Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3044: Runaway again

The young geniuses who can enter the third round of the competition are strong without exception.

Most of them are confidants of the second and fifth princes.

True Red's opponent is a certain young strong under the command of the Five Princes.

But Ji Tianxing's opponent is one of the confidants of the second prince, the seed player he has high hopes for.

Originally, the second prince was still thinking that when this young genius entered the top ten, after being baptized by the sacred tree of blood flame, he could focus on his appointment.

But now it seems that his luck is too bad.

When he announced that Ji Tianxing was fighting Lu Kongyan, his heart was dripping with blood, and his face was gloomy.

Needless to think about it, even if he can't beat Ji Tianxing, how could Lu Kongyan be Ji Tianxing's opponent?

It will definitely be rubbed on the ground!

After reading the list of players, the second prince put down the jade slip with a black face.

Glancing at the third prince next to him, and seeing a smile on his mouth and a gloating appearance, the second prince frowned.

"What are you happy about? Lu Kong is not the only confidant genius cultivated by this king."

The third prince said with a smile: "This round of land and air is eliminated, what about the next round? What about the next round?

Hehe... With Tianxing's strength and means, to participate in the arena competition is simply abusive!

It just depends on who is unlucky and will become his stepping stone. "

The second prince twitched his eyes, and said bitterly, "Why did you let him participate in the ring contest? Isn't this unnecessary?

It is not too difficult to directly use your relationship to let him accept a baptism from the sacred tree. "

The third prince retorted with a righteous expression: "Second brother, what you said is wrong. Is this king the kind of person who cheats for personal gains?

Moreover, Young Master Tianxing is upright, confident and proud, how could he be baptized with the sacred tree in that way? "

"Haha..." The second prince rolled his eyes, sneered at him, and stopped talking.

at the same time.

On the northern observatory, Ji Tianxing, Ning Siyuan, and Zhenhong were talking in low voices.

"The young geniuses who participated in this round of competition are all top geniuses in God.

If I am not mistaken, most of these people are the confidants of several princes, secretly cultivated forces. "

"The son can rest assured, the Lord hasn't arranged much.

If there is a genius secretly cultivated by the Lord, I should be able to recognize it. "

"Master Tianxing don't have to worry, just fight with all your strength.

Your goal is to win the championship, and you must eliminate many talents..."

Ji Tianxing sat in the middle, Ning Siyuan sat on the left, and Zhen Hong sat on the right.

The two women were both beautiful women at the allure level, but they hugged Ji Tianxing with a very close attitude.

This has aroused envy and jealousy of countless people, and secretly criticized how many times.

Coincidentally, the second generation son Duan Muxiong was also there.

How could he miss such a grand ceremony of God's Blood?

He came yesterday and watched the game all day.

Moreover, he is a royal family kin, also sitting on the viewing platform in the north.

His position was not far from Ji Tianxing, only three rows away, less than ten feet away.

Therefore, he could clearly see every move of Ji Tianxing, Zhen Hong, and Ning Siyuan.

Even when the three of them talked to each other, the intimate and harmonious look and actions did not escape his eyes.

Duanmuxiong was shown for one day yesterday, watching Ji Tianxing and Zhenhong Qingqing, me and me.

Today is too much.

Not only is there really red, even Ning Siyuan is here.

The two women sandwiched Ji Tianxing and spread dog food all the way.

Duanmuxiong was fidgeting, his face turned blue, his eyes glaring at the three of them fiercely, jealousy burning in his chest.

But the most annoying thing is that the three of Ji Tianxing still do the same, completely ignoring his existence.

For Duan Muxiong, this is a great humiliation!

He had completely lost the thought of watching the battle, his eyes were always fixed on Ji Tianxing, Zhen Hong and Ning Siyuan.

The more angry he is, the more he has to stare at them.

But the more he watched, the more his jealousy heated up.

It didn't take long for Real Red to go on stage to compete.

This time she used three strokes to defeat her opponent.

The audience cheered and thunderous, and she became the focus of the audience.

When she returned to the viewing platform and sat down, Ji Tianxing whispered to her face to face, not knowing what to say.

Zhen Hong nodded her head again and again, as if she was shy, and she seemed to be thinking about something.

Duan Muxiong saw this scene, and his chest suddenly rose and fell with anger, and his eyes were almost red.

"Asshole! Shameless beast!

In broad daylight, with millions of Limin present, he didn't care about any shame in the slightest. He talked to Zhenhong Qingqing.

Ning Siyuan, Ning Siyuan, are you blind?

The two of them are by your side, making each other in front of you, how can you bear it? "

Duanmuxiong was full of grief and anger, and roared furiously inside.

He really couldn't understand that Ji Tianxing and He Dehe Neng had won the favor of Ning Siyuan and Zhenhong!

The most bizarre thing is that the two women accompanied him at the same time, and they were in peace.

This kind of blessing of the Qi people is something Duanmuxiong dare not dream of!

But Ji Tianxing did it!

His jealousy and hatred towards Ji Tianxing reached an unstoppable level.

At this time, an aristocratic young man beside him noticed that he was emotionally disturbed and couldn't help but ask: "Second generation son, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling well?"

The aristocratic youth wears a white robe, holds a folding fan, and looks like a handsome boy.

This person's name is Zheluo, the son of the great general of Zhennan, and the top nobleman in the king's city. He is very close to Duanmuxiong.

Duan Muxiong quickly suppressed his anger, forcibly remained calm, and said: "It's nothing, just watching them are better than fighting, I can't help but boil with blood."

Zheluo whispered secretly and said with a smile, "Really? Isn't it true that I saw the nameless man sitting on two beautiful ladies, so resented?"

Duanmuxiong was taken aback, turned his head and glanced at him, and asked, "Brother Zheluo feels the same way?"

"Of course!" Zheluo habitually shook the fan, and said with emotion: "Ah...a noble and talented gentleman like you and me, unexpectedly did not get the favor of the beautiful woman.

On the contrary, it is those despicable rascals~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know what dirty and nasty means they used to take the beauty of the beautiful woman.

What is going on in this world?

Are we too pure and shameless enough? "

Duan Muxiong nodded in sympathy, and said angrily: "Yes! We all blame us for being too gentlemen, but we are subject to many constraints.

And those **** with humble backgrounds and dirty methods can do everything they can to please their beautiful women.

The most ridiculous thing is that he has to flatter and please the beautiful to be qualified to do this.

Otherwise, he will be like those untouchables, crowded with millions of people in the square, looking up at us like a toad! "

Zheluo heard his hatred and looked at Ji Tianxing trio with playful eyes.

Then, he raised his eyebrows at Duanmuxiong, and the voice transmission urged: "Since you hate him so much, why not kill him? Watch him dangling in front of you?"

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