Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3043: All thoughts

Ji Tianxing didn't react much.

Zhenhong heard those four words, but she missed half a beat in her heartbeat, a little embarrassed.

But she didn't say a word, looking forward to Ji Tianxing's answer in the middle of her heart.

However, Ji Tianxing's answer disappointed her.

"What personal maid? Miss Ning laughed." Ji Tianxing shook his head and explained: "She is Zhenhong, the captain of the maid of Changfeng Academy."

"That's it." Ning Siyuan nodded slightly, and it became clear.

Although, she has been to Wangcheng many times before.

But every time she visits her aunt Princess Ning, she lives in the Three Princes' Mansion and has never been to Changfeng Academy.

Therefore, she did not know Zhenhong.

Ji Tianxing seemed to ask unconsciously: "I heard the third prince say that you live in the palace every time you come, why did you come to Changfengyuan? What can I do?"

Ning Siyuan shook his head and said, "I have already visited my aunt, and I live in the palace every time, so it has long been boring.

Since you live in Changfengyuan, of course I want to come here, it is also convenient. "

Ji Tianxing didn't think much, and then asked her about her cultivation status.

Zhen Hong listened silently, and Xiao Jiujiu appeared in her heart: "The son lives here, and Miss Ning also wants to live here. Is it more convenient?

what does that mean? What is convenient for?

Could it be that there is really..."

At this time, Ning Siyuan said: "Thanks to the help of the son, I relieved my pain.

After taking the pill that you gave, my bloodline and talent have made a qualitative leap.

Not long ago, I broke through the realm of God Sovereign, and now my foundation has long been firm.

I have a hunch that I will be promoted to the second level within a year at most. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "You are called thick accumulation of thin hair! Ning's bloodline is the quasi-king bloodline, but due to the existence of Tianshang, it suppresses your talent and potential.

If today's death is lifted, the potential you have accumulated for many years is released, and your strength will inevitably increase explosively. "

Ning Siyuan said again: "It's a pity that I hurriedly hurriedly came a step late.

I just arrived in Wangcheng today, and after visiting my aunt, the arena is almost over. "

Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "It's a pity that if you come a few days earlier, you can still sign up to test your strength."

Ning Siyuan waved his hand quickly and humbled himself: "Don't laugh at me, my son, I will only show my ugliness in public when I participate in the competition with this strength.

This year's ceremony will not be able to catch up, and we can only have a try after fifty years. "

The two of you come and talk with each other, they are all big and small things.

Zhen Hong stood quietly and listened silently for a long time.

Through the dialogue between the two, she gradually understood the relationship between Ji Tianxing and Ning Siyuan.

Only then did she know that Ji Tianxing not only helped her awaken her bloodline, but also helped Ning's bloodline defect to be resolved, and he was also kind to Ning's rebuilding.

This made Zhenhong very shocked, and he thought to himself: "Who is the son? There is such an unpredictable method?

Before, I thought that the son was interested in me, so he deliberately helped me awaken my blood.

Now it seems that I am passionate.

The son has always been upright, good at helping others, and doesn't ask for anything in return.

For us, it is a great opportunity to subvert our lives and reinvent ourselves.

For him, it was a trivial matter to do it casually. "

The more Zhenhong thinks about it, the more he feels that Ji Tianxing is unfathomable and mysterious.

But the more so, the more she felt fortunate that she was lucky to meet Ji Tianxing.

At the same time, she secretly made up her mind to follow Ji Tianxing no matter what.

Even if he wanders around the world with him, it is a great blessing!

Unconsciously, an hour passed.

After Ji Tianxing and Ning Siyuan finished talking, he said goodbye and good night nonsense, ready to go to rest.

Zhen Hong also retreated wisely and went back to her residence to meditate and adjust her breath.


No words for a night.

Changfengyuan is calm and peaceful.

Early the next morning, the sun had just risen.

Zhen Hong finished her meditation practice, and after washing herself, she went to serve Ji Tianxing and got up.

Unexpectedly, she just walked to Ji Tianxing's residence.

I saw Ji Tianxing had finished freshening up, and was having breakfast with Ning Siyuan in the living room leisurely.

"Uh... Miss Ning is even earlier than me?"

Zhenhong paused for a while, and thought to himself: "My son usually doesn't eat, and Changfeng Courtyard has never provided breakfast.

Those early, made so delicate and delicious, could it be that Miss Ning made them by herself?

This...How could Miss Ning perform her duties better than my maid? "

Thinking of this, Zhen Hong's expression was a little cramped, and a little anxiety rose in her heart.

But she herself didn't understand what the source of anxiety was.

At this time, when Ji Tianxing saw her entering the living room, he waved: "True red, come and taste Miss Ning's craftsmanship.

These snacks are made with top-notch ingredients, which can nourish the energy and condense the soul. "

Ning Siyuan also looked at her, looking at her calmly, without speaking.

A wealthy family like the Ning family has deep-rooted concepts of respect and inferiority.

The maid and the servant were not qualified to sit with their master, let alone eat at the same table.

But when Ji Tianxing had spoken, Ning Siyuan would naturally not stop him, but remained silent.

Zhen Hong hurriedly bowed and saluted, and after greeted the two of them, he shied away: "The son and Miss Ning are slow to use, Zhen Hong dare not break the rules, so I will retreat outside."

After speaking, she would bow down and withdraw.

This is the attitude a maid should have.

Ning Siyuan retracted his gaze, stretched out his hand to pinch a piece of cake, and placed it in Ji Tianxing's bowl.

"My son, concentrate on dining, and go to the ring competition later..."

Ji Tianxing didn't answer the conversation. He stretched out his big hand and grabbed Zhen Hong and pulled her to sit down beside him.

"Hurry up, don't waste time."

Zhen Hong was holding his wrist, but he couldn't use any strength and couldn't resist completely.

Even if I sat down, I felt anxious and worried.

Ning Siyuan frowned insignificantly, and gave Ji Tianxing and Zhenhong a deep look.

As smart as her, of course she saw some subtle problems.

But she was calm and ate silently.

This breakfast was spent in an awkward and subtle atmosphere.

A quarter of an hour later.

Ji Tianxing took Ning Siyuan and Zhenhong and left the Changfengyuan in a carriage to the city square.

When the three of them boarded the viewing platform on the north side ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the four viewing platforms were almost there.

In the huge square, nearly a million people of the Protoss race were crowded, and the voices were full.

Before long, the second and third princes arrived.

The two people boarded the ceremony stage and announced that the ring competition would continue.

Next, the draw for the third round of competition began.

There are 68 young talents in this round of competition.

The third prince played out sixty-eight jade slips, flying around the sky, forming a ball of golden light.

The second prince waved his debut, and kept drawing out one pair of jade slips.

Then, he announced the list of matches in turn.

The Red Line played in the seventh game, but Ji Tianxing was in the last game.

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