Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3020: Tianluodiwang

No one knows what Ji Tianxing and the third prince and others discussed in the secret room.

The people at Changfengyuan only knew that the third prince left in despair and resentment and helplessness.

Seeing that look, he seemed to be unable to help Ji Tianxing, so he felt self-blame and annoyed.

Of course.

The two commanders of the Forbidden Army and more than sixty elite troops were also taken away by him.

After leaving the Changfengyuan, the third prince and others returned to the palace and went to rest.

At least, the spies and eyeliners who are hiding in the dark see the result like this.

But no one knew that Ji Tianxing relied on the secret of the chaotic sky and left the Changfeng Academy quietly.

He was not discovered by anyone, and quietly entered the palace.

Then, one by one, he found the three princes, the commander of the forbidden army and sixty elites of the forbidden army.

Under his guidance, everyone entered the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers and stayed on the third floor of the God Tower.

No way, there are too many ancient buildings on the first floor of the tower, and the statues and altars of the original monsters on the second floor.

The fourth layer is the boundless sea, which contains the bones of billions of sea beasts.

There are too many clues in these spaces, and it is easy to reveal secrets related to the tower.

Only the third level is a dark wasteland.

Only in the middle is an ancient tomb made of black stones. Ji Tianxing had cracked that ancient tomb many years ago.

The demon clan gods and secrets hidden in the ancient tomb were also handed over to Ji Ke to practice.

Now that ancient tomb is abandoned, leaving only a pile of broken black stones.

It is of no use, nor will it reveal the secrets of the nine-day tower.

After a while, Ji Tianxing settled down the three princes and the imperial army.

Everyone stayed in the dark space, all sitting cross-legged and waiting patiently.

Ji Tianxing quietly returned to Changfengyuan again and entered the study room.

The whole process was unconscious and no one noticed the abnormality.

Then, he lifted his invisibility and walked out of the study openly.

Sure enough, he didn't take anyone, leaving Changfengyuan alone, rushing to the north gate of the royal city.

During this process, I don't know how many eyes and spiritual consciousness are staring at him in secret.

Not only were there spies in Changfengyuan, but eyeliners were hidden everywhere in the city.

Those spies and eyeliners, watching Ji Tianxing leave the royal city alone and flying towards the north, they hurriedly sent a report.


Xifeng Town is located in the north of Wangcheng.

It is 300,000 li away from the royal city, and it is located deep in the lofty and remote mountains.

Many years ago, this small town once gathered more than 3,000 protoss people.

However, surrounded by mountains, there are countless monsters and sacred birds, and they often attack the people of Xifeng Town, causing heavy casualties.

The people were unbearable, so they moved out of the town of Xifeng more than two hundred years ago and moved to a small town more than 100,000 miles away.

The town of Xifeng was abandoned, and there are no people living in it.

Only occasionally some adventurers pass by and will stay there for a day or two.

On the way to Xifeng Town, Ji Tianxing was still thinking about it in his heart.

"It's no wonder that the five princes have to choose Xifeng Town, which is deserted and uninhabited, and it is suitable for him to ambush heavy soldiers.

He laid a net there, waiting for me to die. He should be there in person and enjoy the fruits of victory, right?

Hope he is in Westwind! "

These thoughts flashed in his mind, and Ji Tianxing's eyes flashed coldly.

He not only wants to save Wushuang and kill the five princes, but also to get rid of the five princes!

If the five princes are in Xifeng Town, they can do it once and for all!

Unconsciously, an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing drove at the fastest speed and had already flown over 200,000 miles.

At this moment, a message of Jade Jane flew from the sky and landed in front of him.

It's just ordinary jade slips, and there is no array encryption.

He picked up the jade slip, divine sense intruded into it, and a young man's voice sounded in his mind.

"If you know you, know that tricks are useless.

However, you have to hurry up, there is less than one hour left.

Your daughter is safe now. If you are late, you can only collect her body, hahahaha..."

The person's tone was gloomy and low, full of hatred and resentment.

Ji Tianxing could guess that the person who sent the subpoena should be the five princes.

From this transmission, he analyzed several pieces of information.

First, the five princes were indeed in Xifeng Town, waiting very proudly for him to die.

Second, Wushuang is now in no danger of life.

This made him feel a little relieved and speeded up his journey.

Unconsciously, another half hour passed.

He flew another hundred thousand miles, across the lofty mountains, and was about to arrive at Westwind Town.

At this moment, it happened to be the hour of the hour.

The golden sunrise, just rising from below the horizon, is slowly rising into the sky.

The radiant rays of the shining rays shed among the mountains, making the numerous cloud-filled peaks covered with a golden layer, which looks spectacular.

But Ji Tianxing didn't want to appreciate it, and his divine sense extended to explore Xifeng Town thousands of miles away in advance.

Soon, he found the small town in the mountains.

Sure enough, it is surrounded by mountains and located in a flat valley.

A ten-foot-wide Qing River passes through the middle of the town and rushes south along the foot of the mountain.

The area of ​​the town is small, only ten miles in radius.

There are hundreds of palaces and houses in the town, but they are all abandoned and old.

Most of them collapsed and broke, turning into a pile of ruins, revealing many ruins.

Even the houses and palaces that haven't collapsed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are covered with weeds and messed up.

Probably the five princes are confident and not afraid that Ji Tian will not come.

There are three hundred masters around the town, all with the strength of the eighth and ninth layers of the gods.

Those masters were all wearing black armor, holding swords and spears, and surrounded the town.

In addition, there is a palace covering a thousand feet in the middle of the town.

The palace is relatively well-preserved, still somewhat majestic and majestic.

Ji Tianxing found out that there were hundreds of powerhouses outside the palace.

Although, they are all one and two gods.

But there are nearly a hundred of them, and they are still a very powerful and terrifying force.

The most important thing is that he also probed into the palace, there were six high-ranking gods.

"Sure enough, it's a net of heaven and earth, it will kill!

Fortunately, he is a prince, with a strong backing behind him, to gather so many gods and powerhouses. "

A cold light flashed in Ji Tianxing's eyes, and he whispered to himself.

"It seems that he failed too many times before, and even the Blood Sword Sect was taken by me.

This time he is bound to get rid of me, in order to be foolproof, he is willing to spend such a **** money! "

Including the three princes, there are six high-ranking gods, nearly a hundred lower gods, and three hundred **** masters.

Such a powerful force, not to mention killing Ji Tianxing alone, even if it destroys sects like Blood Sword Sect and Blood Sword Sect, it is more than enough!

Before entering Westwind Town, Ji Tianxing felt the murderous intention of the five princes!

But he has no choice. Knowing that Westwind Town is an abyss, he can only step into it!

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