Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3037: Only him in the eyes


Really red sits cross-legged, practicing exercises with his eyes closed.

She burst into golden light all over her body, exuding sacred dragon breath fluctuations.

The dazzling golden light is boiling and surging, condensing the scene of nine golden dragons flying around.

Such a splendid scene is precisely the light and shadow of her divine Dao foundation condensing and breaking through the four levels of the gods.

She suppressed the surprise and excitement, and tried her best to keep calm, and her luck had a solid foundation and supernatural power.

This breakthrough made her a middle-ranked god. Not only did her strength advance by leaps and bounds, she also changed her way.

After successfully awakening the Dragon God's blood, her divine way practice will be a smooth journey in the future!

Moreover, as far as she can go on the path of the gods and what peaks she can climb, there are unlimited possibilities!

Real Nirvana rebirth, reborn!

As for the white dragon... 90% of the divine power and soul power were spent, and 18 dragon clan skills were spent.

He was already pale as paper, sweating profusely, lying on the ground like a lump of mud, breathing out of breath.

"Ah... I feel like my body is hollowed out!"

Even if you are so tired, don't forget to skin it.

He blinked at Ji Tianxing, and said weakly, "Master, are you filial enough?

For your ‘good luck’, the disciples have made such a big sacrifice!

If you don't arrange a few beautiful female dragons for your disciples in the future, I'm sorry for your pains! "

Ji Tianxing glared at him angrily, "Shut up, you, go back to the tower of God and take care of it!"

After finishing speaking, he manipulated the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers to collect the white dragon into the twisted time and space.

After thinking for a while, he took out a lot of Jun-level God Pills and Origin Stones, and threw them to Bai Long's side to show comfort and reward.

Afterwards, he quietly left the secret room.

Zhen Hong stayed in the secret room and continued to exercise energy and adjust the interest rate to stabilize the foundation.


Two hours later, it was dawn.

A new day is here.

Ji Tianxing was resting in the room, and the guard outside the door reported that the third prince was visiting.

So Ji Tianxing got up and went to the study to meet with the third prince.

The two greeted each other, and then took their seats.

The third prince smiled and said: "Sir Tianxing, the ceremony of the blood of the gods is about to be held, how are you preparing?"

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said, "Of course there is no problem, you can join the war at any time."

The third prince waved his hand and said with a light smile: "That's not necessary, this year's Divine Blood Ceremony is organized by this king.

Today is the first day, there will be grand ceremonies and ceremonies, it took a long time to start the competition.

Moreover, the first day of the arena competition was just to decide to win the top 30.

This king has arranged for you a long time ago. You don't need to participate in today's competition, and you will directly enter the top 30.

Wait until tomorrow morning, it will be your time to flex your muscles and suppress the Quartet. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "Three Princes, I still have something to ask you."

"Just tell me if you have anything." The third prince nodded readily.

Ji Tianxing asked, "For those who participated in the ring competition, the registration ended yesterday, right?"

The third prince nodded and introduced: "That's right! The conditions for registration are within a thousand years of age, and the strength reaches the gods.

There are not many people who meet this requirement, all of them are famous geniuses.

There are no more than 500 people in the entire kingdom of God, right?

As of yesterday evening, a total of 181 people had signed up. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Can you please help me to add the name of the real red girl?"

"Huh?" The third prince suddenly frowned, and said with a stunned face: "True Red also wants to participate in the ring competition? Is this... her intention, or your decision?"

Ji Tianxing didn't answer, but raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is there any problem?"

The third prince spread his hands and said with a calm expression: "Although True Red meets the requirements for registration, it can be regarded as an outstanding genius.

But every time in the arena, those geniuses who can enter the top ten are all middle-ranked gods!

Even if she participates, it is impossible for her to enter the top ten, and she will be seriously injured.

This is meaningless and will affect the normal affairs of Changfeng Academy. "

Ji Tianxing smiled lightly and said, "Just last night, she had broken through the fourth stage and became a middle-ranked god."

"Huh?" The third prince was shocked, showing an unbelievable expression on his face.

"How is this possible? She... didn't she just get seriously injured, didn't she even recover from the injury?

How could it break through to the fourth realm overnight? "

Ji Tianxing was about to explain the whole story.

At this time, the voice of the guard came from outside the door.

"Prince Tianxing, the true red god, please see you."

Ji Tianxing looked at the third prince and smiled and said, "Since she is here, you should watch it yourself."

As his voice fell, True Red, wearing a crimson armor, stepped into the study.

When crossing the study door, she had to bend down and lower her head to avoid hitting the door rail.

After all, this gate was designed for the Protoss and is only one foot high.

And Zhenhong's height has reached one and a half feet!

When she entered the study room, sitting Ji Tianxing and the third prince felt a sense of oppression.

After all, she is not only tall and slender, but also very curvy.

In particular, the proportion of the legs reaches 60% of the whole body.

Although, she was covered by the crimson armor, only exposed above her shoulders.

But her face is more beautiful, her facial features have a kind of perseverance and heroism, and her temperament has become more special and charming.

And ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the short golden dragon horn on her forehead also looked a little cute.

The third prince was dumbfounded on the spot.

Staring straight at Zhen Hong, he stood up and was shocked.

"You...you...you are really red??"

The third prince pointed at her and asked in shock, stuttering.

No matter how calm and sophisticated he was, he couldn't bear such a big impact.

I haven't seen it in just one short time, and really red has become like this?

He couldn't accept it.

Zhen Hong was also taken aback, and then bowed to him, "See the Lord for Zhen Hong."

Then, she looked at Ji Tianxing again, bowed deeply, and said sincerely: "The reincarnation of the son is truly red in my heart and will never be forgotten!"

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and asked, "The foundation is firmly established? Can I still adapt?"

Zhen Hong quickly replied, "Don't worry, son, after two hours of conditioning, I can control it freely.

Now this reborn feeling is really wonderful. "

"That's very good." Ji Tianxing said with a gratified expression: "I have said to the third prince just now, add your name and participate in the ceremony of the blood of God, what do you think?"

Zhen Hong froze for a moment, and immediately showed grateful eyes, nodded quickly and said: "Thank you, son, for your support, everything is up to you!

Zhenhong also wants to give it a try. How far is there between me and the top ten talents? "

The third prince stared blankly at the question and answer between them, his expression was a little subtle, and he even felt a little absurd in his heart.

"How come they are like masters and servants?

It seems that he is the only one in the red eyes, treating him as the master?

Obviously this king is her master! "


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