Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3007: Lanterns all over the sky

Ji Tianxing never relented in killing those protoss.


   What's more, the maids and guards of the Protoss take the blame.


   But his methods are so harsh and demanding.


  Laifu, Zhenhong and others changed their faces, and their eyes showed horror.


   They didn't expect that Ji Tianxing would be so angry that he would kill him because his daughter was criticized!


   He spoils his daughter too much, right?


   Even though they thought so in their hearts, Laifu and the others dared not refute it and had to follow orders.


After    said and obeyed, the five people immediately withdrew from the main hall to investigate the source of the rumors.


   Under strict orders, the five people are extremely efficient.


   Within a quarter of an hour, the original rumors were found.


   They selected five of the worst in nature from those rumors, and killed them in public on the square.


   The five people not only spread rumors but also spread rumors, they even added fuel and jealousy, twisted the facts, and said nasty things.


   It deserves to be killed!


   Hundreds of maids and guards gathered in the square and watched the five people get killed.


   All of them were terrified and disheartened.


   After all, they all participated in spreading rumors and discussions.


   If they really want to be held accountable, they will not die, but they will not escape punishment.


   Later, Laifu clarified the truth in public and strictly ordered everyone to keep their mouths tight and not to make rumors.


   Many maids and guards nodded quickly to express their understanding.


   Soon, this matter was handled.


   The rumors circulating in the Changfeng Courtyard were finally curbed.




   After three quarters, it’s time for dinner.


   Lai Fu Ling Yu Chu prepared a table full of feasts and personally delivered it to Ji Tianxing's residence.


   He also wanted to take this opportunity to apologize to Ji Tianxing and ease the atmosphere.


   Although Ji Tianxing ordered the killing of five rumors, he did not punish him and Zhenhong and others.


   But he knew in his heart that Ji Tianxing was just giving face to the three princes and would not touch them for the time being.


   If he commits another crime next time, Ji Tianxing will not hesitate to kill a few of them.


   Originally, Ji Tianxing had no habit of eating.


  Only occasionally attend banquets on important occasions.


   He wanted to refuse, and let Laifu return the Shengxi.


   However, he then thought, Wushuang has not touched this kind of occasion, let alone tasted the delicacy of the gods.


   So he took Wushuang and Bailong to the restaurant for dinner.


   There are dozens of exquisite delicacies on the white jade round table one square meter square.


   is not only full of color, fragrance, but also gleaming and energetic.


   Wushuang looked very happy, not only amazed, but also pulled Ji Tianxing to ask Dongwenxi, interested in everything.


   Ji Tianxing took her to sit down and accompany her to taste each dish one by one.


   Bailong stood by, sometimes answering Wushuang’s doubts, and sometimes helping Wushuang pick food.


   Laifu also stood with low brows and pleasing eyebrows, constantly helping Ji Tianxing pour the wine.


   Although Wushuang was young, she inherited the noble elegance of her mother.


   Even if it is to taste such a large table of delicacies, the performance is very elegant and lively and lovely.


   Seeing her smiling constantly, happy and contented, Ji Tianxing was more happy, and more smiles appeared on her face.


   Seeing this scene, the big rock hanging in Laifu's heart finally landed.


   He thought to himself: "Sir Tianxing's love for his daughter is really hard for ordinary people.


   It seems that the old man made the right move!


   If you want to get closer to Young Master Tianxing in the future, you only need to try your best to please his daughter. "


   After half an hour, dinner is over.


   The table is full of delicious delicacies, and many dishes remain the same.


   Wushuang just taste every dish twice, of course not much.


   But even so, she was still full, happy, and contented.


   Ji Tianxing left the restaurant with Wushuang and went to see the stars in the garden, intending to tell Wushuang a story.


   Just walked into the garden, but saw the clear night sky, not only filled with silver stars, but also densely packed with colorful lights.


   Wushuang looked up a few times and asked in confusion, "Father, didn't you say that most of the stars are silver and white? How come there are so many colors?"


   Ji Tianxing observed intently, only to discover that the colorful lights floating in the night sky are thousands of beautifully shaped lanterns.


   He touched Wushuang's head, smiled and explained, "Those are not stars, they are all lanterns."


   "Why are there so many lanterns?" Wushuang raised her cute little face and blinked with clear big eyes, and asked, "Is it a holiday today?"


   Before Ji Tianxing could answer, Laifu took the initiative to explain: "Little lord, this is the annual Lantern Festival in the capital.


   is not only to cherish the memory of the ancestors who founded the kingdom of God, but also to celebrate the completion of the kingdom of God.


   At this time of the year, the Lantern Festival lasts for two days.


   At night, the people will take to the streets and let off their beautiful lanterns.


   The city is not only lively and prosperous, but there will also be a variety of food, vendors and programs, as well as a variety of lantern competitions...


   If the young master goes to play in the city, he will be able to enjoy countless beautiful scenery and taste all kinds of food.


  With the ingenuity of the young master, if you go to participate in the lantern competition or guess the lantern riddles, you will definitely get the best..."


  Laifu explained the origin and content of the Lantern Festival, and praised Wushuang again.


   Despite Wushuang's dexterity, he doesn't take Laifu's bragging seriously.


   But everyone likes to listen to words of praise, of course it will be happy.


   So, she also became interested in the lantern festival in the city and was quite yearning.


   Even though she could not speak, Ji Tianxing saw her eyes sparkling and looked at the sky full of lanterns with envy, and guessed what she was thinking.


   "Shuang'er, dad take you to the Lantern Festival, okay?"


   Ji Tianxing pulled Wushuang and asked with a smile.


   Wushuang smiled sweetly, nodded and said: "Okay! Daddy is so good!"


   "Then let's go."


   Ji Tianxing gave a chuckle, took Shuang'er and Bailong out of the garden, and walked out.


   Laifu hurriedly followed and asked respectfully: "My son, you take the young master to the Lantern Festival, and the old slave will send two captains of guards to follow you.


   can not only protect you and the young master, but also have people around you, saving a lot of trouble. "


   Ji Tianxing frowned when he thought of the three guards captains, and said, "Don't let them come, just let Zhenhong follow us."


  Laifu how dare you say a word?


  , of course, nodded and agreed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ smiled and said: "Okay! The old slave will tell the real red girl that she is careful and will take care of the young master more thoughtfully."


   After that, he quickly used his divine consciousness to transmit sound to inform the true red god.


   A moment later, when Ji Tianxing and the others walked to the gate of Changfengyuan, Zhenhong Shenjun also rushed over.


   She came to the crowd, bowed to Ji Tianxing, and greeted him and Wushuang.


   Wushuang smiled and nodded, called sister Zhenhong, and stared at her secretly.


   The elder sister made Zhenhong some of her cheeks hot, and her eyes became dodgy, she didn't dare to look directly at Ji Tianxing and his daughter.


   But she still likes this smart and cute little girl very much. Ps: Book friends, I am He Wuhian. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel download, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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