Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3038: Ceremony begins

All along, Zhenhong absolutely obeyed orders.

Simple, kind, courageous and persevering.

The third prince could not understand, it was only a few days, how could Ji Tianxing capture the true red heart?

Yuji Tianxing was present, and his true master seemed superfluous.

So embarrassing!

Could it be that...Zhenhong became like this now, becoming a middle-ranked god, all thanks to Ji Tianxing?

Thinking of this, the third prince was even more shocked, only feeling incredible.

"Master Tianxing, you... how did you do it?"

He stared at Ji Tianxing scorchingly, his eyes full of wonder.

Ji Tianxing said indifferently: "This is what she really looked like, but she hasn't awakened.

What I did was just push her to help her wake up as soon as possible. "

Although he said lightly, the three princes knew how amazing this was.

He saved Zhenhong and devoted himself to cultivation for hundreds of years, but he didn't see the problem with Zhenhong's blood.

As a result, Ji Tianxing only came for a few days and helped Zhenhong wake up.

This is the real powerhouse!


After holding back for a long time, the third prince can only use these two words to describe Ji Tianxing.

The distinguished and elegant prince said such vulgar words.

One can imagine how much impact this incident had on him.

After calming his mind, the third prince said with expectation: "Since the son has helped a real red and gave her such a chance, then she will surely be able to fly into the sky in this competition!

Let's go, let's go to the ceremony together.

This king will add Zhenhong's name to see how amazing her performance is! "

The three of them no longer wasted time, and hurriedly left the study and walked out.

At the gate of Changfengyuan, the third prince's chariot was already waiting.

Eight white-winged sky horses are pulling a large, luxurious carriage, accompanied by hundreds of people in the honor guard.

The three princes, Ji Tianxing, Zhenhong and others boarded the chariots in turn and drove toward the city square.

Passing several wide streets along the way, the streets are very lively and crowded.

There were crowds of people everywhere, and the Protoss of different shapes were standing next to each other.

I don't know how many people and gods converged into a raging tide, rushing toward the square in the city.

The road was difficult to travel, and the eight horses flew into the sky with their carts.

In a short while, the chariot arrived above the city square.

Two days ago, the venue on the square was set up.

At this moment, the square with a radius of tens of miles was also full of people.

At a glance, it looked like an endless tide.

There is an open space around the square, and ordinary people and protoss can only watch the ceremony on the ground.

In the center of the square, an arena with a radius of ten miles was built, and it was shrouded in sky blue light.

Right above the ring, there is a ceremonial table with a radius of thousands of feet, which is sacred and solemn.

Hundreds of guards guarded the ring and the ceremony table.

In a circle around the square, there are also tens of thousands of guards armed with armor and swords, standing like statues.

The presence of the Janissaries is like an invisible shackle, making everyone behave properly and never dare to cause trouble.

Around the ceremony platform, there are also four suspended viewing platforms in four directions, southeast, northwest and northwest.

The viewing platform is large and comfortable and can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Only the relatives of the emperor, the high-ranking wealthy and powerful, and the well-known powerhouses are qualified to sit on the stage and watch the ceremony.

When the third prince's chariot arrived, there was a burst of cheers and discussions in the square.

After all, the second prince and the third prince have fought for many years.

Both of them tried their best to create a glorious image in the court and the people, and they have a large number of supporters.

The car flew to the observatory in the north and stopped, and the three princes and Ji Tianxing walked out one by one.

When they saw Ji Tianxing and Zhenhong, no hundreds of surnames, protoss, and nobles all cast curious eyes.

The vast majority of people don't know Ji Tianxing, nor can they recognize Real Red who has just completed her transformation.

Everyone wondered, who are these two people, and how could they follow the third prince?

Is it an invisible noble child?

Or is it a large sect or aristocratic disciple who is not born?

Or is it the newly recruited genius of the three princes?

After everyone was seated, the car left the field.

The viewing platform is in the best location, overlooking the audience, and the ceremony platform and the arena can be seen most clearly.

Only the relatives of the emperor and the important ministers of the country are qualified to sit here.

The second prince and the people under his command had already been seated at the viewing platform.

There were hundreds of people, seated around the second prince, and they were talking in a low voice.

Seeing the third prince coming, the second prince kept his eyes open.

But he nodded to Ji Tianxing, and greeted him insignificantly.

At this time, the viewing platforms in the east, west, and south directions were already full of people, and there were not many places left.

The third prince first found the chief official in charge of the ceremony, and quietly added the name of Zhenhong.

Then, seeing that the time was almost up, he got up and flew to the ceremony table.

The second prince and several princesses, as well as the idle princes of the older generation, followed the ceremony stage.

There are more than twenty people, all of whom are direct descendants of the Duanmu family and the most honorable royal family kinsmen.

Everyone was dressed in costumes, with dignified and solemn manners, and lined up on the ceremony stage.

Then, as the host of the ceremony, the three princes began to read the scriptures and edicts.

The content of this series is not only cumbersome and long ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but also obscure.

But the general meaning is nothing more than stating the meaning of the Divine Blood Ceremony, allowing the people to remember the deeds of the martyrs and so on.

Ji Tianxing listened absent-mindedly, glanced over the many royal family members, and found something interesting.

The fifth prince didn't even attend today's ceremony.

"Haha... it seems that the kid's injury is too serious, and the poison has not been cleared.

And he had two legs scrapped by me, his image is too embarrassing, not suitable for this kind of occasion.

If this is the case, will the monarch still canonize a prince with abolished legs and no power, as the prince of the kingdom of God? "

This thought flashed in his mind, and Ji Tianxing's mouth evoked a playful smile.

Subconsciously turning his head and looking around, he saw a familiar face in the center of the east observatory.

As always, the black golden silk robe, the luxurious golden crown, the white and handsome face.

It is Prince Lien!

When he looked at Prince Lien, even the prince felt a little bit and looked at him with sorrowful eyes.

With eyes facing each other, both of them looked cold and sharp.

The hostility and murder in his gaze made everyone around him chill and could not help shaking.

Zhen Hong was next to him, noticed the abnormality, and glanced at Prince Lian suspiciously.

Fu lowered his head again, and the voice transmission asked Ji Tianxing: "My son, what's wrong with you? Is that person... your enemy?"

Ji Tianxing retracted his gaze and nodded indifferently.

Zhen Hong pursed her lips, and said in a firm voice: "The son takes care of the overall situation, and bear with him for a while.

After the ceremony of the blood of the gods, Zhen Hong will definitely help you eradicate the enemy..."

Ji Tianxing showed a look of surprise, and asked with a light smile: "Do you know who that person is?"


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