Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3009: Would rather die together

Chapter 3009

The northern part of the city.

There is a group of majestic and majestic palaces, inhabited by high-ranking officials, wealthy families and celebrities.

In this group of palaces, there is a palace of black stone and golden tiles called Shenyan Palace.

This is an ancient palace with thousands of years of history.

Many years ago, when the prince became an adult, he opened his mansion and built his teeth.

The monarch was compassionate and respectful, so he gave him the Palace of God Flame as his prince mansion.

Today, the prince has passed away for many years.

His heir Duanmu Shizi became the master of Shenyan Palace.

Relying on his father's blessing, Duanmu Shizi still enjoys the prosperity and power.

Shenyan Palace is still a prince's mansion, and has not been downgraded to a prince's mansion.

Many upper-class powers understand that this is not because the monarchs like and value Duanmu Shizi.

But the prince sacrificed for the monarch, making the monarch feel ashamed.

In any case, the monarch must take care of the sons of the world, not to make people feel mean.

At this time, late at night, the lights in the Shenyan Palace were brightly lit, and the figures were faint.

Numerous guards are patrolling, and Da Shizi is hosting a banquet in the hall to entertain celebrities and powerful people.

The second generation son Duan Muxiong did not participate in the banquet.

He was sitting in a secret room underground, thinking coldly about something.

The dim light in the corner reflected half of his cheek.

It can be vaguely seen, his expression is cold and his eyes are gloomy.

Since Duanmuxiong left Tianxue County City and returned to the royal capital, everyone felt that he had changed.

Especially the people in the Prince's Mansion were surprised and confused.

In the past, the second-generation son was suave and cheerful by nature, and often went out and made public appearances.

Especially at the Lantern Festival, he will definitely rush to play.

Even, will participate in a few lantern and lantern riddle competitions, won a few top three places, vassal and elegant.

But in the past month, the second generation son has been living in simplicity, claiming to the outside world that he is practicing in retreat.

Occasionally showing up a few times, it is also cold and intimidating.

Outsiders don't know the reason.

But the second generation son and his confidant are well aware of it.

All because of that **** named Tianxing!

Duan Muxiong will never forget how much pain and shame he endured in Fenglin Manor that night.

The body is highly toxic, the internal organs and meridians are damaged, and the tools for passing on from generation to generation are discarded.

Ji Tianxing stepped on his face and bowed his head to apologize and admit his mistake.

The most important thing is that the poison is still in the body, and it may break out at any time!

This is a nightmare that Duan Muxiong will linger in his whole life!

For more than a month, he dared not sleep for a moment.

As long as you close your eyes, the scene of that night will appear in your mind.

He endured great pain and suffering, and his spirit was about to collapse.

During this period of time, he used all his strength to search for court doctors, worldly famous doctors and several genius doctors.

Even the powerhouses of the upper **** monarch realm, he also found several.

However, as Ji Tianxing said, no one can dissolve the poison in his body.

There are only two genius doctors who can allow him to re-grow roots and temporarily relieve his pain.

This is the limit.

Duanmuxiong was going crazy.

Several times, he was on the verge of collapse and wanted to give up.

He wanted the jade to be burned, and would rather die with Ji Tianxing than to be tortured again!


Suddenly, a black shadow flew into the secret room and came to Duan Muxiong.

The black shadow wore a large black robe and a bronze mask, so he could not see his true face.

But judging from his size, he is a lean and capable middle-aged man.

The black shadow reported in a deep voice: "Qi, Shizi, the people who were watching tonight were found, and they were all injured by the sky and have been evacuated."

Duan Muxiong's expression did not change, he looked at the black shadow with cold eyes, and asked: "He has been in the king's capital for one day. What is the result of the investigation?"

Soi Ying replied: "Qi Zizi, since he entered the capital, our dozen teams have been staring at him.

After a day’s investigation, I learned a lot and there are many important information. "

Duan Muxiong raised his brows, his eyes a little brighter, "said."

The Black Shadow Club reported: "He was picked up by the three princes as soon as he entered the city and settled in Changfengyuan.

The captain of the maid of the Changfeng Academy is True Red God. He seems to be interested in True Red and asks her to go to bed at noon.

The news spread in the Changfeng courtyard, and everyone who made the noise knew it.

After the real red attendant went to bed, he took his daughter to swagger through the city again, playing around in Changfengyuan for several hours.

At night, he forcefully suppressed rumors and killed five maids and guards..."

Black Shadow reported briefly what had happened in Changfeng Courtyard.

Duan Muxiong frowned fiercely after listening, his eyes gleaming with resentment.

"Damn beast, he just came into contact with the third prince, and he just fell asleep when he lived in the Changfengyuan?!"

Duan Muxiong has a close relationship with the third prince and the princess, and he used to frequent and walk around.

He has been to Changfeng Academy many times, and of course he knows Zhenhong Shenjun.

Moreover, he was also attracted by the special temperament of Zhenhong, and wanted to get it.

But the three princes valued real red very much, and seemed to have other uses.

Duan Muxiong didn't dare to make a mistake, he could only endure it and wait for the opportunity.

But he did not expect that the fruit he was looking forward to would be picked by Ji Tianxing!

"The most hateful thing is that that beast actually has a daughter!!

He already had a family, why did he still **** Ning Siyuan from his son? !

He is a despicable, hypocritical, heinous, inferior bastard! ! "

Duanmuxiong's fists creaked, his forehead violently violently cursed with bruises.

Sombra remained silent.

After Duanmuxiong calmed down a little bit, he persuaded him: "Perhaps it was just a rumor. After all, he suppressed rumors and killed five guards and maids."

Duan Muxiong sneered and said, "What about tonight? He goes to the Lantern Festival, who will follow?"

The shadow replied truthfully: "True Red God."

"Haha..." Duan Muxiong's sneer was even more contemptuous.

"The front foot kills people to suppress rumors, and the back foot takes Xinhuan to go shopping. I have never seen such a brazen person!"

Sombra remained silent and didn't say much.

Duan Muxiong gradually calmed down and thought for a moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said in a low tone: "He has been chasing after Tianxue County to the royal capital, and has been suppressing and humiliating his son.

If you don't get rid of him, there will be no peace in this world!

Today, as soon as he arrived in the royal capital, he forcibly occupied Zhenhong and deliberately swaggered through the market, just to disgust him.

If you don't get rid of him as soon as possible, I don't know what he will do again! "

Having said that, he ordered Sombra to say: "Go and tell Zi Sha Xing, this world is willing to give out 30 billion, and buy a life!"

The black shadow shook his body and persuaded: "My son, 30 billion will drain the savings of the palace, and my son will definitely be furious..."

"Hehe..." Duan Muxiong grinned and sneered: "What about bankruptcy? My eldest brother, has ever cared about my life and death?

I have had enough, even if I die with that beast, I don't hesitate! "

Ask for a monthly pass, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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