Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2993: Disbanded

of course.

   Kim Zuo Shi's thoughts can only be thought of.

  Since the sect master has ordered, he has no choice but to obey the orders.

   When he announced the news to his disciples, many disciples and gods were ecstatic.

   Everyone was grateful, shouting words such as the master's mighty, eternal allegiance to the blood knife door.


   Kim Zuo envoy led people to treat the wounded and counted the list of casualties.

   These things are all done, it is already two hours later.

   So, everyone at the Blood Blade Gate boarded the Divine Ship and left the Dragon Blood Forbidden Land.

   The once glorious Dragon Blood Forbidden Land was now annihilated in the flames of war, completely silent.

   For a long time to come, every day there were many masters and strong men coming to investigate the situation in the Dragon Blood Forbidden Area.

   Countless people are feeling and unbelievable.

   The Blood Sword Sect, who was once in the sky, arrogant and domineering, how can it be gone?


   Lin Xue's ship left the Dragon Blood Forbidden Area and arrived at the sub-rudder outside the city of Sanyang County.

   Through the teleportation formation in the sub-rudder, everyone left Sanyang County.

   After several toss and turns, after half a day, the godship finally returned to the rudder of the blood knife gate.

   At this time, the news of the destruction of the Blood Sword Sect had spread in Sanyang County.

   The news of this shocking explosion is spreading at an extremely fast speed, spreading to all counties.

   And the total rudder of the blood knife door, a shocking event also happened.

   Doormaster Lin Xue arranged the follow-up matters in just one day.

   Then, she summoned the elders, worshippers, and deacons, and announced the dissolution of the Bloodblade in public.

   When the news came out, everyone was shocked.

   More than twenty gods and powerful men, like petrified statues, were stunned on the hall, unable to make a sound for a long time.

   No one can believe that at the most glorious moment of the Blood Blade Sect, the Sect Master was about to disband.

   Before everyone enjoys the fruits of victory, they will be dismissed.

   This is a bolt from the blue!

   After everyone recovered, they spoke against and persuaded the master.

   There were even emotional elders and deacons who knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

   Lin Xue was extremely calm, her attitude was firm and could not be changed.

   Blood Fantasy and Jin Zuo Envoy are also in the hall, their looks and moods are very complicated.

   Although, they both had a hunch in their hearts.

   They guessed many years ago that revenge is the master’s greatest belief.

   Once the revenge is gone, the sect master will no longer worry about it, and will no longer operate the blood knife sect.

   Anyway, the sect master has no ambition, nor is he attached to power.

   The significance of the existence of the Blood Sword Gate is just to deal with the Blood Sword Sect.

  Although the two were mentally prepared.

   But when they heard that the doormaster announced the news in public, their hearts were still very heavy and uncomfortable.

   After everyone was making noise for a while, Lin Xue started to explain why.

  "Except for the deputy sect master and Jin Zuoshi, others may not know that this seat created the blood knife gate for revenge.

   Now that great vengeance has been avenged, Nie Hu Lin Shan has also fallen into this seat.

   The wish of this seat is over, and there is no more concern, just want to live in seclusion, away from the right and wrong and killing in this red dust.

   But please rest assured, this seat will distribute all the assets of the blood knife gate to those who have contributed.

  So, it's worth noting that everyone has worked hard for the sect for so many years. "

   After finishing speaking, Lin Xue stood up from the throne and said solemnly: "Everyone, this seat has decided, no one needs to persuade anymore."

   Many elders and deacons looked at each other and talked secretly. They were very heavy and complicated.

   At this time, two deacons knelt on the ground, crying in their vocal cords and said, "Sect Master, the Blood Knife Gate is all of us, and it takes half a lifetime.

   If there is no blood knife door, we will be lonely ghosts from now on, and even our family will have nowhere to settle! "

  "If the sect master is disgusted with the mundane world, he is unwilling to manage his own affairs.

   subordinates dare to ask for their lives, you can resign as the master of the door and exit with peace of mind.

   In this way, under the leadership of the new sect master, we can still create more glories..."

   Upon hearing the deacon’s suggestion, those deacons and elders who were heavy in their hearts suddenly lit up and were refreshed.

   The people weighed in, and they all agreed, asking Lin Xue to let him go out and keep the blood knife door.

   These elders and deacons are very smart.

   Although the blood knife door is disbanded, they can get sky-high compensation and rewards.

   But if they keep the blood knife door, they can enjoy the position of power, and they can get countless wealth and resources in the future.

  Even, the blood knife gate is one of the five sects, and their descendants are also protected by thousands of years.

  Because of this, everyone risked angering Lin Xue and persuaded her to let her go out.

   After a short while, all the deacons, elders, and worshippers couldn't afford to bow, and unanimously asked Xue Lin to give way.

   There were only the blood illusion gods and Jin Zuoshi, standing quietly around Lin Xue, without speaking.

   And everyone knows it well.

   If Lin Xuechan let the door master be, they will have the greatest chance of succession.

   Lin Xue looked at the crowd calmly, shook her head lightly, and said earnestly: "This seat has decided to disband the Bloodblade Sect, not only for its own reasons, but also for more important considerations.

   We have destroyed the Blood Sword Sect, which is certainly gratifying.

   But we have also suffered heavy losses, and we will not be able to recover until ten years.

   And behind the Blood Sword Sect, there are two tyrannical mountains, which we can't provoke.

   They will definitely take advantage of their weakness and try to break it down.

   Everyone present today is their target.

   Is prosperity and wealth more important, or the lives of disciples and brothers? "

   After saying these words, she stared at the people with majestic eyes, observing their reactions.

   Many elders and deacons all showed a sense of amazement.

   Everyone looked at each other and talked in secret.

   After all, they did not know the details of the Blood Sword Sect, nor did they know the backing behind the Blood Sword Sect.

   Now the sect master has said it, and has already considered it.

   How can they not worry?

   hesitated for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Many elders and deacons died down and gave up persuasion.

  Although, there are still a few people who are unwilling.

   But the overall situation is set, and the blood knife door is bound to disband.

   Jin Zuo Envoy stood up to complete the battle, persuading everyone: "Within three days, the master will retreat.

   Everyone, take the treasures and wealth you deserve, and leave the Kingdom of Blood and Flame as soon as possible.

   Either go to a foreign country, set up another mountain, and start a school.

   Either live in seclusion in the mountains and devote yourself to the practice of Shinto.

   In short, this seat, like the master, hopes that everyone can spend the rest of their lives safely. "

   After another half an hour, the group of elders, deacons and worshippers left with a complicated mood.

   The next two days.

  Golden Left Envoy and Blood Dragon Right Envoy, following Lin Xue's arrangement, presided over the demobilization.

   Batch after group of disciples, deacons, and elders of the Blood Sword Sect left the Blood Sword Sect with extremely rich wealth and treasures.

   Three days later, all the people at the rudder of the blood knife gate were dismissed.

   Next, only the industries and wealth that are divided into different places are left for delivery and distribution.

   Those trivial matters are all arranged by the Jin Zuo envoy and the Blood Dragon Right envoy.

   Lin Xue took the blood illusion god, quietly left the rudder, and hurried towards the capital.

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