Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3012: Over enthusiasm

Chapter 3012

This celestial white-haired old man is the first of the staff of the second prince, the **** of the dragon.

He held the whisk and walked to Ji Tianxing, bowing with a smile on his face.

"Old man Yanlong, I have seen Young Master Tianxing!"

Ji Tianxing and others stopped, their eyes focused on the **** of Yanlong.

"Yanlong?" Ji Tianxing frowned, and asked, "The second prince's chief of staff?"

He had already investigated the information and data about the second prince.

Therefore, he knew the existence of Yanlong Shenjun.

Also knows that this person's strength is a high-ranking **** in the seventh realm.

"It's the old man." Yanlong Shenjun leaned slightly and responded with a smile.

Ji Tianxing asked calmly, "Yanlong Shenjun is the representative of the second prince, and he is here to pass a message to this gentleman? Or invite this gentleman to be a guest?"

Yanlong Shenjun showed admiration and said: "I have long heard that the son is incomparable, and I saw it tonight. I really admire him!

What you said is true, the old man is on behalf of the Lord, inviting the son to Chengyang Courtyard in the southern suburbs to be a guest. "

Ji Tianxing had long known that the second prince was a scheming and scheming hero.

Even if he and the second prince had an enmity, it seemed to be incompatible.

But at a critical moment, the second prince will definitely weigh the pros and cons and make corresponding concessions.

Especially this time, the monarch wants to make the five princes princes.

The second prince and the third prince were caught off guard, and they would definitely try to cooperate to stop the five princes.

The two have been fighting secretly for many years, and they have long been grudges.

Even if you want to cooperate, you can't talk face-to-face because of face-to-face, and you need a bridge.

Ji Tianxing knew that he was the best candidate.

Therefore, before he entered the royal capital, it was expected that the second prince would win him over.

Sure enough, tonight the Dragon God Lord is here.

"Southern Suburbs? Chengyang Courtyard?" Ji Tianxing raised his brows, and said with a smile: "The second prince chose the other courtyard outside the city? I'm afraid there will be no good banquet, right?"

The Lord Yanlong looked solemn and quickly explained: "The son is misunderstood! My head is thirsty for talents, and has long been concerned about the talents of the son and wants to make friends.

Now that the son comes to the royal capital, as the host, how can you take this opportunity to host a banquet for you.

Please rest assured, the Lord is very sincere in inviting you to be a guest. There is absolutely no malice! "

Ji Tianxing thought about it for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, you will be waiting for this monarch for a while."

Seeing that he promised to go to the banquet, the Dragon God Lord secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly saluted: "The old man is waiting here."

Ji Tianxing turned to look at Wushuang, and said softly, "Shuang'er, Dad is going out of the city, so I can't accompany you.

You must be tired from playing tonight, go back to Changfeng Academy and rest. "

Ji Wushuang also understood that it was not convenient for his father to go outside the city to deal with important matters.

So, she nodded obediently, and exhorted: "Father, the human heart is dangerous and the environment is complicated. You must be more careful."

Ji Tianxing touched her head and said with a smile: "Well, Dad will be fine, you rest at ease, Dad will be back soon."

After speaking, he looked at Zhenhong again and said: "True Hong, you accompany your twins back to your residence to rest.

You must guard her every step of the way, and there must be no accidents! "

The true red **** nodded without hesitation, and said with a vow: "Don't worry, son, the Changfeng Courtyard is heavily guarded, there will be no surprises."

Ji Tianxing didn't say anything more, and waved to let them leave.

He watched Zhen Hong and Wushuang enter the Changfeng Academy, and then led Bailong to the God of Yanlong.

Yanlong Shenjun bowed and made a please gesture.

Ji Tianxing and Bailong boarded the magnificent carriage, and the **** of the dragon followed.

After the three of them entered the carriage and took their seats, the coachman drove the four-headed beast and left the Changfengyuan with the carriage.

This luxurious and restrained carriage rushed through the night and soon arrived at the West Gate.

After leaving the capital, the carriage flew into the night sky and headed straight for the western suburbs.

Chengyang Bieyuan is one of the industries under the name of the second prince.

This beautiful, quiet and elegant house is located on Mount Chengyang, which is nine kilometers away from the capital.

The other courtyard occupies an area of ​​one thousand acres, and is beautifully and elegantly built, with a somewhat simple and elegant temperament.

On weekdays, the second prince rarely comes here.

Only to entertain distinguished guests, or secretly discuss important matters, or meet someone, will you come here.

There are powerful divine formations inside and outside the courtyard, and there are hundreds of guards guarding them.

The severity of its defenses is no less than the Three Prince's Changfengyuan.

Only a quarter of an hour later.

The carriage arrived outside the gate of Chengyang Bieyuan.

God of Yanlong took Ji Tianxing and Bailong into the Chengyang Courtyard.

The three passed through the two-entry courtyard and the garden, arrived at the third courtyard, and walked towards the magnificent hospitality hall.

On the way, Ji Tianxing and Bai Long secretly observed the pattern of the other courtyard and the distribution of defenses.

Bai Long quietly transmitted a voice to remind Ji Tianxing, saying: "Master, this courtyard is heavily guarded, and there are sacred formations everywhere.

If the second prince has a bad heart, I am afraid we will be in danger and very troublesome. "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said through the sound transmission: "The second prince is not stupid, and he is not a person of high spirits.

He knows better than anyone that he can't take action against me at this moment.

Moreover, the teacher has already explored, and there is no ambush for a large number of powerful people in the other courtyard, so it should be safe. "

Hearing what he said, Bai Long felt relieved.

Soon, the three of them stepped into the hospitality hall.

As soon as he entered the brightly-lit hall, Ji Tianxing saw the spacious dining table in the hall, full of delicious food and wine.

More than a dozen young and beautiful maids were standing respectfully.

The second prince, dressed in a golden python robe, was sitting on the main seat, waiting patiently.

Yanlong Shenjun walked towards the second prince and reported: "Go to the Lord, Lord Tianxing has arrived."

The second prince got up immediately, looked at Ji Tianxing with a smile on his face, and bowed his hands in salute, saying: "I have heard about the name and deeds of Young Master Tianxing a long time ago, and this king admires and appreciates it.

To be honest, this king has been with the son for a long time.

This king is really fortunate to be able to invite the son here tonight! "

The second prince laughed heartily ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ opened his arms and walked towards Ji Tianxing, to give him a cordial hug.

His boldness and enthusiasm seemed a bit too much.

Ji Tianxing frowned secretly, but his expression remained calm.

After ten steps away from the second prince, he bowed his hands and said, "See Your Royal Highness. It is an honor for me to be invited by the second prince."

Not being polite, but also indifferently rejected the embrace and eagerness of the second prince.

The second prince knew in his heart, a disappointment flashed in his eyes, but there was no embarrassment on the surface.

He retracted his arms without showing a trace, and instead pulled Ji Tianxing's sleeves, asking him to take a seat in the guest seat.

"The wine and food are already ready, the son will soon be seated, let's drink a few drinks!"

While talking, the second prince also picked up the jug and poured the wine for Ji Tianxing himself.

(End of this chapter)

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