Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3042: Even the Prince's Sniper

time flies.

At dusk, it was finally the turn of Real Red to compete.

The young geniuses who can enter the second round of the competition are basically the middle-ranked gods.

Occasionally, there are a few lower gods who are also the pinnacles of the triple realm, and they have mastered special secret skills.

Real red's luck is not so good.

Her opponent was stronger than Tang Yue, not only had her strength reached the pinnacle of the fourth stage of the gods, she had also mastered several powerful magical skills.

Moreover, this mediocre young man was the confidant of the Five Princes.

The two competed in the ring, and the young man showed no mercy and went all out as soon as he shot.

However, the outcome is long predestined.

Zhen Hong once again used all his strength and used that trick Long Shadow Palm!

The golden dragon claws blasted all over the sky, releasing the power of destroying the world.

The divine magic light and shadow cast by the opponent, and the divine laws released, all fell apart under the dragon's claws.

Accompanied by the loud noise of the ‘boom boom boom’, the young man’s supernatural powers were defeated and the man flew back.

However, his injury was not as miserable as Tang Yue.

After landing, he spits out a **** arrow and can continue to fight.

Seeing this scene, Zhen Hong had to resort to the second trick of the dragon clan's unique skill.

"Long Xiang Shen Fist!"

As she yelled, her fists fiercely punched out endless golden light, condensing into a giant dragon-like phantom.

This magical secret technique is exactly the same as the Dragon Elephant Fist cast by Ji Tianxing.

The difference is that Zhenhong's Longxiang Shenquan cannot be compared with Ji Tianxing.

It looks the same on the surface, but its power is ten times worse!

However, it was more than enough to defeat that young man.


In the loud noise, the young man's supernatural powers were defeated.

He was blown out again, rolling and hitting the edge of the ring.

Had it not been blocked by the blue sky cover, he would have been blasted into the square long ago.

This time, he lay on the ground and spurted blood from Qiqiao, grunting in pain, and quickly announced his defeat.

Fortunately, he gave in in time.

Zhenhong has accumulated all his energy again and is ready for the next trick.

If he is a moment later, he will be beaten into meat sauce by the real red.

Real Red only used two moves to win easily again.

There was an uproar in the square again, and no one of the hundreds of people exclaimed, but they felt incredible.

The dignitaries and powerful people on the viewing platform also found it unbelievable.

After these two battles, Zhenhong became the most dazzling talented powerhouse in the audience, attracting everyone's attention.

Until the end of the 38 Long Bidou, countless people were still talking about her.

Subsequently, the third prince announced the list of promoted on the spot.

A total of 38 geniuses have advanced and are eligible to participate in the third round of tomorrow's competition.

Tomorrow morning, they will compete with the top 30 geniuses in the ring.

Today's competition is over, and people on the viewing platform have left.

The people on the square are also quickly dispersing.

Just as Ji Tianxing and Zhen Hong were about to get up and leave, he noticed that on the viewing platform to the east, he was staring sharply at him.

The thorns on the back made him very uncomfortable.

He turned his head and looked around, and saw that in the middle of the east observatory, even the prince was staring at him sternly.

And even on the left and right sides of the prince, there were four strong young men.

Three men and one woman, all of them are middle-ranked gods of the fifth and sixth levels, and the brows are full of unruly breath.

The four young geniuses also looked at him and Zhen Hong with cold eyes, and made no secret of their hostility.

Ji Tianxing glanced at the four people, turned around blankly, and left with real red.

On the way back to Changfengyuan.

Ji Tianxing was sitting in the luxurious carriage, and Zhen Hong was standing beside him.

After a moment of silence, Zhen Hong asked, "My son, that young man in black seems to hate you deeply.

The four strong young men beside him also hold strong hostility towards us.

The subordinate guessed that the four of them would also participate in the competition.

Moreover, they should be the same as you in the top 30 by default. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, showing approval, and said: "You have observed carefully and analyzed correctly.

That's right! The young man in black is the Prince Lien, and he came for me.

As for the four young geniuses, they are all elites under his command.

Tomorrow's arena competition, they will definitely attack us.

If you encounter them by then, you must be careful not to take it lightly. "

Zhen Hong nodded to express his understanding, and said with anxiety: "I have heard of the prince's name several times. He seems to be the royal clan of the Great Yan Empire.

Son, how did you get into such a powerful enemy?

The other party hates you so much, should you ask the Lord to come forward and try to mediate? "

The matter about the Fifth Prince and Prince Lien is top secret, of course Zhenhong does not know.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "There is nothing to mediate, and you don't have to worry about it. My Lord has his own countermeasures.

Even the prince playing tricks in the ring contest, there is nothing to worry about, just rely on strength.

What really worries about is what conspiracy he secretly displays after the ceremony of the Divine Blood Ceremony is over. "

After a while, the carriage returned to Changfengyuan.

As soon as Ji Tianxing and Zhenhong got out of the carriage, the guards at the door rushed to report the news.

"Master Qi, Miss Ning has arrived and is waiting for you in the study."

Ji Tianxing was taken aback, then raised his eyebrows, his calm eyes softened a bit.

"Oh, I see."

He nodded, walked into the door with real red, and walked towards the study.

Of course Zhenhong knew that the Miss Ning mentioned by the guard was the niece of Princess Ning, the Miss Ning from Tianxue County.

She was keenly aware that when Ji Tianxing heard the news, his eyes and mood were much relaxed.

Halfway through, Ji Tianxing looked back at her and said, "You are already tired from the two martial arts competitions today. You don't have to follow me anymore, go back and rest.

Tomorrow is the real fierce battle. You can consolidate the foundation tonight. "

Zhenhong nodded subconsciously and said to obey orders.

But she hesitated for a while, the ghost shook her head and said, "Thank you, son, for your concern. I am not tired. It is my duty to serve you."

Ji Tianxing didn't say much ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and just followed her.

Soon, the two arrived in the study.

As soon as I stepped into the study, I saw a beautiful lady with elegant temperament in a light green dress sitting at the desk quietly reading.

Under the warm jewel light, her profile is quite graceful and elegant.

According to the aesthetics of the Kingdom of Blood and Flame, she is definitely a beauty of the country and the city.

"Miss Ning, you are late."

Ji Tianxing walked towards her and said hello with a smile on his face.

Ning Siyuan woke up, quickly put down his books, stood up and bowed, saying, "I have seen Young Master Tianxing."

"Sit down and talk." Ji Tian walked to sit behind the desk and faced Ning Siyuan.

Ning Siyuan glanced at Zhen Hong and asked, "My son, is this your personal maid?"

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