Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3014: Turnaround

The fight between the upper gods and monarchs is not something that Bai Long can participate in.

After he entered the tower, Ji Tianxing felt much more relieved.

Although, he faced the three gods and powerhouses alone, he was always under siege.

But he didn't have to worry about Bai Long's safety, and was distracted to protect him.

On the contrary, it can exert a stronger combat effectiveness, temporarily blocking the offensive of the three gods.

Those three gods were also determined to kill, and wanted to make a quick fight and end the battle as soon as possible.

Because they also know that this place is not far from Chengyang Courtyard and Wangcheng.

If Ji Tianxing can't be killed within half a quarter of an hour, many powerful people will be alerted to investigate the situation.

At that time, it would be difficult for them to want to kill Ji Tianxing.

Therefore, the three gods did not say a word, and attacked with all their strength.

They originally thought that there were two divine princes in the seventh stage, plus a divine prince in the eighth realm.

To kill Ji Tianxing, it must be a handy catch.

But the three of them didn't expect that Ji Tianxing would be very tenacious, using all kinds of stunts and supernatural powers to block their offensive.

Although, after 30 moves between the two sides, Ji Tianxing was injured.

As time passed, the three gods became more anxious and their offensive momentum became more fierce.

Even if they didn't hesitate to get hurt, they wanted to kill Ji Tianxing as soon as possible.

But even so, Ji Tianxing is still strong to the end.

He used the Tianlong Overlord Body, transformed into a hundred-foot-tall Golden Armored God of War, and his combat power soared six times.

The onslaught of the two seven-fold gods was blocked by his kendo supernatural powers.

And he used a variety of secret techniques to dissolve most of the unique skills of the purple-robed elder in the eighth realm.

Even if he was hit by the purple-robed old man, he was only slightly injured.

Seeing, the hundred breath time passed.

The two sides have fought more than two hundred moves, and the aftermath of the battle destroyed the surrounding mountains for 500 miles.

The surrounding area became a ruin, and the world was filled with thick smoke and dust.

The dull loud noise echoed in the night sky, and the dazzling divine light kept flickering.

And Ji Tianxing, who is a hundred feet tall and full of golden light, also suffered more than a dozen injuries.

For the three gods, this progress is too slow.

Want to kill Ji Tianxing, at least one hour later.

This progress is too slow!

As a result, the two seven-fold gods continued their fierce attack, restraining Ji Tianxing and preventing him from running away.

The purple-robed old man began to accumulate his energy, and he did not hesitate to burn all his blood, forcibly increasing his combat effectiveness twice.

After ten breaths, the accumulation is complete.

His whole body was ignited with blood, his whole body flashed with blood, and his breath became extremely violent.

"Heaven Kuang Zhuanjian!"

The purple-robed old man held a sword in both hands, like a **** whirlpool, madly devouring a divine power of tens of thousands of miles.

His fighting spirit and aura climbed wildly, reaching an extremely terrifying level.

When his aura reached its peak, he held the divine sword in both hands and slashed towards Ji Tianxing with all his strength.

This sword is his pinnacle sword.

The power is extremely powerful, and it has gathered tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth power, and severely suppressed Ji Tianxing.

The area within a radius of three hundred miles was imprisoned, making it impossible for Ji Tianxing to escape or avoid it.

As soon as this sword is out, it is like thunder breaking through the night, illuminating thousands of miles in a radius.

Ji Tianxing felt great pressure, and even felt the chill of death.

The ultimate move that the purple-robed old man used at all costs was enough to threaten his life.

In a critical moment, he could only ignore the two gods on the side and resist their attacks.

He must go all out to resolve the lore of the purple-robed old man.

"Daylight sword!!"

Ji Tianxing shouted angrily, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, his expression was extremely solemn, and his movements seemed to slow towards the purple-robed old man.

Suddenly, endless divine power gushed out of his body, and after the increase of the Heaven Burial Sword, a ring of dazzling golden divine light formed.

The huge dazzling golden halo is like a scorching sun, carrying an extremely heavy and majestic power, blasting the sword fiercely towards the sky.

This sword is also Ji Tianxing's pinnacle lore.

It was a sword that he exploded with twelve powers of success and concentrated on using it.


In the next instant, the Daylight Sword and the Sky Kuang Zhumie Sword collided fiercely, and there was a deafening noise.

The blood-colored giant sword, which was thousands of feet long, slammed into the golden circle of wide radius.

The two stood in a stalemate in the night sky, and their power burst out, and then quickly offset.

After just two breaths, the blood-colored giant sword and the golden halo collapsed at the same time, turning into billions of fragments, scattered in the night sky.

The shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth spread in all directions, sweeping thousands of miles.

The surrounding mountains and jungles were shattered by the shock wave and turned into devastated ruins.

The purple-robed old man was safe, but was shaken back a hundred steps.

However, Ji Tianxing staggered, fell from the night sky into the ruins, smashing the ruins into a deep pit.

After all, he was not only shocked by the power of the Heaven Kuang Zhu Miejian, but also hit by the magic of the two gods.

Several wounds were added to his back and shoulders, and golden blood was splashed out.

And the two Divine Monarchs of the Seventh Realm were also hit by the shock wave, vomiting blood and flew thousands of feet away.

Both of them were shocked out of internal injuries, their breaths were extremely disturbed, and their combat effectiveness was also weakened a bit.

They fell into the ruins, smashed the earth out of two deep pits, broke wide cracks, and splashed smoke and dust.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing's eyes flashed a sharp cold light ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ thought to himself: "The two were injured by the shock, their divine power is unstable, and there is a gap in their defense.

Before this period, I have been secretly poisoning.

However, they are very vigilant, and the poison has not been able to penetrate their bodies.

Now that they are wounded, they can take advantage of the poisonous... they are over! "

From the beginning of the battle between the two sides, Ji Tianxing has quietly implemented the poison law.

He knew very well that the three opponents were all high-ranking gods, with strong strength and rich combat experience.

It is difficult to use ordinary poisons to work, and only the very hidden and subtle poisons can succeed.

And this kind of poisonous, it takes a long time to succeed.

He originally thought that it would take at least a quarter of an hour before the two gods would be poisoned.

At that time, he will have the opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

But he did not expect that in order to kill him as soon as possible, the two gods would attack him desperately regardless of their own safety.

As a result, the shock wave of his confrontation with the purple-robed old man injured the two gods.

The poison took advantage of the gap and the two gods were immediately eroded by the poison, and their arms and faces were stained with blue.

Immediately afterwards, the poison raged in their bodies, quickly corroding their meridians and blood vessels, and spreading to their minds.

Once the poison invades the godhead, the two gods will become confused and gradually fall into a coma.

Even if the poison is not treated and discharged in time, life is in danger.



The two gods just got up from the ruins, were about to fly into the night sky, and continued to besiege Ji Tianxing, but at the same time they opened their mouths and spouted blood arrows.

Realizing that something is wrong, he has been poisoned, and the expressions of the two gods changed drastically.


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