Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3013: ambush

Chapter 3013 Ambush

The second prince took Ji Tianxing to drink, and said joyously.

Twelve young and beautiful maids waited on the two respectfully.

There were also several musicians playing wonderful music, and a dozen enchanting dancers danced in the hall.

The second prince’s dinner was very attentive in order to warmly entertain Ji Tianxing.

On the surface, he and Ji Tianxing are also the host and guest.

However, the excessive enthusiasm of the second prince made both Ji Tianxing and Bai Long vigilant.

Bailong has been standing behind Ji Tianxing, acting as an entourage.

Just like the **** of Yanlong, standing behind the second prince.

But the difference is that Bailong has no expression on his face and said nothing.

In terms of Long Shenjun always smiled, occasionally he would add a few words to liven up the atmosphere, flattering the second prince and winning Ji Tianxing.

The dinner lasted for nearly an hour.

During this period, the second prince was very eager to Ji Tianxing, and he felt a sense of hatred for seeing each other late and becoming a confidant.

At the same time, he also clicked on the schematic diagram of the side attack.

Want to separate Ji Tianxing and the third prince, put out more attractive conditions, and win Ji Tian to act for him.

Ji Tianxing refused him without euphemism.

The second prince didn't feel embarrassed, and after easing the atmosphere, he continued to win over Ji Tianxing to cooperate with him.

After all, the second prince had long been mentally prepared, and Ji Tianxing would certainly not be loyal to him.

He just tried it, and he didn't have much hope.

His main purpose is to cooperate with Ji Tianxing and force the third prince to join hands with him through Ji Tianxing.


After the second prince expressed this wish, Ji Tianxing still reacted flatly.

There was neither promise nor explicit rejection.

It just means that he doesn't care about the important affairs of the kingdom of God, and he doesn't want to participate in the grievances and struggles of the royal family.

Moreover, he only yearned for freedom and calmness, and he could only represent his own position, and could not call the shots for the third prince.

The second prince understood his position and became even more disappointed.

An hour later, the dinner was over.

What the second prince wanted to say and what he wanted to express were also clear and complete.

Ji Tianxing also gave the corresponding answer.

He will neither be loyal to anyone nor ambitious, and he doesn't have to cooperate with anyone.

On the surface, the two sides are still the host and the host.

But the secret confrontation was over, and the result also made the second prince dissatisfied.

The atmosphere between each other seemed a little cold and separated.

Ji Tianxing stood up and said goodbye, thanking the second prince for his hospitality.

The second prince got up to see him off, enthusiastically retained Ji Tianxing, and invited him to visit the Prince's Mansion next time.

Ji Tianxing clearly refused.

This made the second prince's heart more disappointed and faintly angry.

But he didn't show it, and asked Yanlong Shenjun to send Ji Tianxing away.

Lord Yanlong sent Ji Tianxing and Bailong to the gate of the other courtyard.

After the two sides said goodbye, Ji Tianxing and Bailong flew into the night sky and flew towards the west gate of the royal capital.

Yanlong looked at the two figures, disappeared into the darkness, and quickly turned and entered the other courtyard.


On the way back to the capital.

Bailong asked Ji Tianxing: "Master, the monarch wants to make the fifth prince the prince, and the second prince is obviously impatient.

He wants to cooperate with the three princes through you and jointly deal with the five princes.

But you rejected him. Would you say that he will become angry and start to deal with you? "

Ji Tianxing looked indifferent, and said with a certain tone: "Of course not! Seizing the crown prince is his biggest wish and goal.

Now he is busy dealing with the five princes, how can he have extra energy to deal with being a teacher? "

He just finished saying this sentence.

In the night sky ten miles away, a few dazzling blood-colored sword lights suddenly lit up, striking like lightning.


There were a total of nine **** sword lights, seven of them attacked Ji Tianxing, and only two of them stabbed Bailong.

The sword light is fierce, and contains a violent killing sword!

Ji Tianxing frowned immediately, raising his hand as fast as lightning to shoot out the sky.

"Boom bang bang!"

More than a dozen dazzling golden sword lights collided with the **** sword light, and there was a dull loud noise.

The nine **** sword lights were blocked, collapsed and shattered.

Bai Long frowned and said with a sneer: "Damn! We just left the Chengyang Courtyard, only three thousand miles away, we encountered an ambush.

If it weren't for the second prince, who else? "

Ji Tianxing also looked stern, and said in a cold tone: "If it is really his handwriting, then the teacher will look at him highly!"

As his voice fell, a figure appeared in the night sky ahead.

It was a burly old man wearing a purple robe and a bronze mask, with purple hair fluttering in the wind, exuding domineering coercion.

Although, Ji Tianxing could not see the true face of this person.

But he could sense that this purple-robed old man was a high-ranking god, and his strength exceeded the seventh realm!

At this time.

Two figures also appeared in the night sky on the left and right.

The figure on the left is a thin protoss wearing a black robe and wearing a skull mask.

The man on the right is a man who is as strong as an iron tower, wearing dark golden armor and holding two big swords with ghosts.

These two are also high-ranking gods, and both have the strength of the seventh realm!

A total of three gods and powerhouses surrounded Ji Tianxing and Bailong, and their bodies were filled with a strong murderous aura.

Bailong looked around and sneered: "This place is only six thousand miles away from the king's city. You are so brave to set up an ambush here!

Say, who is the master behind you? Is it the second prince? "

The gods on the left and right did not speak. The strongest purple-robed old man shouted in a hoarse voice: "The mortal man, there is no need to know the truth."

This answer seems to have acquiesced to Bai Long's words.

Bai Long was about to ask, the purple-robed old man had already taken action, waving a **** sword, slashing the sky.


Hundreds of violent and fierce sword lights blocked the area and flooded the figures of Ji Tianxing and Bai Long.

The white dragon has only the strength of the heavenly gods, has not yet reached the gods, and absolutely cannot withstand the attacks of the upper gods.

Once hit by the sky full of sword light, he must be crushed to pieces.

Even the godhead will be defeated.

Under the crisis, Ji Tianxing immediately sacrificed the Heaven Burying Sword and cast a spell to fight back.

He punched the dragon elephant fist with his left hand, and swiped the sword light with his right hand to resist the attack of the purple-robed old man.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sword light in the sky collided, and there was another deafening noise.

Hundreds of sword lights and dragon-like phantoms ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all collapsed into dregs in the sky, causing a shocking hurricane.

Taking this opportunity, the gods on the left and right also attacked.

The two performed supernatural skills, cut out countless swords and shadows, and shot thousands of blood waves and phantom beasts.

Ji Tianxing was tired of resisting, and under an oversight, he failed to protect Bailong.

A **** sword light came in while it was empty and hit the white dragon.


With a muffled sound, his entire right arm was cut off and blood spattered.

Bai Long let out a painful grunt, his face instantly paled.

Ji Tianxing hurriedly opened the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers and included Bailong in it, allowing him to heal his injuries.

4, it’s a bit late, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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