Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2999: This is the difference

The three princes moved with affection and understood with reason, trying to persuade Ji Tianxing.

   not only played the emotional card, but also explained the pros and cons, and deduced the future situation.

   If you are anybody, you shouldn't refuse him because of reason.

   It is Ji Tianxing who always eats soft but not hard.

   Not afraid of how arrogant, overbearing, or brutal the opponent is, he can fight back with a more overbearing attitude.

   I am afraid that others will invite, pray and cry sincerely, which makes it difficult for him to refuse.

   In the end, the three princes have said all that should be said.

  Even, he said that he has a young, beautiful, smart and smart daughter, who is only 18 years old this year, and she is called Princess Yinling.

   Princess Yinling is the jewel in the palm and heart of their couple, as well as the brightest jewel of the royal family.

   Waiting for idle young talents is definitely not worthy of their daughter.

  Only a peerless arrogant like Ji Tianxing is qualified to marry Princess Yinling...

   Ji Tianxing heard his scalp numb, for fear that the third prince would be his father-in-law if he continued speaking.

  If this is the case, then when he sees Ning Siyuan again, doesn't he have to call his cousin?

   How awkward to think!

   In the end, Ji Tianxing was so kind, so he had to interrupt the third prince and said: "Third prince, thank you for being so respectful and trusting.

   But it is a pity that this monarch will not stay in the kingdom of God for a long time, nor can he assist you on the throne.

   However, although I can't be your assistant, we can be friends.

   can help each other, fend off the enemy together, and help you make suggestions. "

   Hearing these words, the third prince felt much better.

   Although, Ji Tianxing cannot be used by him, and he cannot become a general under his command, which is very regrettable.

   But he knew well that he might not be able to control a man of heaven like Ji Tianxing.

   Being friends with each other, watching and helping each other, is already a very good result.

   Then, the third prince bowed his hand to Ji Tianxing and thanked him sincerely.

   Ji Tianxing hurriedly returned the courtesy, and after a few courtesy words, they sat down and chatted about the family.

   Without discussing government affairs and major events, the atmosphere is much relaxed.

   The third prince asked, "If the king is right, he is coming to the capital this time for the ceremony of God's blood, right?"

   "Exactly." Ji Tianxing did not hide it either.

   The third prince smiled and said, "It is already a certainty to win the championship with the strength of the son.

   However, the rules of the competition are cumbersome, and it takes a long time to select one by one.

   This king will arrange for the son, so that you can directly enter the top 20 and participate in the final rounds of competitions, which is easier. "

   This is a typical black box operation.

   However, the third prince has no psychological burden.

   After all, Ji Tianxing's strength is too strong, he will definitely sweep all his opponents.

   Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "Thank you very much, then."

   The third prince asked again: "This king heard that after the blood sword sect was destroyed, the fifth brother was furious, smashed a lot of things in the mansion, and killed several attendants.

  Fifth brother has always been low-key and calm, with joy and anger invisible.

   This is the first time this king has seen him so angry in so many years.

   It is conceivable that he was already planning how to get rid of you before you arrived in the capital. "

   After a pause, he went on to say: "There is also Brother Second King, although there is no direct hatred between you and him.

   But Tianfeng County Lord is his confidant and beloved general, and he is also the most critical piece of his network of influence in the north.

   As a result, you killed the Tianfeng Princess, and you have not yet been punished by the monarch.

  The position of Tianfeng County lord fell into the hands of the old nobles of the neutral faction, which also suffered a great loss to the second king brother.

   With the character that the brother of the two kings will report, I will probably not let you go. "

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly: "These princes all know that in addition to the two princes, there are even other forces that also want to get rid of the prince.

   Today's royal capital is like the mouth of a giant beast, ready to swallow this monarch at any time. "

   Seeing that he knew the situation so clearly, the third prince took the opportunity to persuade him: "Since the prince also understands his situation, the king just said it.

   I hope that the son can go to the king’s residence to stay temporarily, so that he can rest at ease and avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles. "

   Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "No, this will definitely bring more danger and trouble to the Three Kings Mansion."

   The eyes of the third prince were a little dim, and he thought to himself: "I'm afraid it's more than that. The most important thing is, you don't want to get too close to this king, right?"

   Of course, this idea can only be thought of in my heart.

   It’s okay for everyone to be tacit, and it’s boring to say it.

   But the third prince was not reconciled, and then said: "Since the son thinks it is not convenient to live in the Three Princes' Mansion, it is better to live here.

   This Changfengyuan is one of the residences of the king, with all facilities.

   The maids, guards and servants are also fully equipped, and safety and comfort are guaranteed.

   Moreover, Changfengyuan is not far from the king's palace.

   is only fifty miles away, and it is convenient to come and go. "

   Ji Tianxing thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

   He thought of one thing, and asked: "By the way, does Miss Ning have any news?

   Calculating the time, she should also break through the realm of the gods, and is about to arrive in the royal capital? "

   Speaking of Ning Siyuan, the third prince suddenly smiled with satisfaction.

   "Oh, this king has forgotten such an important thing.

   Before meeting, the king still wants to announce the good news to the son!

   That's right! As you might expect, the girl Siyuan successfully broke through the gods ten days ago.

   After recuperating at home for seven days, she rushed towards the capital.

   Calculate the time, it should arrive tomorrow. "

   The third prince stared at Ji Tianxing, and said solemnly: "Speaking of Siyuan, before this king comes to see you, the princess has repeatedly asked you to thank you in person.

   Thank you for providing the medicine and pill to solve Ning’s bloodline, Tianshang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From now on, the Ning’s children will not have to be tortured by Tianshang, and all of them have a bright future.

   This not only saves Ning from the fire and water, but also sends Ning from **** to heaven, giving Ning the opportunity to rise and rise.

   For Ning, you are a great benefactor of immense merit, and the children of Ning will always remember it!

   The princess often talks about it. When you come to the capital, you must host a banquet to entertain you! "

   Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, and said indifferently: "It's not enough to raise your hand, it's not enough."

   This is not a pretense, but it is really not difficult for him.

   The three princes were even more shocked, laughing and saying: "A genius is a genius, it really is different.

   Tianshang, which has troubled Ning's for thousands of years, is just a piece of cake for you.

   This is the difference!

   To say something presumptuous, sometimes this king will imagine that if this king can be as extraordinary as the son.

   is to abandon the seat of the monarch, abandon the identity of the prince, and willingly! "

   Ji Tianxing just smiled and declined to comment.

  The funeral voice sounded in his mind, and he said with contempt: "This guy has dreams. He is a mere prince and monarch, so he wants to buy the soul of the king?

   Ha ha...Even the emperor of the Great Yan Empire is not worthy of giving us shoes! "

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