still have the right to intervene in this battle, and I have the ability to help!

The results of it?

   You only took ten breaths of time to kill Lin Shan cleanly.

  Isn't it stupid that my old lady became a theaterman?

   Thinking of this, Lin Xue frowned, very unhappy.


   She changed her mind again.

   Although I did not help, but I lent you the artifact.

   You can kill Lin Shan, and I have a share of credit.

  Moreover, my original intention to create the blood knife gate, the unchanging belief for thousands of years, is to punish Lin Shan and avenge him!

   Now that the revenge is avenged, I should be happy!

   Lin Xue's brows stretched out, and the sky cleared after rain, and she was filled with joy.


   She quickly flew across the sky and came to Ji Tianxing's side, looking expectantly at his left hand.

   "Lin Shan is not dead yet? What about his godhead?"

   Ji Tianxing held the Sky Burial Sword in his right hand, and held it behind him.

   With his left hand clenched into a fist, he slowly stretched out in front of Lin Xue.

   After spreading out his five fingers, a dark red **** appeared in his palm, which was Lin Shan.


  Linshan's godhead is dim, its divine power is weak, and the surface is full of cracks.

   Just now Ji Tianxing grabbed his godhead and crushed it several times, which led to this result.

   Now, Lin Shan's spirit is almost broken and he is in a coma.

   In a short time, I can't wake up.

   "I'm sorry to ruin his body and only capture his godhead.

   If you can catch him intact and hand it over to you, then the task will be successfully completed. "

   Ji Tianxing said calmly, and handed the Godhead to Lin Xue's hand.

   "His godhead is left to you."

   After speaking, he turned around to leave.

   Lin Xue stretched out her hands, holding Lin Shan's godhead, and stood on the spot.

   She should have been ecstatic, relieved.

   But for some reason, her attention was not on Lin Shan's godhead, she actually stared at Ji Tianxing's back.

   "This kid has such a strong strength at a young age, it is unfathomable.

   Besides, he acted so resolutely and coldly, and he has an unexplainable mysterious temperament...

   I don't know how many innocent girls are going to be fascinated by him! "

  Lin Xue stared at him away with distracted eyes, these thoughts flashed in her mind, she couldn't help sighing.

   After a while, she recovered and frowned.

"Bah ah ...... you this witch woman, what cranky?"

   Lin Xue was a little ashamed, her cheeks were inexplicably hot.

   She thinks she is a bloodthirsty and merciless witch, she has no feelings for a long time.

  Who knows, those messy thoughts came up just now.

   Although there is no thought of crossing the boundary, the appearance of this kind of emotions makes her feel ashamed.

   lowered her head and glanced at Lin Shan's godhead, she clenched her palm and put it into the space ring.

When    raised her head again, her eyes and temperament had returned to coldness and indifference.

   "Hey! Wait a minute!"

   Xue Lin looked at Ji Tianxing's back and shouted.

   Thirty miles away, Ji Tianxing, who was walking in the air, stopped.

   Without looking back, he asked indifferently: "What else?"

   Lin Xue's figure flashed, teleported for thirty miles, and appeared in front of him.

   frowned and stared at him, and asked with a displeased expression: "You said it, just borrow the blood knife from this seat.

   Now it’s used up, should the blood knife be returned? "

   This is a business matter and must not be forgotten.

   Must have an explanation.

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said calmly: "You saw it just now, your blood knife...has been fused with my divine sword."

   Lin Xue frowned even more, and angrily clenched her fist secretly, and asked, "Then you mean, it can't be returned?"

   Ji Tianxing thought about it seriously, nodded and said, "It seems like this."

   "Huh!" Lin Xue snorted coldly, and said more angrily: "That is the magical sword my father passed to me, a life-saving artifact.

   If you don't say hello in advance, just melt it for me, you have to pay me! "

   Ji Tianxing blinked and said frankly: "I told you that I have to borrow your blood knife to use it. You only give it to me if you agree, don't you?"

   "You..." Lin Xue was choked and glared at him, "I thought you just used it, who knows if you just used it?"

   Ji Tianxing spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

   Lin Xue wrinkled her nose, and said viciously: "Don't be fooling around, you must find a way to compensate me!"

   Ji Tianxing thought for a moment, pointed to her hand and the ruins not far away, and said: "Linshan's godhead is treated as compensation for you.

   If you think it is not enough, there are still three-cutting swords in the ruins. You can piece them together, and they should still be usable. "

   "This..." Lin Xue was startled, thinking that this result is not unacceptable.

   Actually, as long as you can kill Lin Shan, you can get revenge.

   Even if she sacrifices the blood knife and the entire blood knife door, she has no regrets.

   But she just can't get used to Ji Tianxing's virtues, a cold and arrogant posture that is taken for granted.

   This made her very unconvinced.

   Seeing her silence, Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked, "If there is no problem, then I will leave?"

   Lin Xue frowned and did not answer.

   Ji Tianxing asked again: "Am I really gone?"

   Lin Xue gave him a look ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and waved her hand: "Forget it, my old lady doesn't remember the villain, so I don't care about you, the little guy.

  You go!

   However, don't announce Lin Shan's defeat for the time being.

   Otherwise, the lackeys of the Blood Sword Sect will definitely scatter and run away, and they won't be able to catch them all in one go. "

   Ji Tianxing was a little surprised, and asked with a smile: "Huh? You were very angry just now, do you have to pay me compensation?

   How come you suddenly become so open-minded and are willing to let me go again? "

  Lin Xue glanced at him, and said with a sad expression: "Originally, the original intention of the old lady in creating the Blood Sword Sect was to deal with the Blood Sword Sect and to kill the beast Lin Shan.

   Now that the Blood Sword Sect and Lin Shan have been annihilated, my mother’s wish has been fulfilled, and there is no regret.

   As for the blood sword and the blood knife, they are all things outside of the body.

   After the end of today's World War I, my old lady no longer has any concerns, and she can safely withdraw and retreat. "

   Ji Tianxing touched his nose, and suddenly showed a narrow smile.

   "Sorry, I am afraid I will disappoint you."

   While talking, he flipped his right hand, and a flash of blood flashed in his palm.

   Lin Xue's crescent-like blood knife appeared intact in his palm.

   The blood knife was lost and recovered, Lin Xue stared at Ji Tianxing angrily.

   "Your kid... how dare you be the old lady of Zhou Opera?"

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