Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3049: 1 punch invincible

Between Zhen Hong and Yanlang Youth, they are not enemies.

It's just fate that makes them rivals.

Even if the winner is divided, there is no enmity.

Yanlang Youth looked up at her, and said hoarsely and dryly: "You have won!"

Zhen Hong relieved his violent state, returned to his normal appearance, and landed not far in front of him.

She looked at the Yanlang youth calmly, and said: "You are also very strong, and it is also a chance to break through the ring on the spot.

Although you lost to me, you still have a chance to fight for the tenth place. "

The Yanlang youth was taken aback, and said with a wry smile: "Eight defeated, take the only place?"

True red said blankly: "My benefactor taught me that if I want to be a real strong, I don't know how many times in my life I have to go through the test of one in ten thousand.

If you don't dare to fight for the opportunity of one out of eight, you don't deserve to be a strong one. "

Yanlang youth was taken aback again, and immediately showed shameful eyes, nodded and said: "You are right, thanks for your advice!

In addition, thank you for your kindness! "

After speaking, he stood up forcibly supporting his injury, bowed his hand to Zhenhong, turned and left the ring.

Although he was defeated and left the field, his waist was straight, and his confidence and determination reappeared.


Although the confrontation between Zhenhong and Yanlang Youth was the most exciting and passionate battle since the beginning of the ceremony.

Nearly a million people of the Protoss have been talking excitedly for a long time.

But soon, as the wonderful battles were staged after another, everyone's attention was diverted.

Sixth battle.

A white-haired youth named Ye Ning died on stage.

He is one of the four geniuses under the command of the Prince even Ji Tianxing has followed.

This body is lean, dressed in dark leather armor, and has short white hair all over his head.

His face is cold, his breath is dark, and his eyes are as frightening as snakes.

After taking the stage, he stared at the northern observatory with gloomy eyes, staring directly at Ji Tianxing.

When Ji Tianxing flew into the ring, a sneer sneered from the corner of his mouth.

"Haha... My luck is quite good, much better than those three guys.

The task of sniping you will ultimately be completed by the Lord! "

Ye Ning said in a cold voice, quite proud.

"Boy, do you know?

It is your greatest honor to be regarded as an opponent by the Lord.

As long as I beat you down in the ring, I will be rewarded by the lord, worth billions of resources and treasures.

I really want to thank you so much! "

While talking, Ye Ningwang stretched out his hands, his palm flashed with black light, and two black machete appeared.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "You are indeed lucky. Among the four running dogs, the first one was defeated by this monarch.

Of course, cannon fodder like you is not worthy of being your opponent.

Being able to be defeated by the Lord is also the most glorious experience in your life. "

His tone is relaxed and casual, without any bluff, just stating a fact.

Ye Ning died but was greatly humiliated, frowned fiercely, and the murderous intent of the yin bird flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

A sneer evoked at the corner of Ji Tianxing's mouth, and he said in a calm tone: "Did not even the prince tell you about the Westwind Town?"

In the battle of Westwind Town, he severely injured the five princes and beheaded dozens of gods.

Including several high-ranking gods!

When Ye Ning died knowing this, he couldn't be so confident at this moment.

Sure enough, Ye Ning frowned fiercely and asked suspiciously: "What Westwind Town? What did you do?"

Ji Tianxing laughed blankly, looked at him with pity in his eyes, and said, "Little guy, you must have offended Prince Lien!"

Ye Ning's death categorically denied: "How is it possible? I am loyal to the lord!"

"Then why did he let you die?" Ji Tianxing sneered.

Ye Ning died no longer able to contain his anger, and shouted: "You are too much nonsense, go to death!"

While roaring, Ye Ning's death waved a pitch-black scimitar with both hands, turning into a cold black light, attacking Ji Tianxing.

His speed is extremely fast, like lightning.

The magical powers he displayed were also very strange, turning the entire arena into a dark night, dark and cold, like a death zone.

In addition, there are hundreds of death blades hidden in the darkness, attacking Ji Tianxing at any time.

He was fully prepared and used all his strength as soon as he shot.

This magic trick is both weird and mysterious, and it is powerful and palpitating.

The countless protoss on the square exclaimed, showing a worried expression.

The dignitaries and powerhouses on the four viewing platforms also looked at Ye Ning's death with admiration, staring at Ji Tianxing intently to see how he resolved it.

But everyone was disappointed.

Ji Tianxing stood still, unmoving.

The expression remained calm, but he slowly raised his right hand.

Still making a fist, blooming golden light, condensing a phantom of a dragon like a mountain.

Then, he fought out with a destructive posture.

The same as the previous moves, except that it is more powerful and contains more power.

Although it's gorgeous, it's boring to read it the second time.


In the next instant, the Dragon Elephant God Fist hit the black streamer, bursting out a loud noise.

Suddenly, the entire arena was flooded with invisible power and shook violently.

The sky blue shield also fluctuated violently, with turbulent waves.

Under the horrified gaze of countless people, the black life full of the ring space instantly collapsed and dissipated.

The black light, which was like death lightning, also burst into fragments in the sky.


Ye Ning's dead figure appeared, and a blood arrow spouted out of her mouth.

The person drew an arc in the air, hit the edge of the ring hard, and made a muffled sound.

With just one punch, he was seriously injured!

He was unwilling and wanted to get up and fight again.

It was found that both arms were broken, both legs were broken into dregs, and the internal organs were all shattered.

Even the meridians and bones in the body were beaten up in a mess, shattered and twisted every inch.

Having suffered so much damage, his body was almost destroyed.

Want to fight again?

Never possible!

Even if he retreats and heals his wounds, it is difficult to heal in every twenty years.

"Do not!!"

Ye Ning died unable to accept such a blow, his eyes were red, and he roared full of grief.


Ji Tianxing stepped out ten miles and appeared in front of him.

Raise his right hand again, make a fist, and burst into golden light...

Ye Ning's death was immediately shocked, and there was a deep look of fear and fear in his eyes.

The other party's meaning is obvious.

If you don't admit defeat, you will get another punch.

With his current situation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ another punch must be finished.

Not only the divine body was blasted into scum, but even the divine personality was severely damaged.

At that time, it will not be something that can be recovered in decades.

Before Ji Tianxing's fist was raised, Ye Ning couldn't wait to die and shouted hoarsely: "Stop! I give up!!"

He was afraid that everyone would not hear, Ji Tianxing pretended not to hear, and punched him out.

That would be a big loss.

Therefore, he shouted loudly.

Ji Tianxing frowned immediately, retracted his fist, and said with contempt: "If you admit defeat, then give up. Why do you shout so loudly?

It is really glorious to be defeated by this monarch, right? "

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