Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3015: Evacuate

"Damn! Why is this seat poisoned?"

"Damn it! This lord has also been poisoned and his blood is corroded!"

The two gods looked at each other, and both were full of shock and exclaimed in anger.

Immediately, both of them felt tingling all over, like a knife cut.

The internal organs are also hot and painful, as if being burned by fire.

The unbearable pain made them tremble and their teeth creaked.

"We have known for a long time that the little beast is good at using poison and has been very cautious.

Unexpectedly, we still follow his way! "

The two gods did not dare to delay time, and no longer besieged Ji Tianxing, hurriedly detoxified.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing ignored his own injuries and killed him with the Heaven Burying Sword.

He wanted to take advantage of the poisoning of the two gods and quickly kill them.

Then, he can concentrate on dealing with the purple-robed old man.

It is a pity that as soon as Ji Tianxing flew out with a sword, he was stopped by the purple-robed old man.

The purple-robed old man also discovered that the two gods were poisoned and could not participate in the war temporarily.

Ji Tianxing wanted to take the opportunity to kill, he could only intercept it!


The purple-robed old man wielded the divine sword with all his strength, piercing the sky with sword light, covering Ji Tianxing.

When Ji Tianxing was stopped, he could only give up the two gods and fully resist the attack of the purple-robed old man.

"Clang clang!"

The two excalibur swords kept colliding with each other, and a series of golden and iron humming sounded.

The broken sword light continued to splash, and the violent energy raged endlessly.

The strength of the purple-robed old man is indeed even better.

Ji Tianxing resisted and counterattacked with all his strength, but he couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the opponent.

Taking this opportunity, the two venomous gods quickly took the **** pill to heal their injuries.

However, the poison that Ji Tianxing deliberately released was too domineering.

Even if they took the Jiedu Pill, they had supernatural power to force the poison, but they could not get rid of the poison, and it had no effect.

The two gods were distraught, anxious and frightened, and they were sweating coldly all over.

At this time, the divine sense of the purple-robed old man detected that divine light lit up at the west gate of the capital.

Several gods and princes, with dozens of masters, rushed forward.

"Damn it! Sure enough, it took a long time and was discovered by the guards of the royal city!"

The purple-robed old man frowned fiercely and cursed in his heart.

At the same time, he released his spiritual knowledge to explore Chengyang Courtyard.

There is no doubt that the divine light is also lit up near Chengyang Courtyard.

The breath of a few gods and powerhouses is coming at lightning speed.

In the previous half a quarter of an hour, everyone was fighting too much.

Loud noises spread over thousands of miles, and God's light shines for thousands of miles.

The guards in Chengyang Courtyard and Wangduli came to check the situation now, and they were already unresponsive.

"Damn it!"

The purple-robed old man's face became more and more ugly, and he cursed bitterly.

He knew that they should withdraw!

Failing to kill Ji Tianxing within a hundred breaths, and making such a big noise, their mission has failed.

No matter how unwilling he is, he can only grit his teeth and make up his mind, and shouted to the two gods: "Don't be froze, withdraw quickly, this seat will cover you!"

The two poisoned gods, half of their bodies were already blue and convulsed.

Even if they stay, they don't have much combat power, and they will become a burden.

Hearing the order of the purple-robed old man, the two turned around without hesitation and flew towards the northern night.

They also know that the situation is urgent and must be evacuated as soon as possible.

Even though he was covered with scars and venomous attacks, he endured the pain and raised his speed to the limit.

Within ten breaths of time, they flew more than a thousand miles away.

Ji Tianxing was very anxious, and wanted to stop the two gods and kill at least one or two.

He wanted to seize the other side's godhead and refine his memory.

In this way, we can know who sent these three gods.

But it's a pity that the purple-robed old man intercepted with all his might, making it impossible for him to get out.

Soon, the time of five breaths passed.

The imperial guards from the royal city were more than two thousand miles away from the battlefield.

The gods and powerhouses who came from Chengyang other courtyard were only about six hundred miles away from Ji Tianxing and the old man in Zipao.

Seeing that the time had come, the purple-robed old man could no longer stay.

He flicked a trick to Ji Tianxing and fled the battlefield by teleporting.

Although Ji Tianxing had already guessed that the purple-robed old man would escape, he was also prepared to intercept him.

But the purple-robed old man's strength is slightly stronger, and his teleportation supernatural powers are perfect.

He wanted to intercept, but he was still a quarter of an instant slower, causing the purple-robed old man to run away.

In the next instant, the purple-robed old man teleported thousands of miles away and disappeared without a trace.


Ji Tianxing didn't catch up, staring coldly at the northern night sky, cursing in a low voice.

Although, he vaguely guessed the identity of the three gods.

However, the situation in Wangcheng is confusing, and he dare not be completely sure.

"I thought that when I reached the third level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, I would be able to compete with the upper divine prince of the Eighth Realm.

Unexpectedly, encountering such a veteran **** who has experienced many battles, he is still a little weak and can only remain undefeated. "

Ji Tianxing murmured to himself and sighed.

He also became more and more eager to break through the four realms as soon as possible and become the middle god.

At this time, the strong from Chengyang Other Hospital rushed to the battlefield.


The three figures flashed with divine light and appeared in front of Ji Tianxing.

The leader was the second prince, followed by the **** of dragons, and a burly man in golden armor.

All three of them are high-ranking gods, and they are very imposing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Before in Chengyang Courtyard, the man with golden armor was also present.

However, he did not participate in the dinner and stayed in the secret room.

Ji Tianxing used his spiritual sense to probe the situation in the other courtyard and sensed the person's breath.

After the three arrived, their eyes all focused on Ji Tianxing, and they looked up and down.

At this time, he has returned to his original appearance, his hair is scattered, his white robe is damaged in many places, and he is stained with blood.

The second prince breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he looked a little embarrassed, but he was not worried about his life.

"Master Tianxing, what's the matter?

Who ambushed you here, wounded you? "

The second prince looked at him with concern and asked indignantly.

Ji Tianxing said with a calm expression: "The three high-ranking gods have hidden their true faces and do not know their identity and origin."

Hearing this, the second prince's eyes flashed with surprise.

The God of Yanlong and the man with golden armor also showed surprise, a little unbelievable.

Although, they had long known that Ji Tianxing was very strong, comparable to the upper gods.

But they couldn't believe that Ji Tianxing was ambushed by three high-ranking gods. After fighting for so long, he was only slightly injured.

They can never do it instead!

Doesn't this mean that Ji Tianxing is the leader among the upper gods, and is stronger than the three of them?

This thought flashed through his mind, and the three of them remained silent.

The second prince looked angry and shouted in a deep voice: "Yanlong, immediately send someone to investigate this matter, and we must find the murderer!

Tonight, the king will host a banquet for the son of Tianxing in the courtyard of Chengyang.

As a result, Young Master Tianxing was ambushed and injured as soon as he left the Chengyang Courtyard.

If you don't find out the truth, others would think it was the king who did it! "


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