Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3021: Too hateful


White light flashed, Ji Tianxing fell from the sky and landed in Westwind Town.

The three hundred masters of the gods around him gathered their eyes and spiritual knowledge on him.

Everyone sneered, and their eyes were full of playful killing intent.

Even the nearly a hundred lower gods outside the palace found that Ji Tianxing had arrived, and they looked at him with divine consciousness.

Ji Tianxing walked towards the palace without changing his face, ignoring everyone's reaction.

After a hundred breaths, he came to the gate of the palace.

The lower gods guarding outside the palace all looked at him in unison.

Many people held their swords quietly, showing their guard and fear.

No way, they heard about Ji Tianxing's fame and record many times, and were very afraid of Ji Tianxing.

Some of the lower gods sneered with smirk, joking expressions, and even whispered discussions.

"It turns out that he is Tianxing? Nothing special!"

"Haha...I heard that he was cruel, strong, and a ruthless character who can't be offended, but now he seems to be nothing."

"No matter how powerful a character is, when you meet our master, don't you obediently surrender and lead to death?"

"Hehe...I know that this is his tomb, and dare to come alone. I really admire his fearlessness."

"This guy's brain is flooded! Isn't it that his daughter was arrested? Just have another wife with his wife, why bother to take his own life?"

"So, no matter how powerful the strong are, they have weaknesses and flaws, and we are still strong!"

The crowd was talking in low voices, looking at Ji Tianxing with complicated expressions.

Ji Tianxing did not squint, ignored the many lower gods, and stepped into the hall.

The hall is very wide. Although old, it is clean and spotless.

There are jewel lights embedded on the surrounding walls, emitting a bright divine light, and the main hall is particularly bright.

When Ji Tianxing walked into the main hall, he saw a magnificent throne studded with precious stones.

A thin young man wearing a golden python robe and a dark gold crown sat on the throne.

This person is quite handsome, with a pale face as paper, and his hands and ten fingers are slender and clean. He looks quite gentle and elegant.

But it is a pity that his eyes ruined his temperament.

Eyes are as narrow as willow leaves, pointing diagonally upward at the sideburns.

Even under normal circumstances, it seemed to be squinting, making him look somber and cold.

He is by no means an upright person!

At a glance, this person is the five princes with the lowest profile and forbearance!

On his left hand, two gods and powerful men in blue and purple robes were standing by the throne.

On the right side stood three high-ranking gods, two of whom were middle-aged gods.

The strongest is the white-haired old man in a black robe.

When Ji Tianxing looked at the five princes and others, everyone's eyes also gathered on him, looking at him with interest.

"Haha...Knowing that this is the place of burial chosen by this king for you, I came here without hesitation.

Tianxing, this king really admires your courage! "

The fifth prince looked down at Ji Tianxing condescendingly, squeezing the clean and needless chin with his right hand, and said with a smile.

"How? At this moment, how do you feel in your heart?"

Ji Tianxing looked at him blankly, and said in a deep voice, "I have arrived on time, where is my daughter Wushuang?"

The corner of the fifth prince's mouth raised a sneer, and said: "What's the hurry? Your daughter is fine, this king doesn't bother to deal with a child."

"But you have done it." Ji Tianxing said coldly.

A flash of shame flashed in the eyes of the fifth prince, but he immediately concealed it.

He quickly turned the subject off, sneered and said, "From the day you offended and became enemies with this king, you are doomed to end today!

Although, during this period, the king lost several times.

But that's because this king has never put you in his eyes and despised you.

Now that this king takes you as his opponent, you must be honored to lay such a big battle in order to kill you? "

Ji Tianxing said indifferently: "You think you are noble and you disdain me as your opponent.

But the result is that you have repeatedly failed in front of me, and even your most loyal running dog, Blood Sword Sect, have been dealt with by me.

Such a tragic frustration has caused you to suffer heavy losses and lose face, and become the laughing stock of the entire kingdom of God.

Therefore, at any cost, you have gathered so many powerful people to deal with me, just want to be ashamed.

Now the more proud you are and the more you want to vent your anger and resentment, the more you can prove how miserable and embarrassing you were! "


The fifth prince hated him for a long time, and regarded him as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh.

It was hard to set up this game and lead Ji Tianxing to Xifeng Town. How could he be willing to kill him?

That's too uncomfortable!

He would humiliate and torture Ji Tianxing severely.

When his anger disappears, he will completely kill Ji Tianxing.


Ji Tianxing had already understood the thoughts and thoughts of the five princes.

These words were merciless and exposed the fig leaf of the five princes in public.

The fifth prince burst into anger again, his hands trembled and the corners of his eyes twitched.

However, he had the chance to win and claimed to be a winner, and soon suppressed his anger.

"Hehe...no wonder you make enemies everywhere, so hateful!"

The fifth prince grinned and made no secret of the murderous expression on his face.

"Say one more word with such a humble thing as you is a blasphemy against this king!"

Ji Tianxing said indifferently, "Some people have a pustule besides gold and jade.

But the nobility and extraordinaryness of some people is beyond your imagination! "

The five princes were furious again ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with creaking fists, blue veins on his forehead, and almost couldn't help but do it.

Too disgusting, too his|Mom annoying!

The blue-robed **** next to the throne immediately yelled: "The little beast is mad! Your daughter is in our hands, and now you are also a prisoner!

Don't forget your situation, the life and death of you and your daughter are all held in the hands of His Royal Highness.

If you want your daughter to live, just kneel down and beg for mercy! "

When the fifth prince heard these words, his anger diminished.

"Come on, bring that little girl up!"

Following his order, the stone door in the corner of the hall opened.

Two lower gods wearing silver armors escorted Ji Wushuang into the hall.

As soon as Ji Wushuang appeared, Ji Tianxing looked at her with concern and checked her situation.

Fortunately, she was not harmed or tortured, her delicate bun and clothes were neat and tidy, and she was in a clear mental state.

It's just that she was bound by a dark golden rope, her arms folded behind her back.

Not only was it inconvenient to move, her magical power was also sealed, and she couldn't fly or display magical powers.

But anyway, seeing her safe and sound, Ji Tianxing was completely relieved.

The two gods held Wushuang and walked to the throne of the five princes.

The fifth prince took out a dagger glowing with green light, and said with a sneer: "I really didn't expect that a humble race and blood like you could give birth to such a delicate and lovely daughter.

But this prince hates perfect things the most. If you swipe a few stabs on this pretty little face, you should be very relieved, right? "

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