Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3006: Thunder means

Night fell.


   The discussion hall is brightly lit.


   Laifu, Zhenhong and the three captains of guards stood respectfully in the hall.


   Ji Tianxing sat in the first place, his face was majestic, and his eyes looked down at the five people indifferently.


   The atmosphere in the main hall is depressed, and Laifu and others are nervous and their expressions are solemn.


   This is the first time that Ji Tianxing stayed in Changfengyuan and officially called them to discuss matters in the hall.


   All five of them can feel Ji Tianxing's anger, and guess that there will be no good things tonight.


   As expected.


   Ji Tianxing said in a low tone: "The people in Changfengyuan should have been idle for too long, and have nothing to do all day, so they just chat about right and wrong.


   This gentleman has only stayed in for one day, and all kinds of rumors spread, flooding the entire house!


  Laifu, as the steward of the Changfeng Academy, you should be guilty of conniving man-made rumors underneath.


   The entire Changfengyuan is smoggy, doesn't it hurt the reputation of the three princes, have you ever thought about the consequences? ! "


   If the maids and guards were just talking about him behind their backs, he would not be so angry.


   But those idlers not only criticized him and Zhenhong, but also involved Wushuang, didn't they look for death?


   Ji Tianxing doesn’t want to hurt his daughter even a little bit, even if he is criticized!


   Must immediately curb rumors and deter everyone with thunder!


   So, he asked the guilt directly, with a sharp tone and a majestic expression.


  The invisible soul pressure immediately enveloped the whole hall.


  Laifu, Zhenhong and others were shocked, and there was a deep panic in their hearts.


  Especially Laifu, he quickly bowed and apologized, and said: "The young man Tianxing calms down his anger! It is an old man who has no way to discipline him and failed to stop the spread of rumors in time.


   The old man doesn't want to shirk his responsibility, let alone damage the reputation of the Lord.


   Old sin deserves ten thousand deaths, and I am ashamed of my trust in the Lord and Young Master, I ask you to punish him heavily! "


   Ji Tianxing stared at him expressionlessly, and said solemnly: "It's just punishment, how can you shock those idlers?


   This gentleman wants to cut the mess with a quick knife and stop the rumors with blood! "


   Laifu's body stiffened, his eyes flashed with shock, and his heart trembled suddenly.


   He subconsciously thought that Ji Tianxing was going to kill him to gain power!


   Zhenhong and the three captains of guards had the same idea, and his expression changed drastically.


   The four people bowed and saluted at the same time, and said sincerely and in anxious tone: "Please calm down your anger! This matter cannot be blamed on the housekeeper, we are all responsible!"


   "It is our unfavorable discipline that led to this result, please punish him!"


   "The subordinates are willing to share the burden for the Laifu butler, and take the crime with Uncle Laifu!"


   Ji Tianxing looked at the four people with sharp eyes, and said coldly: "You are very loyal! However, you are indeed guilty and deserve to be punished together!"


   Zhenhong and the three captains of the guards were all silent.


  Laifu secretly relieved.


   At least, Ji Tianxing said that he was punished together, not that he was killed.


   Ji Tianxing stared at the true red god, and said solemnly: "The rise of gossip stems from a misunderstanding at noon!


   Not only the maids and guards in the palace, but also Laifu and the three captains, I am afraid they have misunderstood.


  So, it's no wonder that the maids and guards are convinced.


   is really red, now you tell them in person what happened at noon! "


   As soon as this statement came out, the true red **** was immediately stunned.




   She opened her mouth in astonishment, her expression became extremely embarrassing, and her eyes dodge and erratic.


   What happened at noon was too embarrassing and shameful.


   After she returned to her residence, she was bored in the room for a long time. It took a long time for her to adjust her breath before calming down.


   Now, Ji Tianxing asked her to repeat it in public?


   How can I say this?




   For a time, it was really red at a loss.


   Laifu and the three captains looked at each other, looked at Ji Tianxing, and looked at the red, and muttered to themselves.


   Did that happen to them?


   Otherwise, how can Zhen Hong be so embarrassed and embarrassed?


   But this is not right!


   That kind of thing is going to happen, shouldn’t you hide it?


   actually let Zhenhong repeat it in public?


   So abnormal!


   Thinking of this, the expressions of Laifu and the three guard captains changed again.


   At this time, Ji Tianxing shouted in a majestic tone: "It's really red, things are clear and plain, and they haven't done anything wrong, so what can't you say?!"


   Zhen Hong took a deep breath, finally made up her mind, and then said: "Zhen Hong's life is given by the Lord, and this kindness will be paid back sooner or later.


   It's a pity that Real Red is low in strength and can't help the Lord share his worries.


   The only function and value is this pretty good skin.


   Therefore, Zhen Hong has determined a long time ago that he will dedicate himself at the right time to help the Lord solve problems.


   I met Young Master Tianxing today, a distinguished guest of the Lord.


   Moreover, the Lord deliberately settled the son here.


   I thought it was a hint from the Lord, so I thought it was time to repay the Lord.


  Similarly, Uncle Laifu thought so too, so he took the initiative to raise the matter. "


   Really red face expressionless and calmly speaking, completely abandoning shame and guilt, as if talking about other people.


  Only in this way can she explain the cause and effect of the matter clearly.


   Laifu and the three captains of the guards all listened quietly and nodded in agreement.


   After all, what Zhen Hong said was what they thought.


   Zhen Hong said again: "At noon, the son ordered Zhen Hong to clean up the bedroom, and said that he would rest later, and Zhen Hong had a deeper misunderstanding.


   After helping the son clean up the room, he... took off his shirt... sat on the bedside... waiting for the son... "


  Rao is no matter how firm her will is, she has made enough preparations.


   When he said this, he was still embarrassed, his body was red and hot, and his voice was trembling and intermittent.


   Laifu and the three captains of the guards were also very embarrassed and wanted to raise their hands and foreheads.


   Ji Tianxing said blankly: "You don't need to describe the details, just keep talking."


   Zhenhong was relieved, and the sense of shame was reduced slightly, and then said: "But it turns out that Zhenhong misunderstood.


   Not long after, Young Master Tianxing came and followed his entourage.


  Tian Xing son righteously rejected Zhen Hong, and taught Zhen Hong not to offend, otherwise he must be severely punished.


   Really red is ashamed and embarrassed. After apologizing, he retreated and went back to his residence to face the wall and think about it..."


   finally finished talking about the process, Zhen Hong took a breath.


   Laifu and the three captains of the guards also endured the embarrassment and listened to them, and the big stone hanging in their hearts finally landed.


   Fortunately, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The expected thing did not happen.


   Everything is a misunderstanding!


   The news spread in Fuzhong is indeed rumors!


   Ji Tianxing said in a majestic tone: "You already know what happened.


   The guards and maids in the mansion spread rumors to slander the monarch and his daughter. They are very bad in nature!


   You five, immediately investigate the source of the rumors.


   After finding out the result, kill the rumorer!


   Kill at least five people!


   If one is missing, you can make up for it yourself! "Ps: Book friends, I am He Wuhen. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please follow the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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