Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3000: Internal affairs

A person's speech tolerance depends on his height of identity and insight.

   A noble character like the Three Princes, he is naturally superb in the Kingdom of Blood and Flame, and his style is outstanding.

   But in front of Ji Tianxing and Funeral, it is still a frog at the bottom of the well.

   A **** who has never walked outside the scope of the Great Yan Empire, how can he know the vastness of the Northern Heavens, the vastness of the Vast Sky Continent, and the vastness of the God Realm?

   Ji Tianxing definitely wouldn't refute the third prince, because he was so ill-fated.

   Gossiping and family chatting is over.

   The third prince again told Ji Tian to go, and then he left.

   Of course, he left quietly.

   Ji Tianxing stayed in the Changfengyuan temporarily, then left the secret room and entered the hall, observing the entire house with spiritual knowledge.

   Being prepared for danger in times of peace is his habit.

   He not only needs to understand the layout of the Changfeng Academy, the distribution of personnel, but also the strength of the formation defense.

   In a short moment, he observed clearly.

   The Changfeng Courtyard with a radius of ten thousand feet is large enough to accommodate a large family of thousands of people.

   However, only over 400 people lived here.

   Three hundred of them are guards, and more than one hundred are servants and maids.

   There are two grand formations of superior grade, covering the entire house.

   The guards are divided into three teams, patrolling in shifts, and on duty day and night.

   On the surface, the defensive power of Changfeng Academy is not weak, and it is difficult for those who are waiting to sneak in.

   But Ji Tianxing knows that this can't stop the upper gods at all.

   He was about to take action personally to transform the two nursing homes.

   At this time, an old man with white beard wearing a purple robe and a scarf and hat led four powerful men into the hall.

   "Blessed old man, meet the son!"

   "See your subordinates!"

  The old man with white beard took the lead in bowing and saluting, and four strong young men followed closely.

   Ji Tianxing looked up, took a look at Laifu, and guessed his identity.

  Sixth Layer of God Sovereign Realm, the old middle-ranked God Sovereign, should be the steward of Changfeng Academy.

   As for the four strong young men, there are three strong young men and a tall and strong red-haired woman.

   The strength of these four people is about the third level of the gods, and they are the best among the next gods.

   Ji Tianxing took a seat in the first place, and said calmly: "Everyone, please don't give me a gift, let's just talk about it if you have anything to do."

   Laifu and others thanked him, and then he straightened up and spoke.

  "The son of Qizheng, Lao Yu is the steward of Changfengyuan, responsible for guarding the house and managing the internal affairs.

   The Lord had already ordered that the son stay here for a while.

   The old man will do his best to take care of all the internal affairs and never disturb the son.

   As long as the Lord has any needs, he only needs to tell the old man. "

   Ji Tianxing nodded, expressing satisfaction: "Well, keep talking."

   Laifu pointed to the four young strong men and introduced: "These three young gods are the captains of the 300 guards of the Changfeng Academy. They guard the house in shifts to protect your safety.

  You can choose a few people and follow them to serve you.

   This is the true red god, the captain of the maid in the house, very suitable for personal protection of your safety. "

   Laifu spoke respectfully and his tone was normal, and there was no problem.

   But his last words are a bit intriguing.

   Ji Tianxing couldn't help frowning and looked at the red-haired woman.

   This woman is an angry blood protoss, about three meters in height, and her appearance is pretty and beautiful.

   The skin is healthy, barley, and the limbs are slender.

   Especially the legs, occupy 60% of the whole body, which is very exaggerated.

   Her body is neither fat nor thin, but rather toned, well-proportioned and strong.

   It can be imagined that her body's explosive power, endurance and toughness must be far superior to ordinary gods.

   If you enter a combat state, you can also become a female Tyrannosaurus.

   For most men, women with this appearance and temperament have a unique charm and special temperament.

   But Ji Tianxing...I don't care whether the other party is beautiful or not, nor does he have any crooked thoughts.

  While he was looking at True Red God Lord, True Red God Lord also looked at him without evasiveness, and looked carefully.

   didn't show embarrassment like a normal woman, burying her head on the majestic chest.

   I can imagine that her character and style are by no means the kind of twitchy and gentle woman, most of them are straightforward and hot.

  Moreover, the three captains of the guards also stared at Ji Tianxing, their eyes a little complicated.

   is both awe and vigilant and defensive.

   Ji Tianxing glanced at them, and suddenly understood.

   "The three of you are pursuing the true red god?"

   He raised his eyebrows and asked calmly.

   just casually asked, but it broke the minds of the three guard captains and the true red god.

   The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

   A trace of stunnedness flashed in the eyes of the true red god, and he quickly lowered his head.

   The three captains were also embarrassed, and quickly turned to look away.

   The butler Lai Fusheng was afraid that Ji Tianxing would be angry, so he hurriedly finished the game, and explained with a smile: "The son, calm down, there is no such thing!

  It's just that the four of them came to Changfengyuan and worked together for hundreds of years. They have long been deeply emotional, just like brothers and sisters.

   There is some concern and care for each other, which is natural.

   But no matter what, you are the noble guests of the Lord, and they are the servants of the Lord.

   As long as it is your order, we will unconditionally follow it, let alone go against your will!

   Moreover, the old man is guaranteed by his life. The true red **** is pure and flawless. He has never had a close encounter with any man, and even his relationship history is blank..."

  Laifu's remarks are a bit explicit.

   not only implies that Ji Tianxing can do whatever he wants, but also guarantees that the true red **** is original.

   The three captains of the guard immediately buried their heads lower, and there was a deep sense of helplessness and sadness hidden in their eyes.

   The true red **** still does not change his face, but his eyes are cold and indifferent, without any emotional fluctuations.

   It was like she was just a puppet.

   That is a gesture of resignation.

   suppress all will of oneself, absolutely obey orders.

   Ji Tianxing suddenly showed a sneer, slapped Laifu’s face with a slap in the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~Slap! "

   There was a crisp slap in the face, and Laifu fell to the ground with his cheek, but he didn't dare to get up without permission, and rushed to the ground to sue.

   Ji Tianxing yelled coldly: "You old dog, so good at camping and making tricks, what kind of person do you think you are?

What do you want to do? Pimp?

   Or, is this the beauty trick that the three princes asked you to execute? "

   The voice is not loud and there is no anger.

  , however, contained a breathtaking majesty, severely shocking Laifu and the four gods.

   The entire hall was shrouded in invisible aura.

   Laifu knelt on the ground and shivered, repeatedly kowtow begging for mercy.

   The three captains of the guards and the true red god, also bowed their heads in fear, and did not dare to come out.


   Ji Tianxing's reaction and attitude made the three captains secretly relieved and put down their vigilance and guard.

   True Red God is the same, the cold and indifferent eyes relieved a lot.

   Seeing Laifu's pitiful look filled with horror, she was a little unbearable, and hurriedly bowed to salute, and said to Ji Tianxing: "Please calm down the anger, Lord Tianxing!

   Uncle Laifu neither dared to offend you, nor did he mean to blaspheme you.

   is true red's dereliction of duty first, not fulfilling the responsibility of the maid captain.

   Zhenhong is willing to accompany the son, and plead with you with practical actions! "

  :. :

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