Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3048: Blood Rage

This battle is a battle to determine fate.

If you win, you can enter the top nine and get the baptism of the blood flame **** tree.

The Yanlang youth is a foreign race, unable to become the rich and powerful of the blood and flame kingdom.

Naturally, he can't get too many resources for cultivation, and it's hard to get ahead.

Therefore, he pinned all his hopes in this ceremony.

It is precisely because of this that he risked burning his blood and fought hard.

Fortunately, he successfully broke through the Sixth Realm.

Such a tenacious will, and the chilling wolfishness, made Wubai cried out in exclamation.

When he succeeded in breaking through, everyone was boiling, and there were earth-shattering cheers and shouts.

Even the powerful and powerful on the four viewing platforms admired the young Yanlang with admiration.

Real red is under great pressure.

Even the confidence was somewhat shaken.

The young Yanlang became more fierce, and rushed over and forced her to retreat.

When she felt helpless, she turned her head subconsciously and glanced at Ji Tianxing on the viewing platform.

She wanted to know what Ji Tianxing's reaction and expression was.

If Ji Tianxing signaled her to surrender, she would rather give up the baptism of the sacred tree, and would immediately surrender.

If Ji Tianxing supports her to continue fighting, even if she is severely injured and unconscious, she will never surrender.

When she looked at Ji Tianxing, she saw a smiling face with serious and focused eyes.

"The son has never been interested in watching the game, but he has watched the process of my fight very seriously!

Even if I lose, I can't let him down! "

This thought flashed through Zhen Hong's mind, and he was immediately refreshed and full of fighting spirit.

At this time, she saw Ji Tianxing's lips and moved silently.

That is lip language.

She understood immediately, Ji Tianxing said four words.

"Raging against the blood!"

The red body was shocked, and his heart was filled with surprise and disbelief.

"The son actually asked me to use that sign?"

Anti-blood violent, is one of the last few tricks of the eighteen dragons' unique skills.

After the cast, the blood flow reversed, making itself into a violent state.

Not only will the appearance change astonishingly, the combat effectiveness will also increase fivefold!

Only Shenlong and Dragonblood Protoss can perform such a powerful supernatural skill.

After all, the blood of the ordinary Protoss is going against the flow, and it is bound to go crazy, blew or burned its body on the spot.

Only the dragon race with the incomparable flesh can display this kind of self-harming supernatural power.

"Don't you teach me, let me try not to expose too many cards?"

Zhen Hong resisted the fierce attack of the Yanlang youth, trying to figure it out.

"Is the prince confident that as long as I use the blood rebellious and violent supernatural powers, I can defeat the opponent?

Can only reveal one hole card, but can cover more hole cards?

I understand! "

After understanding Ji Tianxing's intentions, Zhen Hong didn't hesitate anymore and immediately used blood rebellion.


She suddenly let out a low roar, and the golden flames ignited all over her body, bursting out with a violent aura.

Afterwards, nearly a million protoss witnessed her amazing changes in the raging golden flames.

The tall and vigorous body swelled violently, and it expanded to a hundred feet high in the blink of an eye.

She is as big as a mountain, and looks roughly the same as before.

She still looked like a dragon goddess warrior, but she was even more wild and violent.

She was covered with golden dragon scales, like a layer of natural golden armor.

The arms and legs have uplifted and smooth muscle lines, which are not only full of strength, but also a wild beauty.

A golden dragon horn of more than three feet long grew out of his head, his face was also covered by golden dragon scales, only a pair of blood-red eyes were exposed.

Under the coccyx, a trigeminal dragon's tail that was twenty feet long emerged.

The hands covered with dragon scales have also become sharp dragon claws!

This is not only the appearance of the Dragon God clan after the violent rage, but also the strongest state of true red.

She stood in the sky, looking down at the small Yanlang youth, bursting out with a soaring dragon power and fighting spirit.


With a dragon chant that pierced the golden cracked stone, she swooped down like a meteor and rushed towards the young Yanlang.

Yanlang youth had long been shocked by her violent state, her pupils tightened, and her heart was vigilant.

At this moment, she was suppressed by her violent aura again, her own fighting spirit declined a bit, and her aura became much weaker.

"Sirius changed!"

At the critical juncture, the Yanlang youth also no longer retained it, and used his trump card stunt.

He ignited the flame wolf bloodline again, and turned into a crimson flame wolf with a height of 100 meters, rushing forward to the real red.

In the next instant, the two giants collided, and both erupted with the strongest power.


The loud noise that shook the sky and the earth burst out in the ring, shaking the sky.

The golden and crimson light mixed, burst out, flooding the ring.

The ring shook violently, and the sky-blue shield fluctuated.

Even in the huge square, the ground was trembling, shaking the hundreds of people.

But everyone didn't feel dangerous, the excitement was boiling, cheering and shouting forgotten.

After all, this is the most exciting and passionate battle in this year's Divine Blood Ceremony!

Regardless of the outcome, Zhenhong and Yanlang youth are both famous in the royal city and are remembered by millions of gods.

After a long time.

The colorful light gradually dissipated.

Ching Ming was restored in the arena, and the outcome was divided.

True red stood in the sky intact, with golden light flashing all over, like a goddess of war...

No, it should be the Golden Dragon Girl God of War to be exact.

She looked calm, her eyes were neither sad nor happy, and she stared at the ground without focus.

"Is this the Dragon God's bloodline, the ultimate power after madness?

This is what the son said, is it a violent state that even I would be afraid of? "

She muttered to herself.

Although it was a question, the tone was firm and there was no doubt.

She closed her eyes and muttered to herself: "Sure enough! The son never lied to me, this is the feeling of ultimate strength, so good!"

this moment.

Zhenhong finally realized his own strength clearly and experienced the feeling of being a strong one.

The mentality has also quietly changed and grown.

From the past, the captain of the maid, who was obedient and humbled herself, finally became the descendant of the Dragon God tribe.

I have self-confidence, a desire for strong power, and a vision for the future.

she knows,

From this moment on, she is no longer ordinary!

Yanlang Youth's fate was a bit miserable.

There are more than 20 wounds all over the body, and bones are deeply visible.

Lying on the ring covered in blood, he couldn't help but twitching, and his mouth groaned in pain.

He has already lost ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The physical pain is far less than the disappointment and pain in his heart.

"Why? Why did I meet her?"

His eyes were muttering blankly, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

Originally, he could make a breakthrough in the arena and reach the sixth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

This is already a miracle that shocked the city.

He must be able to defeat his opponents, enter the top nine smoothly, and get the chance to be baptized by the **** tree.

Everything is so beautiful.

From then on, his destiny went upstream and became the genius and powerhouse everyone looked up to.

But unfortunately, that is a dream after all.

Now, the dream is broken.

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