Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3019: Countermeasure

From Wushuang's accident to the present, Ji Tianxing's heart has been very anxious.

But the more at this critical moment, the more he must remain calm.

Anger and irritability can't solve the problem, the most urgent thing is to come up with countermeasures.

On the way back to the royal capital, Ji Tianxing has been frowning and thinking.

As soon as they returned to the Changfeng Academy, Ji Tianxing and the third prince entered the study to discuss countermeasures.

The two imperial army commanders followed in, waiting for orders at any time.

Originally, the third prince asked Zhen Hong to rest and heal her injuries.

But she refused to rest, forced her injury into the study, and also participated in the discussion.

Wushuang was taken away, making her very guilty and self-blaming.

At the same time, she consciously failed Ji Tianxing's trust and was unable to face Ji Tianxing.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing didn't criticize her.

The light in the secret room was dim, and the atmosphere was solemn and solemn.

The third prince said in a deep voice: "Two things happened tonight. One is that the second prince invited Young Master Tianxing to be a guest at the Chengyang Courtyard, but he was ambushed on the way back.

Immediately afterwards, two gods and powerful men invaded the Changfeng Academy, wounded Zhen Hong and robbed Miss Wushuang.

The king dare to conclude that the two things are linked, and the other party has planned for a long time!

Invite Young Master Tianxing to the Chengyang Courtyard. This is the first step of the plan to move the tiger away from the mountain.

Send someone to sneak into the Changfeng Academy to rob Miss Wushuang, this is the second step of the plan. "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing shook his head and said: "In your opinion, the culprit is the second prince?"

The third prince said calmly: "This possibility is not ruled out, this king dare not look down on him at any time.

Moreover, he has the motive and the strength to plan such a conspiracy. "

Ji Tianxing shook his head again and said, "Wrong! The monarch wants to make the fifth prince the prince. You and the second prince have lost, and the fifth prince is the biggest winner.

At this critical moment, the common enemy of you and the second prince is the fifth prince!

The second prince carefully planned for so many years in order to fight for the crown prince and king.

At this juncture, it is too late for him to cooperate with you, so how can he deal with me and rob my daughter?

Is it important to kill me to vent my anger? Or is it more important to seize the crown prince? "

The third prince immediately understood what he meant, and said solemnly: "The second prince invites you to a banquet tonight. Is he trying to make you a lobbyist and let this king cooperate with him?

You mean, the five princes are behind the scenes? "

"Of course!" Ji Tianxing said with a certain tone: "I don't know what method he used to get the monarch to make him a prince.

This is the will of the monarch, as long as the monarch does not die, it is basically a certainty.

Therefore, the five princes have already won and will soon become the prince.

At this time, what he most wants to do is, of course, to avenge his hatred and get rid of my thorny eye! "

The third prince nodded in agreement, "It makes sense."

Ji Tianxing continued: "Furthermore, you, the second prince and I all underestimated the methods of the fifth prince.

He must have planted a spy in Changfengyuan, monitoring our every move.

Therefore, he knew that my daughter was in Changfeng Courtyard, and he also knew that I had gone to a banquet in Chengyang Courtyard.

This is an excellent opportunity for him, how can he let it go? "

Listening to his analysis, the third prince suddenly realized, and nodded again and again: "Yes! It's almost like this!

The fifth prince will send someone to intercept you. If the action is successful, you can plant the spoils on the second prince, causing the king to turn against the second prince, and there is no possibility of cooperation.

If the interception plan fails, the five princes will send two other gods to sneak into the Changfengyuan to rob Miss Wushuang.

In this way, if they threaten Miss Wushuang, they can take the initiative and try to deal with you again! "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "That's it! This is the five prince's strategy of killing two birds with one stone, and it is step by step, interlocking.

His goal is to get rid of me. Before killing me, Wushuang should be safe.

We will wait, it is estimated that it will not be long before they will implement the third step plan. "

The third prince nodded again, and said solemnly: "Next, he will send someone to send you a message, and ask you to go somewhere before you can see Miss Wushuang.

In that place, he had already set up heavy soldiers and laid a net of heaven and earth.

If you don't want Miss Wushuang to be in trouble, you must go to that place and throw yourself into the net..."

When he said this, he sneered at the corner of his mouth and said: "Then we will wait for him to send a message. This king will gather a large number of masters of the imperial army to see what tricks he can do!"

Ji Tianxing glanced at him and asked: "In nominal terms, the imperial army belongs to the sword of the monarch. You use a large number of imperial army masters to help me deal with my personal affairs.

Isn't it afraid that he will sue the imperial court, and the monarch will punish you in anger? "

The third prince grinned and said with a sneer: "The monarch is about to make the fifth prince as the prince. This king has already given up all his previous work and lost thoroughly. What else is there to be afraid of?

Besides, the old five sent people into the Changfeng Academy and robbed Miss Wushuang.

This is more than just blatantly slap the king in the face?

This is simply...press the king's face on the ground!

He is so frantic and lawless, what kind of sentiment does this king talk about? "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "You are willing to help, to prove that I didn't see the wrong person.

However, you still underestimated the five princes, he will not let us do what we want. "

"The king has to think about it, how can we hide Chen Cang from his eyes and ears..." The third prince understood what he meant, nodded with a solemn expression~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Time passed quietly.

Soon, an hour passed.

It's dawn, the darkest hour of the day.

Just at this time.

A news from ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the guard came to the door of the study and reported respectfully: "My lord, just now someone from outside the house sent a secret letter, saying that it will be handed over to Master Tianxing! "

Ji Tianxing, the third prince and the others immediately brightened their eyes and cheered up.


"Sure enough, we didn't expect it."

The guard entered the study and delivered the letter to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing picked up the letter, took out the letter paper inside, and spread it on the desk.

I saw two lines of vigorous and powerful characters written on the letter paper.

"At three quarters of the hour, the North West Wind Town is out of date.

If you don't want your daughter to die, just come alone.

Don't try to play tricks, you should be very clear that our eyes are everywhere in the royal city! "

What the letter said was very clear, and everyone read it at a glance.

The atmosphere in the secret room became heavy and solemn again.

The third prince frowned fiercely, and said worriedly: "You guessed right! He had guessed that this king would help you, so...

It's a pity that they also have eyeliners in Changfeng Courtyard.

Even if the king left quietly with the Forbidden Army, he would probably be discovered.

Lord Tianxing, King Rongben thinks of a way, how can I help you? "

Ji Tianxing fired a flame at will, burning the secret letter to ashes, and said indifferently: "Don't think about it, I have a way."

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