Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2994: Have a good heart?

Originally, a top-notch power like the Blood Knife Gate had numerous industries and complicated personnel.

   Even if the sect is to be disbanded, and the sub-rudder and more than 10,000 people under the sect are disbanded, it will take a long time.

   But Lin Xue had made preparations long ago and had corresponding plans.

   As long as she succeeds in slaying Lin Shan and taking revenge, she can immediately disband the blood knife gate.

more importantly.

   She doesn't need to perform this matter personally, the Jin Zuo Envoy and the Blood Dragon Right Envoy will take care of it.

When    left the blood knife gate, only the blood illusion **** followed her.

   The two passed through the teleportation array, crossed three counties, and successfully entered the Blood Flame County.

   This is the largest and most prosperous county in God.

   Just because the county is the capital of the kingdom of God.

   After entering the Blood Flame County, Lin Xue and the Blood Illusion God Lord couldn't drive through the teleportation formation.

   The two can only control the godship, galloping in the sky.

   A long road.

   Even at the speed of the godship, it would take two days to reach the capital.

   On the way, the Blood Illusory God Monarch asked Lin Xue his doubts.

  "The master of the door, the blood knife door was created by you personally. It has been developed for nearly a thousand years, and it is also your brainchild.

   just disbanded and gave up, really will not regret and regret it? "

   Xue Lin replied calmly: "There is nothing to regret. I have long been tired of intrigue and intrigue.

   was bound by the sect, and was still not free, nor did he have the opportunity to attack the higher realm of the gods.

   Even if it develops for another two or three thousand years, it is nothing more than expanding the power of the blood knife door two or three times.

   Until then, the blood knife gate can only become the second sect at best.

  If I devote myself to practicing, I will hit the realm of the king.

   Two to three thousand years later, even if he failed to break through the Divine King Realm, he would definitely be the Peak Divine King. "

   Hearing this, the Blood Illusory God Lord nodded in agreement: "That's right, the slow growth of the sect power is far better than focusing on improving oneself.

   If you can break through the kingdom of the gods and become the supreme powerhouse, one person can crush countless gods.

   No matter how powerful the sect and the kingdom of God, there are clouds in front of the strong king of God. "

   After a pause, he asked again: "Sect master, since you have disbanded the sect and are ready to concentrate on practicing the divine way, why go to the royal capital?

   You clearly know that in the past two or three months, there have been major events happening in the king's capital, and it must be not peaceful. "

   The blood illusion **** did not say clearly, but both of them knew well.

   In a few days, the Ceremony of the Divine Blood will be held.

  At that time, all the heavenly arrogances will gather in the capital, and countless strong and powerful people will flock to it.

  The king will be very lively and dangerous.

   The Blood Illusory God Lord thought that after Lin Xue disbanded the Blood Sword Gate, he might return to the Sky Demon Empire to find a place to live in seclusion.

   He will always be with Lin Xue, as her entourage and guard, always protect and take care of her.

   But Lin Xue went to Wangcheng, which made him very confused.

  Lin Xue looked at the direction of the royal capital, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and said in a playful tone: "I'm going to the royal capital, it has nothing to do with the ceremony of God's blood.

   It is a feast for young talents, it has nothing to do with me.

  Moreover, the news of the demise of the Blood Sword Sect and the dissolution of the main gate should reach the capital and be known by the major forces.

   We are now in a dangerous situation in the royal capital.

   But I have to go!

  Because the consequences of this sect's eradication of the Blood Sword Sect have not really been revealed yet.

   We have to face it in person, and we can't let him take it for us. "

   The Blood Illusory God Sovereign stunned, and said in a weird tone: "He? Are you talking about Son of Heaven?"

   Lin Xue nodded slightly.

   The Blood Illusory God Sovereign frowned and said, "It's no wonder that after defeating Lin Shan, he quietly left the battlefield. It turned out that he went to the capital.

  I never wanted to understand that he was the first to destroy the Blood Sword Sect this time, so why didn't he stay to celebrate?

   With your temperament, you will inevitably give him an extremely rich thank you!

   Can it be said that Young Master Tianxing is indifferent to fame and fortune and does not care about the wealth of resources?

   If so, why did he go to the capital? Do you want to participate in the Divine Blood Ceremony? "

   Lin Xue shook her head, and said in a calm tone: "He is not indifferent to fame and fortune, nor is he downplaying my thanks.

   But because he has guessed my next plan.

   His gaze is farther than us! "

   "What's the solution?" The Blood Illusory God Lord became more confused.

   Lin Xue explained patiently: "If I give gifts to thank you, at least I have to give him billions of sacred stones or resources.

   It turns out that this resource is not that important to him.

   He only needs to give a subtotal and he can get it easily.

   But those billions of resources are a great fortune for the disciples of this school.

   He would rather not thank the gift, but also fulfill my plan so that I can disband the blood knife door smoothly.

   This is one of them.

  Second, he had known that the blood sword sect was backed by the prince, and the first sect Hetian Sect was involved.

   Regardless of the reason, the Blood Sword Sect climbed the Hetian Sect.

   If we destroy the Blood Sword Sect, we will all suffer revenge from the prince and Hetian Sect.

   On the surface, it seemed that the force that destroyed the Blood Sword Sect was our Blood Sword Sect.

   But in fact, every major sect understands that the person who really destroys the Blood Sword Sect is the Son of Heaven!

   If he stays at the blood knife gate, he will invite a large number of strong men to retaliate and endanger the blood knife disciples.

   Therefore, he took the initiative to go to the capital and sent himself in front of his opponent.

   In this way, the plan of revenge against him will only unfold in the capital.

   And the blood knife gate, you can escape the catastrophe and disband smoothly according to my plan.

   Since I have guessed his intentions, how can I let him fight alone and face the dangers of all directions alone?

   I have to join hands with him to survive the disaster in order to retire with peace of mind. "

   After hearing these words, the blood illusion **** was shocked and showed an incredible expression.

  "When he killed Lin Shan, did Young Master Tianxing already consider these?

   Besides, you and Young Master Tianxing have only met once, so how come you know each other like this?

   Could this be the kind of heart? "

   Xue Lin waved her hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said with a smile: "Wrong, not because of the spirit of the heart, but because...

   There are thousands of stupid people, and smart people are the same.

   What we can think of, he has thought of it a long time ago, even farther than we thought.

   Moreover, I have a strong hunch that he will definitely participate in the ceremony of the blood of God.

   This time the ceremony of the blood of God will become even more exciting because of his appearance.

   Even, there will be unexpected changes that everyone can expect. "

   "???" The Blood Illusory God Monarch became even more confused, and asked in a puzzled manner: "The master, although Young Master Skywalker is an extremely talented genius, he is also an interesting person.

   But the ceremony of the **** blood lasted for thousands of years, and it has always been quite satisfactory, and nothing went wrong.

   Do you think too much? "

   Lin Xue glanced at him, and said indifferently: "Stupid and smart, only one step away.

   If you believe it, you will have it, and if you don’t believe it, you will not.

   Besides, that kid is a super messenger, and he can cause big things wherever he goes.

  The King Capital is so lively, the arrogant people gather, and the heroes gather.

   If he doesn't poke a big basket out, it won't be him! "

   The Blood Fantasy God sneered in embarrassment: "How do you feel that you and him are like old friends who have known each other for hundreds of years?"

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