Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2992: Bankruptcy

Xue Lin was very angry.

   For a short moment, the mood keeps fluctuating.

   She stared at Ji Tianxing viciously, with the urge to pinch his neck.

   thought the blood knife was still there, but it was gone.

   thought that the blood knife was gone, so comforted.

   As a result, the blood knife appeared again!

   Isn't this deliberately teasing people?

   Ji Tianxing looked at her with a smile, and said sincerely: "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend.

   Just want to see if you are as obsessed as the legend, bloodthirsty and ruthless. "

   "What's the result?" Lin Xuesui looked at him, still showing no good expression.

   Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "The result is obvious. The obsession is deep, but he has not yet become a demon.

   is just a hard-fought woman with blood and blood. "

   This is a very pertinent evaluation.

   For nearly a thousand years, Lin Xue has only lived for revenge, and her obsession has penetrated her bones.

   But she just hates the Blood Sword Sect and Lin Shan, not really bloodthirsty and cruel.

   Ke Ji Tianxing's statement stimulated Lin Xue's nerves.

   She suddenly looked like a cat with fried hair, glaring at Ji Tianxing, and sternly asked: "What did you say?

   is just a hard-fought woman with blood and blood! Nothing?

   Little bastard!

  How old are you? Don't pretend to be deep in front of my old lady!

   The old lady has killed more people than you have ever seen! "

   Lin Xue put away the blood knife, hands on hips, staring at Ji Tianxing puffingly.

   A posture of teaching juniors.

   Seeing her reaction like this, Ji Tianxing suddenly wanted to laugh.

   "Finally, don't care about you."

   He shook his head, chuckled, and turned away.

   Seeing his attitude, Lin Xue became even more angry, followed him closely, and asked, "What do you mean? What is your expression?

   Disdain? Are you looking down on my old lady?

   Don’t think that you are young and strong, so mysterious and amazing!

  Don’t think that you have taken revenge on your old lady, and your old lady will be grateful to you and promise you...

   You stop, my old lady will teach you a severe lesson today, so that you can understand a truth.

  Although you are very enchanting, genius, and outstanding, you must understand the basic politeness of being a person, let alone despise women..."

   Lin Xue followed behind Ji Tianxing, all the way to the edge of the big formation.

   Ji Tianxing was quite a headache, and quickly changed the subject, and said with a stern face: "We're still fighting outside, and the disciples of the blood knife can't hold it.

   The people of the Blood Sword Sect did not know the situation in the big formation, nor did they know that Lin Shan had been defeated.

   I can't show up, otherwise they guess Lin Shan is defeated, and they will disappear.

  In this way, I leave in stealth, you go and kill the remnants of the Blood Sword Sect.

   If there are other things, just contact us by subpoena. "

   After hurriedly confessing, he passed through the colorful mask without looking back and left the big formation.

   In the forbidden area outside the big formation, it really is still fighting.

   The Blood Sword Sect took the upper hand, and more than four thousand people besieged the Blood Blade Gate.

   The people of the blood knife door are struggling to support, the number is still declining.

   Ji Tianxing used the secret method of the whole sky, entered a state of invisibility, and flew toward the south.

   Lin Xue followed out of the big formation, without looking at the situation on the battlefield, and quickly transmitted a voice message and asked him: "The war is almost over, where are you going?"

   Ji Tianxing flew across the sky without looking back, and the sound transmission replied: "Go to the capital and do business."

   Lin Xue frowned, and asked unwillingly: "You helped my old lady so much, my old lady must thank you so much and reward you with a lot of treasure and wealth!

  You can’t stay for a few more days and go back to the blood knife door with my mother? "

   Ji Tianxing didn't answer this time, he had already flown away.

   Lin Xue stood on the spot, looking at the southern sky, stomping her feet in annoyance.

   "Huh! I don't know what it is!

   The old lady intends to give you half of the blood knife door, you don't want it!

  Don't think that you are kind to my old lady, and my old lady will pester you and repay you! "

   She muttered annoyedly, but no one could hear her.

   suppressed her anger, she looked at the battlefield not far away, and immediately burst out with a terrifying murderous aura.

   "Beasts of the Blood Sword Sect, all must die!"

   Lin Xue let out a murderous cry, dragging the narrow blood knife with both hands, like a blood stream rushing into the battlefield.


  The sword light is shining, and the **** hurricane swept across.

   Dozens of blood sword sect masters were immediately dismembered by the hurricane of blood and turned into a rain of flesh and blood.

   When this blood sword demon girl joins the battlefield, the end of the blood sword sect's remnants has arrived!


   half an hour later.

  The battle of the Dragon Blood Forbidden Land has ended.

   There is no suspense in the result.

   More than 4,000 masters of the Blood Sword Sect, more than 20 gods and powerhouses, all died on the spot.

   Thousands of miles around the earth, all the stumps and broken arms and blood were spilled.

   is also scattered with pieces of treasure ships and weapon armor.

  The forbidden area is full of devastation, and there are pits and gullies everywhere.

   The blood light and blood mist that obscured the sky lasted three days before dissipating.

   After the war, Lin Xue returned to the ship to rest.

   just killed more than a thousand people, she was filled with terrifying blood, as if a **** of death was alive.

   The guards in the hall were in awe of her.

   A quarter of an hour passed.

   Jin Zuo, who was in charge of counting the results, returned to the hall and reported the results to Lin Xue.

  "Congratulations to the master, congratulations to the master!

   In this battle, I won a complete victory, beheading nearly 5,000 blood sword sect masters, and slaying 23 strong gods.

   There was only one **** and more than fifty masters, and he escaped after being seriously injured.

   However, the right envoy of the blood dragon has already taken people to pursue it.

   I believe that after a while, there will be good news.

   When the time comes, all the remnants of the Blood Sword Sect will be wiped out, and the name will be removed from then on!

   After this battle, not only will your great vengeance be avenged, but this sect will also replace the Blood Sword Sect and become the fifth largest sect! "

   Lin Xue calmly listened to his report.

   She only pays attention to the results reported in the first half ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ but has no interest in the second half.

   "How are the casualties at this door?"

   Jin Zuo Envoy was taken aback, and then lowered his head and replied: "The number of disciples in this sect is five times smaller than that of the Blood Sword Sect.

   Therefore, the casualties of the main gate in this battle were slightly larger.

   Elite disciples killed more than one hundred and sixty people, and masters of all walks of life killed more than six hundred people.

   Even the eighteen gods have fallen to seven.

   However, their sacrifice is worth it if they can successfully eliminate the Blood Sword Sect! "

   Lin Xue nodded slightly and ordered: "Envoy Jin Zuo, you are responsible for the rewards of meritorious disciples and the care of the casualties.

   In accordance with the previous regulations of this door, we will give meritorious disciples and casualty disciples ten times more rewards and compensations! "

   "Ten times?" Jin Zuoshi was shocked, his eyes widened in disbelief.

  The rules of the blood knife door are very humane and emphatic.

   An elite disciple died in battle, and his relatives could receive five million **** stones.

   If it is ten times the compassion, it would be a sacred stone of fifty million!

   Jin Zuo twitched his heart, his hands trembled, and wanted to mourn.

   "Sect master! Even if you are happy with revenge, you can't be so self-willed!

   Ten times the compassion, the treasure house of this door will be emptied, and the family will be ruined soon! "

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