Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3018: Clue break

Ji Tianxing originally thought that even if the opponent was sinister and cunning, he wouldn't force him into the Changfeng Academy.

In the royal city, you have to be somewhat restrained.

After all, everyone in the entire royal city knew that it was the third prince’s other courtyard.

Once the opponent sends someone to the Changfeng Academy, it is equivalent to tearing his face and openly fighting the third prince.

Therefore, when he went to the Chengyang Courtyard for a banquet, it was inconvenient to bring Wushuang, so he let her stay in Changfeng Courtyard to rest.

He was a little worried, so he let Zhenhong guard Wushuang every inch.

But he underestimated the madness of the opponent!

In order to avenge him, he sent a strong man into the Changfengyuan and forcibly took Wushuang away.

This undoubtedly shows that the other party vowed to put him to death by all means!

Originally, all forces competing and fighting in the royal city had to be low-key and restrained, and abide by the minimum rules of the game.

Since the opponent broke the rules, Ji Tianxing has nothing to worry about.


Kill all the opponents, no matter what strength or status!


Just two quarters of an hour later.

Ji Tianxing left Wangcheng and flew northward for fifty thousand miles.

His heart was distraught, so he was flying extremely fast.

The three princes, the two commanders of the Forbidden Army, and dozens of elite troops, failed to keep up with him.

When flying over a vast mountain range, Ji Tianxing's divine sense detected that a certain mountain top three thousand miles away on the left had the aura of two gods and powers.

He released his divine sense to investigate carefully, only to discover that the two breaths were actually the guard captain of the Changfeng Academy!

In addition, there is another person on the top of the mountain.

It is the true red **** who is seriously injured and has a weak breath!


Ji Tianxing hurriedly flew over and landed next to Zhenhong Shenjun.

Zhenhong was lying on the grass and was in a coma.

Her red hair was dangled, stained with blood, and half of her cheek was covered.

He looked extremely embarrassed, and the long skirt he was wearing was also damaged in many places, revealing several wounds.

The left shoulder was twisted, and the wound showed broken bones, dripping with blood.

Especially between the chest and abdomen, there is a big bowl of blood hole, still bleeding out, shocking.

Obviously, she passed out because of her injuries.

The two guards guarded her, anxiously like ants on a hot pot.

One person helped her convey supernatural power and suppress the injuries.

Another person gave her Shen Dan and used healing techniques to help her heal her injuries and stop bleeding.

Seeing Ji Tianxing coming, the two guard captains were relieved.

He raised his head to say hello to Ji Tianxing, and then lowered his head to work.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing frowned and said solemnly: "You guys get out of the way!"

The strength of the two captains of the guards was slightly lower, and the treatment methods were mediocre.

Knowing that Ji Tianxing was going to take care of Zhenhong, the two quickly gave in.

Thousands of life-saving divine lights still remain in the Filling Sky Bead, which can bring back thousands of Valkyrie.

But Zhenhong is a strong god, and Ji Tianxing can only release all the life-saving light into her body.

As he stretched out his palms, he urged the strength of the dzi beads.

The sacred white light burst out from the palm of his palm, covering the real red that was seriously injured and unconscious.

Soon, thousands of life-saving divine lights were injected into her body.

Under the gaze of the two guards, several wounds on the surface of the real red body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The blood stopped flowing, the wound healed quickly, and even her divine power was quickly restored.

The originally weak and disordered spirit aura gradually stabilized.

After a few breaths, Zhen Hong was out of danger.

After a hundred breaths, several wounds all over his body healed as before, and his injuries were greatly reduced.

When the two guards saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded in shock and exclaimed in exclamation of magic and incredible.

At this moment, the three princes, the two forbidden army leaders, and more than sixty elites of the forbidden army all came to the top of the mountain.

Seeing Zhen Hong fell into a coma, the third prince hurriedly asked about the situation.

Knowing that she was seriously injured and unconscious, Ji Tianxing had cured her by applying the law, and the third prince felt a little relieved.

Soon, Zhenhong woke up leisurely.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Ji Tianxing, the third prince, two guards and two commanders of the Forbidden Army all around her.

Everyone looked solemn and looked at her with concern.

She quickly got up and wanted to salute everyone.

The third prince raised his hand to stop her, and asked anxiously: "Really red, you followed the murderer to here, and are you unconscious?

What about the murderer? In which direction did you escape? "

When it came to this matter, Zhen Hong's eyes were dim, showing an expression of self-blame.

She said guiltily: "Lord, Lord Tianxing, I'm sorry!

It's really red and useless. It has failed your trust and failed to protect the young master..."

Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "I'll say these later. You tell me where the murderer has escaped? Any clues?"

Zhen Hong was even more ashamed and buried her head lower.

"The murderer...really red and incompetent, he has never been able to catch up with the murderer, and he was thrown farther and farther.

They fled to the north, and I could track their breath before unconscious.

Now that they have been thrown away, they can no longer detect their residual breath. "

Obviously, the chase was lost.

Ji Tianxing was dissatisfied, and continued to ask: "Then have you seen clearly what the two murderers look like? What are their characteristics?"

Zhen Hong thought about it for a while, and shook his head more reproachfully.

"They should be two men, but they are not sure whether they are young or middle-aged.

They all wore black robes and masks, covering their true colors, and they could not see any marks or characteristics. "

Hearing this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ji Tianxing, the third prince and others, their expressions became more and more disappointed.

Regarding the two murderers, Zhenhong is the best witness and the most critical clue.

And now, the clue is broken!

No matter how anxious Ji Tianxing was, he couldn't start and track down the murderer's whereabouts.

The third prince also understood this, and quickly persuaded Ji Tianxing: "Master Tianxing, don't be too anxious, you must calm down at this time!

The clue has been broken, so let's go back to Wangcheng and discuss countermeasures. "

After a pause, he also reprimanded himself: "This king also expresses deep regret and anger for what happened.

The **** murderer broke into the Changfengyuan and robbed Wushuang.

This is a blatant declaration of war on this king!

The other party not only wants to retaliate against you, but also to provoke the relationship between us!

Lord Tianxing, please rest assured, this king also has an inescapable responsibility, and will definitely help you save Wushuang! "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said in a deep voice: "Although the clues have been broken, I am still not reconciled. Keep looking around for clues."

After speaking, he left the mountain and flew north, carefully inspecting the situation along the way.

The third prince also took the commander of the imperial army and quickly followed.

The crowd dispersed and flew into the night sky without rush, searching a radius of 20,000 miles.

In this area, no trace or clue can be hidden from everyone.

But it's a pity that everyone searched for half an hour, searched for tens of thousands of miles, and found no useful clues.

In desperation, Ji Tianxing and the third prince had no choice but to leave and return to the royal city to discuss their long-term plans.

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