Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3010: Win over

Chapter 3010

Duan Muxiong's attitude was firm and decisive.

Sombra hesitated for a while, then persuaded again: "My son, please think twice!

The Blood Fiend Palace has failed twice, and has lost several generals, so he will definitely not take on this task again. "

Duan Muxiong said solemnly: "30 billion, this is the highest price in a thousand years, the Blood Fiend Palace will consider it!"

The shadow was silent for a moment, but he couldn't help Duan Muxiong, so he could only bow and obey his orders.

Soon, the shadow melted into the darkness and disappeared.


The southern part of the city.

The magnificent Second Prince's Mansion is located at the end of Suzaku Street.

This mansion occupies an area of ​​nearly ten miles, not only has vast houses and gardens, but also countless exquisite houses and palace buildings.

Tonight is the Lantern Festival. There are lanterns and festoons in the Fuzhong. Everywhere is beaming, and people are stunned.

Not only the family members of the mansion were playing and frolicking, but many guards, maids, and servants also wore beautiful costumes and went to the garden at night.


In the second prince study room deep in the palace, there was a different atmosphere.

Different from the joy of the sky outside, there are heavy soldiers guarding the study room, and the atmosphere is quite solemn and solemn.

Four princes and staff of different appearances were standing respectfully in the study, helping the second prince make suggestions.

The five gods and powerhouses wearing armor also stood with solemn expressions, listening to the orders of the second prince.

These gods are all big figures with authority.

Either the second prince’s cronies, or the generals with great achievements in warfare, and others are the top officials and top nobles.

Sitting behind the desk, the middle-aged man wearing a golden python robe and a golden crown is the second prince.

He was tall and sturdy, with a magnificent appearance, and his eyes were bright with big bronze bells, exuding awe-inspiring majesty.

There is a pinch of goatee in the lower jaw, which is also meticulously groomed.

The temples have turned white, but his thick eyebrows are pointed diagonally at the temples like a sword.

The face of the second prince was like a man of great talent!

Just now, the second prince and several staff members and confidants had finished discussing some important matters.

After he made a decision and issued the order, the confidants in armor saluted and expressed their obedience.

The second prince waved his hand, motioning everyone to withdraw.

Several confidants hurriedly bowed their goodbyes and left the study one after another.

Only the second prince and four staff members remained in the study, and soon quieted down.

For many years, the second prince has always put on a posture of desiring talents and recruited many capable people and strangers.

There are thousands of diners in the Prince's Mansion.

Among the nearly a thousand strangers and strangers, more than forty talents were outstanding and were hired by the second prince as their staff.

On weekdays, these staff members worked hard to help him make suggestions and deal with big and small affairs.

The four staff in the study are the elites and leaders of the staff.

Especially the white-haired old man in the lead, in the costume of a fairy-style, erudite scholar, holding a silver wire whisk in both hands, looks very unpredictable.

This person is the first staff member, the **** of the dragon.

The second prince leaned back on the big chair, resting with his eyes closed, rubbing his eyebrows with both hands, making him look worried.

Yanlong Shenjun leaned slightly, and reported in a calm tone: "Lord, it has been a whole day since he entered the capital from Heaven.

Many things happened in this day.

He was first received by the Three Highnesses to live in Changfeng Courtyard temporarily..."

The Lord of Yanlong reported to the second prince the news sent back by the eyes and scouts from all walks of life.

The second prince closed his eyes and listened quietly, without any change in expression.

After a while, God Lord Yanlong finished his report on what happened throughout the day.

The second prince opened his eyes and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He seemed to be muttering to himself: "As soon as Tianxing moved into the Changfeng Academy, did the captain of the maid go to bed?

Ha ha... That kid is vicious and vicious, but he is not such a superficial person.

This must be the third brother's beauty trick. I want to completely trap that kid and tie it to his chariot! "

The God of Yanlong nodded his head in agreement, and smiled and said, "The Lord is wise! Judging from Tianxing's past performance, he is definitely not a man who loves women.

The trouble of waiting for the bed is mostly the beauty of the three princes.

But Tian Xing then let his daughter show up and took his daughter for a few hours in the Changfeng Courtyard.

At night, rumors were suppressed and several guards and maids were executed.

These two things are signals, and Tianxing has expressed its position very strongly and clearly.

Obviously, he did not want to accept the three prince's beauty tricks, nor did he want to be the pioneer of the three princes! "

The second prince listened with a smile, showing a satisfied expression.

"Then tell me, what is the state between Tianxing and the third brother?"

Yanlong Shenjun thought for a moment, and said solemnly: "If you just don't leave! On the surface, they seem to be allies, grasshoppers tied to a thread.

But in fact, Tianxing and the three princes are not in the same spirit. "

Another hunchbacked staff member added, "Judging from Tianxing's past performance, this person is very arrogant and will never be reconciled.

Even when facing the third prince, he just regarded him as a friend, not as a master. "

Another middle-aged staff member in a purple robe said with a solemn expression: "Tian Xing is an extremely cunning man, and he has long understood the situation in the capital.

Even if he was very close to the third prince, he would not really take refuge in the third prince.

He knows better than us that he can only get the most benefit if he waits for the price!

Once he was eager to be loyal to the three princes, his value was greatly reduced. "

Several staff members spoke successively, expounding their views on Ji Tianxing.

After they finished speaking, the second prince nodded and said in a serious tone: "Yes! Your analysis is correct and comprehensive.

From the state of Tianxing and the third brother, it shows that they are not monolithic, we still have a chance! "

"Opportunity?" God Lord Yanlong frowned in confusion and asked, "Lord, what do you mean?"

The second prince sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "Although Tianxing has a deep hatred with this king, he just killed the king's people and took the king's property.

There is no direct hatred between him and this king.

At this critical moment, the king's magnanimity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can temporarily not pursue him.

In addition, the king and his third brother have been fighting secretly for so many years, but they can still maintain a balance, but there is no result.

Now the fifth brother was born and will soon be crowned prince.

At this time, we should put aside our prejudices and grudges and join forces with the third brother to deal with the fifth!

The king went to talk to the third brother about cooperation, but because of his temperament, he would definitely refuse.

Tian Xing came at the right time.

We tried to win him over and let him be a bridge in the middle, I believe the third brother will definitely agree! "

Several staff members thought about it, and they all showed their approval.

Yanlong Shenjun also smiled and said: "Yes! As long as Tianxing is persuaded by us, we can force the three princes to agree to cooperate.

The subordinates are willing to come forward to help the master share his worries and solve problems! "

(End of this chapter)

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